My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 10: Progress II

Chapter 10: Progress II


Chapter 10: Progress II


My room is quite simple, painted in purple, a big bed, and a table and a chair, that's about it.

I'm now sitting in the chair with a cup of coffee in my hand contemplating a few things.

I need to make a few adjustments to my plans, after all, I made my plans before knowing how talented I'm, but now that I know, many possibilities have been opened up for me.

I also have to constantly make adjustments since my existence is bound to change a few things.

I closed my eyes and continue to comfortably drink my cup of coffee, then I stood up to do my daily training.

It's basically a replica of Netero's training except that it focuses more on my style. I adjusted the anatomy of my hands and fingernails to make them stronger, and sharper.

It's similar to the Claw technique except that I make my whole hand sharper while keeping it flat, I call the technique 'Deadly snake'.

This is my style, using my hands as a weapon to be as deadly as possible and the training is simply to do as many strikes as possible until it's time for the scheduled sleep I had set.

That is a lot considering I only need to sleep for 5 hours. my goal is to make my attacking speed as fast as Netero and possibly faster.

I don't know exactly how fast I am since I'm always wearing weights, even on my arms, but it should be a lot considering the weight of my whole clothing amount to about 4 tons.

The past 3 years have been incredibly fruitful, as I can pretty much withstand about 3,600,000 volts which is the result of me pushing myself and being In the 'Zetsu' state all the time.

Also, I can hold my breath for about 14 minutes though what improved the most is my Nen control.

And If all goes as planned, then my father should start teaching me Nen soon, possibly before heaven's arena.

After all, why would I learn from someone else when I can learn from one of the best, though I remember every training method mentioned in the manga, having someone that experienced teach me will be more beneficial...

Hmm, Also I don't know how old Melody is exactly, so I should wait until canon to meet her since I'm quite interested in what happened to her.

Melody is a Music Hunter. Her life changed as a result of one night of drinking with a friend. Having listened to a single movement of the violin solo part of the Sonata of Darkness she was deformed.

Her friend, who had played the piece, had his entire body severely mutated and died as a result. Subsequently, Melody gained a supernatural hearing, she can hear things as quiet as heartbeats.

Considering that The Sonata of Darkness is a piece of music said to be composed by Satan himself, and that whoever performs or listens to it will be horribly cursed, then I can assume that it's a being from the dark continent.

And if one needs to play its music to activate the curse, then isn't this exactly like Nen?

The curse is its ability or Hatsu, playing the song is the activation condition, and considering the nature of its ability, then it's probably a specialist... it's quite interesting though I'll need a lot of preparation if I want to do in-depth research on it.

The next on my list is none other than Nanika, according to what I know, it's confirmed it's from the dark continent.

I could make use of it though the most I can do is getting information about the dark continent, wishing for power could have some unforeseen consequences.

The power system in this world mostly works on the rule of equivalent exchange, so the question is what's the price and who pays for it? Until I know the answer, asking for anything could potentially be dangerous.

Also, I should get my hands on a few scarlet eyes, they're worth some of my research time. If I transplant them, will the effect stay the same? are Scarlet Eyes directly responsible for the abilities or are just triggered and become red as a mere consequence of activation of these powers?

'So many questions waiting to be answered....' I thought as a smile surfaced on my face...


I'm walking through the hallway to the isolation room, an emotionless expression adorning my face, a weird expression for someone on his way to kill someone, ending someone's life for the first time in his life.

I opened the door to enter the isolation room. What appeared in front of me is a dark room with little to no lights.

But I can see everything clearly, I can see my father standing there with his hands crossed, Next to him and on his knees is a fat middle-aged man with handcuffs keeping his hands together.

Father was giving me a meaningful look with his eyes as he ordered, "Kill him"

I just looked at him with no change of expression on my face nor did I move from my place, "For what price?"

A big smile surfaced on Silva's face with a silver of expectation within, "name your price.."

'I guess he is quite curious about what I would ask since I have only ever shown interest in training.. hmm will he be disappointed? Who I'm I kidding? Of course he won't,'

I thought to myself in amusement with a smile on my face, I said "Let's leave it until I'm done since it'll take quite a while..."

"Sure, do you want to know what he did?" silva asked

"No..", Whether someone is considered bad or not makes no difference for me, using it as an excuse to kill someone will only make me a hypocrite.

What this is a job, a job that's built on the concept of equivalent exchange.

I adjusted the anatomy of my hand to make it sharp capable of slicing steel like butter as I stood over him.

I can see the fear in his eyes while he was trying to speak but all that can be heard is jibberish, incoherent sounds.

The cloth in his mouth was keeping him from saying anything coherent, "mmmmmmmmmm..." All the sound he could make is a mumbling sound that soon disappeared as...


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