My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 81:

Chapter 81:


Saturday afternoon.

On this day, Serai Machi, who boasted a distinctive bust, had been taken into custody by the police for assisting with her stalker problem. She also went to a hotel cake buffet to celebrate and console Toga Ruri, also known as Shark, the high school girl who had helped protect Machi in the underwater dungeon and had gotten injured in the process.

Serai Machi wore a white summer knit top and jeans, carrying a leather handbag slung over her shoulder with a strap, giving her the appearance of a stylish college girl. Standing next to her was Ruri, wearing a checkered skirt with green and black lines, and a blazer her school uniform, as she had been invited suddenly and came straight from school.

"Wow! I can eat whatever I want! (Sparkle!)"

When they entered the hotel restaurant, Toga, with her determined and shining eyes, exclaimed in amazement while looking at the numerous sweet treats on display.

"Hehe feel free to take whatever you like. I'll have some tea while you enjoy."

"Oh, okay! I'm going now! (Dash!)"

Ruri dashed off energetically like a wild animal set free. After watching her with a wry smile, Macii went to the drink bar to brew some tea and then took her seat.

"Phew it's finally over."

Machii took a sip of tea and let out a sigh.

It might have been a short period in terms of time, but it felt long. She had been exposed to curious and sometimes strange looks, and some customers said odd things. When she realized that only her trash from the previous night had disappeared from the trash disposal area when she left for work in the morning, it sent shivers down her spine.

However, the problem was resolved.

The people who had been staring at her during work and making comments were the same individuals who had been posting on online forums. They had been enjoying themselves by referring to her as the cute guild receptionist'. However, they misunderstood her toe-standing and breath-holding secret training' during work as something lewd, which led to various unruly behaviors.

Ezuki-san had been there to support her. So she could confront them confidently. But even now, the thought of what might have happened if she had been alone still sent a chill down her spine.

"Look, Machi! They have Mont Blanc, strawberry shortcake, and chocolate cake! And there's even tiramisu!"

While reminiscing and sipping tea, Ruri, who had loaded her plate with several slices of cake, returned.

"Yes, they all look delicious."

"Oh Machi, you haven't started yet. Can I go ahead?"

"Hehe, of course. Today is a treat, so please enjoy it without holding back."

"Great! Then here I go! (Nom) Mmm~! So delicious! The hotel's cakes are amazing! (Nom)"

After taking a bite and expressing her amazement, Ruri enthusiastically devoured the cake. Machii couldn't help but smile as she watched Ruri enjoying her dessert.

After waiting for Ruri to finish her cake, Machi finally spoke up.

"I'll go get you a drink. What would you like?"

"Oh, sorry. You're treating me, and I'm still asking you to do things. But I don't know much about tea, so I'll leave it to you."

"Alright, then. I'll get you some delicious tea."

"Thank you. (Munch, munch)"

Although their initial encounter involved some unpleasant words and attitudes, this high school girl named Toga Ruri had a straightforward personality that Machi appreciated.

[I remember Ezuki-san mentioning that Ruri used to be like him when he was in elementary school.)

[Ring, ring Ring, ring]

As Machi was on her way to get tea, her handbag's communication device started ringing [Who on earth could it be?]. When she answered, she heard a voice from an unknown number.

[Hello, may I speak to Serai-san please?]

"Yes Who is this?"

Although slightly irritated by the caller's refusal to identify themselves at first, Manami was curious about the identity of the person calling.

[I am an attorney from Hikuni. I understand that you have been involved in a significant incident, and I offer my condolences.]

"Oh I see."

[In light of this matter, we have received a request to settle the issue promptly, and we would like to discuss a settlement on behalf of our client.]

I didn't request any of this. It seemed like the person on the other end of the phone was calling on behalf of the apprehended stalker and wanted to discuss a settlement.

[We believe that a speedy resolution of the issue would be beneficial for both parties. So, if it's convenient for you, could we meet today to talk about it?]

