My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 28: Floor Master

Chapter 28: Floor Master


Chapter 28: Floor Master


I concentrated leaving my wondering thoughts aside for now, I analyzed every vein my blood goes through which is something I already studied but It couldn't hurt to make sure.

It wasn't for a while before I started my experiment as my heartbeat started getting slower and slower until...It stopped.

My heart stopped beating for about a minute before it started beating again, and as I thought It too hard. if you took all the blood vessels out of an average child and laid them out in one line, the line would stretch over 60,000 miles.

An adult's would be closer to 100,000 miles long, And I wanted to control my blood flow to function normally even after my heart stopped beating.

I repeated the same process several times while keeping enough time between each try as to let my body have enough oxygen.

Usually, a person passes out as soon as their heart stop though it seems that I built a slight resistance.

Most likely because my heart is always beating at a slow rate with less than 30 bpm which is why I can stop my heart for a minute and stay conscious though I become a little bit light-headed by the end of the minute.

I can create enough push to send the blood in circulation around my body but it's not perfect and what I want is perfection so I need quite a bit of training.

I need to be able to function without a heart just in case someday I lose my heart somehow...I'm way more paranoid than I thought.

There is also something I need to perfect, something that can be used by any potential enemy, pattern of behavior is something Meruem used against Netero to get past his defense which could potentially be dangerous to me.

From the smallest muscle twitch to any pattern that I have and my domain will be perfect for fixing that problem.

I stood up while leaving my domain active since the consumption is quite low and it will also allow me to observe how my muscles react when performing certain actions which will allow me to be able to exert 100% of the body's muscular strength, maximizing the capacity.

I also noticed my input is quite big, too big even. That was why I was able to control all of my blood aside from the fact that my body provides minimal resistance.

I know exactly why my input is so big, aside from my training since I was little, the main reason is my compatibility in enhancement which affected my output and also my input.

This is something special about enhancers, their output is so astronomically big they rarely if ever need to create abilities.

Just using their massive output as a weapon is more than enough to surpass the most delicately created abilities of Nen users of other categories.

The prime example of that is none other than Uvogin who can basically create massive craters relying solely on concentrating his Aura on his hands along.

Yasuo of course received that benefit but also received another benefit that made all the difference, the massive increase in his input.

A concept solely created for his domain control because for the ability to work, it needs to consume Nen and it does so through the brain.

Depending on the required task, the necessary amount of Aura will flow into his brain, this is what input basically is.

If the brain can't handle the input then Yasuo won't be able to do the said task else if he pushes that limit too far, his brain will simply explode.

I went ahead and changed my clothes after taking a shower only to notice once I picked up my phone that about 17 days have passed.

I knew a long time passed considering how hungry and uncomfortable I feel but it's much longer than I thought.

Anyway, I went out to a nearby restaurant where I ate as much as I could then went back home to sleep.


Facing me is the floor master of the 247th floor standing at an average height of 174 cm with short brown hair, black eyes, and wearing a black t-shirt and shorts.

He had a serious look on his face as he looked at me while ignoring the loud noise coming from the audience.

He then said, "You should know that I'm one of the top fighters even among the floor masters yet you still challenged me specifically."

"Well, you have an interesting ability and all my previous opponents were too slow so I wanted to see far I can go against someone with a speed-focused ability," I responded to him with a smile on my face with my domain fully released.

He narrowed his eyes as he kept his focus on me while waiting for the commentators to start the match.


He instantly jumped up while letting his Ren out as his aura concentrated on his legs, then his aura started transmuting around his legs Into a pair of long compression springs.

They started compressing in the air and once they got compressed enough, he seemed to disappear only to appear to the left of the ring as the springs compressed again almost instantly sending him at the end of the ring behind me.

He just kept circling around me while observing me and I didn't move as he kept circling while closing the distance, he is a transmuter who transmitted his aura to mimic compression springs.

When you put a load on a compression coil spring, making it shorter, it pushes back against the load and tries to get back to its original length, and he is using the same principle to move with such speed.

The springs seem to be able to push him even in the air which means he must have put a limitation that allowed him to perform this feat.

I am sensing everything in my domain waiting for him to try attacking, I moved to the center of the ring for my domain to envelop every part of it as I waited for him to come close.

Everything he does is within my domain so once he jumped behind me trying to attack me I simply crouched just enough for his punch to pass through, though he instantly jumped in another direction.

A bright smile surfaced on my face, My domain is too useful. I can sense every little movement he does, and I can pretty much predict his next action.

Now I want to see the consumption for controlling another Nen-user. I started concentrating most of my aura on my right hand as a dark sphere-like aura surrounded my hand.

His expression became even more solemn noticing the wild yet calm dark sphere around my hand and he knew he can't allow me to hit him else, it's certain death.

He concentrated more aura on his legs accelerating his jumping speed as he continued to jump around while I didn't move from my place. A calm smile remained on my face.

Then as he attacked from behind me with a speed close to my top speed though he won't be anywhere near it without the compressing springs.

Though this time I jumped evading his attack and as he started compressing the springs to move away.

He suddenly slowed down for a split second which is enough for me, I controlled myself turning around only for my punch to go through him as purple lines appeared on my arms.

[Hatsu -Violet Rose- M=7, T=0.2]

The aura I concentrated on my hand disappeared as it went through him leaving a dark purple mark on his back.

I stopped my control as he started moving again only to vanish as the timer has ended.

I retracted my domain as I noticed blood coming down my nose and a massive headache that barely affected my reasoning and thoughts.

This leads me to note that controlling Nen users is just not worth it as I was only able to slow him down for a split second before my brain couldn't handle it, the input and the consumption are too high.

A gleam of light appeared on my dark eyes as I thought to myself, 'Having 100% in enhancement made so much difference though his defense was weak which made it easier especially since most of his aura was concentrated on his legs.

But It didn't change much as his death was inevitable in a maximum of 2 attacks. The most noticeable difference though is my input, I'm pretty sure if it didn't increase due to the vow, my input would have been able to allow me to even control myself.

I turned around and started leaving the ring not giving the speechless commentators any chance to regain their bearing, 'This is kind of boring, I will just go back Home as for battle Olympia I'm just not that interested.'


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