My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 53: Interesting Tests

Chapter 53: Interesting Tests


Chapter 53: Interesting Tests


"Onii- chan" Shouted Alluka while jumping in Yasuo's arms, "I couldn't go to you at all for a month!!" She complained in a spoiled tone, "Sorry, you know how busy I am but you weren't bored, were you?"

She started shaking her head "Not at all, I played all of the games you left for me and downloaded new ones."

Morena who was following closely behind him looked a little bit startled, she didn't expect someone like him to have such interaction with anyone, A gleam of light passed in her eyes, 'Should I use her?'

Suddenly Alluka turned her face looking at Morena with a blank look for a second then turned to Yasuo.

"Oni-can Nanika doesn't like her since she has bad intentions towards you, do you want her dead?" She asked as if it's something normal then looked at Yasuo with a wondering expression just waiting for his permission.

That left Morena stunned, 'Is the whole family like this, a family of monsters, I did some research on the way about the Zoldyck family but there isn't much information available but if all its members are like this then...'

Yasuo started patting Alluka with a look of amusement on his face, "Nah, she is just being mischievous, right?" then he started patting Morena bringing her out of her shock.

She slapped his hand away with annoyance on her face, "Stop treating like that!!" then she started walking towards his house while complaining to herself.

'I've been losing my composure for the entire time coming here! just what's wrong with him treating me like that, can't he just treat me like everyone else does!'

Yasuo entered the room with Alluka in his arm dozing off, Morena is sitting down on the couch with annoyance still on her face until she heard the following making her calm again, "Let's test your natural affinity, bring a cup of water and a leaf,"

That instantly got her interest and she did as told, "Use your 'Ren' on it,"

One thing to note is how peculiar her aura is, mostly transparent with a hint of darkness contaminating it...

She placed her hands around the cup then used 'Ren' outputting her Aura and focused it on the cup.

Slowly, small black impurities started appearing in the water that made Yasuo raise his eyebrows, 'I thought she'd be a specialist more than a conjurer but both were possibilities though the chances for her to be in any other category than those two were too small.'

"That's enough, you are a conjurer, train to produce a more significant effect on the water later, for now, go put your stuff in the room right there, that's your room," Said Yasuo while pointing at a certain room.

Then he went to Alluka's room where he places her on her bed as she fell asleep in his arms then he headed towards his lab with his backpack still on him.

The door to his lab opened once it came into contact with his Nen, then he entered with the door closing behind him, the interior of the lab didn't change much except for more inscriptions on it.

He opened the fridge then drank a few potions and brought one with him heading towards the poison room, he poured that certain potion on the poison pool then put his two daggers in the pool then left the room closing the door behind him.

Yasuo then called Illumi, "Illumi, Is the job I requested done?", "Yes, as you requested, He is heading to your house right now, Just call and hang up and I'll cancel my ability,"

"Thanks, The usual payment?", "Em, I sent an extra one, just give them to him", "Ok, see ya" then he hangs up.

From the fridge, a few potions flew towards him after it opened then he headed outside waiting in front of his house.

He waited for a while until two people walking in his direction appeared within his vision, once they reached him he handed several potions to one of them who went back awkwardly with a blank look.

This is the result of Illumi's ability, 'Needle people' by sticking a special needle imbued with a large amount of aura into the skull of a person and gives an order.

The target of the ability loses all sentience and follows his order until they die trying or from overexertion.

Yasuo returned to the lab with the Needle person following behind him, he signaled for him to sit down which he did since Illumi ordered him to do anything Yasuo wants.

From Yasuo's backpack, two scarlet eyes pairs flew to him with the rest flying into the fridge.

"Hopefully, it could be useful," Then with a gleam of light in his eyes, he created an amplification domain around the head of the person though he sacrificed only twenty meters of his domain.

Suddenly one eye of the said person flew out leaving not a speck of blood nor did the person make any sound.

What Yasuo did is cutting the blood vessels and the optic nerve of the eye with his domain perfectly leaving the person partially eyeless though he used his domain to stop blood flow.

Then he opened one of the scarlet eye's cases picking a scarlet eye that flew to the person's eye socket then he used his domain to again connect the optic nerve and the blood vessels with the new eyes then he allowed the blood to flow.

"Can you see with your left eye?" Asked Yasuo after noting that the eye is still scarlet to which the person blankly shook his head.

'Hmm, with how perfect the transplantation was, he should at least have a blurry vision.

As I thought, even though the scarlet eyes were in a fluid specifically for allowing them to stay functioning to a certain extent keeping the scarlet color but I guess there has been some damage, oh well'

Yasuo started concentrating his Aura on his right hand until he allocated a significant amount of his aura to it, then purple lines started appearing all over his arms before attacking with his right hand towards the person.

Yet he left no damage as his hand went through him with all the aura allocated to his hand disappearing leaving a purple mark on the person's head especially concentrated on his left eye.

'-Violet Rose- M=-1, T=1'

This another use of Yasuo's enhancement Hatsu, if he set the multiplier on a negative number, then the ability will act as a healing ability though a restoring ability is a more fitting description.

Of course, that comes with a few restrictions, the damage needed to heal even a small injury is enormous and Yasuo found across several experiments on other needle people that the damage needed to heal serious Injuries is way too high and it consumes a lot of Nen depending on the level of restoration needed.

The most important thing to note though is that he can only use the -1 multiplier, trying to use a multiplier any lower than that is impossible.

The only change noticeable about the person is him looking healthier but his left eye is still glowing red, "Can you see with your left eye?" Yasuo asked the same question again except this time he got an affirmative answer.

He noticed no change in the person even with his domain and no abnormal activity in the scarlet eye, "Do you feel any different?" The person shook his head.

Yasuo seemed thoughtful for a second before transplanting another scarlet eye to the person's right eye and repeating the same restoration process.

He used his maximum sense sacrificing most of his domain to sense the dark energy within the eyes yet there is still no activity at all and while the person can see clearly with them, there is still no strengthening effect at all and the eyes remained scarlet...


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