"Today!? But it's Sunday!"

Machii had just returned from a beach trip on Sunday, and they had been conducting a decoy investigation for the stalker on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. She had thought they finally caught the stalker on Friday, but now she was receiving a call from a lawyer the very next day.

Machi was in a dilemma.

Last night, she had forcibly persuaded Ezuki-san to stay over because she was [scared and anxious].

Ezuki-san hesitated but ultimately agreed, saying, [If it makes you feel safe]. He had stayed awake with her until she fell asleep. When she woke up in the morning, she was surprised to see Ezuki-san meditating in a pose resembling a Buddhist statue, bathed in the morning sun.

Ezuki-san had said, [Good morning. I'm leaving now since you seem fine], in a slightly tilted manner as he left. He must have been tired.

So, she couldn't ask Ezuki-san for help now.

There was no reason to talk from her side. Machi had no intention of settling, and she intended for the stalker to face a proper trial. Nevertheless, the man who claimed to be a lawyer on the phone had persistently said that the stalker's parents [really wanted to apologize in person], and finally, Manami gave in.

"Alright, please wait for a moment. I'll call you back."

Machii returned to the restaurant and told Ruri about the phone call. Ruri agreed to accompany her. Although Ruri was younger, Machi felt much more at ease having her by her side than meeting the lawyer and the stalker's parents alone.

Machii called the lawyer back and agreed to meet under the condition they could come to the hotel within 2 hours.

Approximately two hours later, in the hotel lobby, in front of Manami and Ruri who were sitting on a sofa, the lawyer, a man named Mamoru Hikuni, and an older woman who appeared to be the stalker's mother arrived.

"Are you Serai Machi-san? Nice to meet you. I am attorney Hikuni Mamoru. This is the boy's mother."

While handing over his business card, the man in a suit introduced himself as Hikuni. His hairstyle was neatly combed, and he looked like a lawyer in his almost black navy suit. The older, slender woman next to him seemed to be the stalker's mother.

"Are you saying my Maru-kun is a pervert! There must be some mistake, right!? Isn't it that you misunderstood something??"


The words from the slender older woman, who gave off a sharp impression, momentarily made Machi feel uncomfortable and left her thoughts stunned.

"Because that's the case, right? Maru-kun wouldn't commit a crime like that! You must have misunderstood something, and that's why the police got involved, right!?"


While attorney Hikuni tried to calm and restrain the mother of the stalker, her words, which he couldn't silence, disturbed Machi's heart.

Despite being told that they [really want to apologize in person] and agreeing to meet for that purpose, Machi was now faced with the first words that came from her mouth, [He's not at fault], and she couldn't find the right words to respond.

"Well, even if you don't know anything about Maru-kun or whatever, he was caught red-handed for trespassing illegally and even had a knife with him, right? How is any of that not a crime?"

"What are you talking about?! Who are you? What does this have to do with you!?"

As Machi's mind froze and she became paralyzed, Ruri stepped in to counter the stalker's mother's words. This jolted Machi back to her senses, and she regained her ability to think.

"She's my friend. Please don't speak ill of her for accompanying me out of concern."

"That's Ha! I haven't said anything bad"

"Ah, please, both of you, just wait a moment! Let's talk calmly. May I speak to you about something?"

With that, Attorney Hikuni began to speak.

He talked about how deeply remorseful Masahiro (Maru-kun) was for getting caught by the police and how his promising future as a university student would turn bleak if he were to be prosecuted. Therefore, from a humanitarian perspective, he suggested dropping the charges and settling, as it would be the best way to resolve the situation.

Attorney Hikuni combined words of gratitude and eloquence that Masahiro had supposedly said, leaving Machi perplexed.

"But for all you know, Masahiro might not really feel that way or be genuinely remorseful."

However, the sharp-tongued shark high school girl, Ruri, remained unimpressed.

"What are you even talking about?! Who are you? Why are you here?"

