My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 90.2

Chapter 90.2

Softshell Turtle Hot Pot

Sizzling, bubbling The pot was humming deliciously.

Well, the pot was a bit small. So I couldn't cook the entire softshell turtle. However I divided the remaining ingredients into individual portions and stored them in the refrigerator so Nina-san could easily prepare them later.

I also cooked rice in the rice cooker, so it's freshly cooked. I made it with plenty of water and slightly soft for the finishing touch of rice porridge, which would be good for Nina-san's sore throat.

"Wow this smells really good!"

Nina-san, who had been resting in bed after drinking ginger tea and softshell turtle fresh blood wine, was lured by the delicious aroma and got up.

But seriously, Nina-san, you have a cold, and your nose isn't stuffy. Lucky you! Whenever I catch a cold, my nose runs like a faucet. I wonder if pretty people don't get runny noses.

"Alright. So you can eat like this without getting out of bed. Let me shift your bedding a bit. So you can lean against the wall, and I'll place the round table on top of your bedding so you can eat like you're in a hospital bed."

"Huh? Wait, what!?"

Nina-san's complexion has improved quite a bit from when I first saw her.

But it's still cold to get out of bed, right? So, by leaning against the wall like this and placing the table so that its legs straddle the bedding there you go, now it's like having a meal on a hospital bed.

"Oh, don't surprise me like that!"

"Oh, sorry. I may have been a bit self-centered. My bad."

"No, it's fine. You were considerate of me, weren't you?"

"Well, yes, but I should have checked. Did it hurt?"

Hmm, damn it. My lack of cooperation and social skills are showing at this time.

"Yeah, it's okay. After resting and having what you gave me, I started to feel better."

"I see, that's good. The softshell turtle hot pot is ready, but do you want to eat?"

"I'm absolutely ready! As soon as I smelled the delicious aroma coming from here, my stomach started growling!"

"Haha, I see."


"Now, please enjoy. Be careful; it's hot."

"Yes, I will. Itadakimasu!"

[(Clatter crackle. Whoooooosh)]

I brought out the individual-sized clay pot that was in Nina-san's room with the softshell turtle hot pot I had prepared in the pot. The main ingredient, of course, was the softshell turtle, and I had also added some leeks, tofu, carrots, and a bit of ginger for flavor and to remove any unwanted odors.

"Wow this looks delicious!"

"Oh yes, it looks incredibly delicious."

I also used regular dishes to enjoy the meal. I had been checking the taste of the soup while cooking, but this was my first time eating softshell turtle meat.

(Nom Nom Nom)

Nina-san blew on the hot softshell turtle meat on her spoon and then took a bite. Her eyes widened in amazement. And those sparkling eyes were filled with delight. Yes, she really seemed to enjoy it.

"Alright, let me have a bite Nom Nom. Oh! What's this!?"

It's delicious! It's so tender and smooth!

The texture is somewhat like the gelatinous parts of boiled fish or the tender pieces of beef tendon in a well-cooked beef curry. But the flavor is closer to chicken. Hmmm, this is really delicious!

"So delicious!"

I can see why this is considered a high-end delicacy. This taste is on par with the special shark fin soup I had at a Chinese restaurant when I treated myself to a fancy spa day recently.

Indeed, Nina-san, who had been suffering from a cold, was now happily eating, sweat glistening on her forehead.

(Softshell turtle, thanks to you! Thanks to you, Nina-san is feeling so much better!)

I also thanked the salt deity. I used my gifted [Salt] skill to season this softshell turtle hot pot. This incredible taste was achieved with just salt and the natural flavors from the softshell turtle. Truly, simplicity is best!

"Ohhh, I've run out! Do you have more?"

"Haha! No need to worry. But how about some rice porridge as the finishing touch?"

"Wow, I'd love some rice porridge!"

"Great! Just wait a moment."

I collected the individual-sized clay pot from Nina-san and reheated it in the kitchen. I added freshly cooked rice and stirred it as it simmered. When it was right, I turned off the heat and garnished it with finely chopped leeks.

"Here you go, no more waiting. It's a special softshell turtle rice porridge."

"Wow, thank you!"

Nina-san held her hair back with her left hand, blew on the hot porridge, and enjoyed it with gusto.

Watching her like this made me feel warm inside. Her complexion had improved, her appetite had returned, and she had received proper nutrition from the softshell turtle.

All she needed now was a good night's sleep to recover from even the worst of colds.


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