Ruri's crude remarks irritated the stalker's mother, who gave her an unfriendly and hostile glare.

"Well, you can say anything you want, right? But was he really such an upstanding guy? Then why was he stalking in the first place?"

"That's just a misunderstanding, isn't it?"

"No, it's not. He gets caught by the police. Now he feels remorseful and sorry? If he's really sorry, he should have said, [I admit to all my sins and accept the sentence!] is the proper way!?"

"We..wewell! Poor Ma-kun even got hospitalized because of the shock of being caught by the police! (Waddling)"

"That's just selfish! The guy who was ready to hurt someone, who acted on his desires, is now suddenly terrified and feeling sick just because he might get hurt? What the hell is that? What kind of remorse is that?"

The heated exchange continued between the foul-mouthed high school girl Ruri and the stalker's mother.

"Bah! You're all making fun of me! Hiiieee!! (Bam!)"

Finally, the agitated stalker's mother attempted to grab Ruri, her nails scratching Machi's cheek as she intervened to protect Ruri.

"Kyaaah! (Thud)"

Blood splattered from Manami's face as she shielded Ruri from the attack.

"Machi!? Are you okay? This woman. (Grrr!)"

Upon seeing the blood flowing from Machi's face, Ruri's expression turned into anger.

"It's okay. Please, stay calm, Ruri!"

Machi tried to restrain Ruri, who seemed on the verge of losing control.

"O Mrs! Why would you!"

Attorney Hikuni scolded his client's mother, who had resorted to violence.

"Hikuni-san I arranged this meeting after considering your request. But to treat us like this? Is this not assault?"

"Well um, this is"

"Ruri, please Call the police, and we'll file a report"

"Alright! I'll run to the police station and be right back! (Dash!)"

Taking in Machi's intentions, Ruri quickly runs out of the hotel and heads for the police box.

"Se, Serai-san! Excuse me for the moment today! I will apologize again later, so for today! Ma'am!"

"Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~! (thrashing)

"No, you can't! (smack)

"Wait a moment! Please Hikuni-san! And you, Ma'am! The police are on their way!"

"At a later time! We'll apologize properly later!"

Leaving behind Machi with her bleeding cheek, Attorney Hikuni, and the stalker's mother hastily departed as if fleeing. Left alone, Machi received a thinly veiled sarcastic comment from a hotel staff member who told her to [Leave if you're going to cause a commotion].

"So, that's what happened."

"I see"

I sat next to Serai-san in my room, sipping on a canned chuhai as she recounted what happened today.

When I returned home at night and climbed the stairs, I saw a figure crouching in the dark corridor. It turned out to be Serai-san, who had a plastic shopping bag and was squatting in front of my door.

As I was asking, [Is something wrong?], I welcomed her into the room. I respected her preference not to make direct eye contact while talking, so we both sat side by side at the table, and I listened to Serai-san's story.

"It was such an awful feeling"

Well, of course, it would be. She had almost been attacked by the stalker the night before, and the next day, she was confronted by the stalker's mother.

Glancing at Serai-san's profile, I noticed a band-aid on her cheek. She got scratched by the stalker's mother's nails during the confrontation.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Holding a can of lemon sour in her hands, Serai-san drank it slowly and intermittently, looking at me with an uneasy expression. She was probably referring to her decision not to settle.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Serai-san. Both the stalker and his mother were just imposing their selfishness on you. You don't need to worry about humanitarianism or morality in dealing with someone like that."

"But if I think about how someone said, [This could affect someone's entire life]."

Ah, they must have said something like, [he deeply regrets it], [So he doesn't want to tarnish his future], [so let's settle this amicably]."

"Life is important, of course. But this time, your precious life was at risk. The culprit had a hidden knife and was trying to break into your room. You got threatened with a knife, and there was even a possibility of being silenced to prevent you from talking. You don't need to be concerned about humanitarianism or morality when you are facing a situation like that. That's what I think."

"I thought the same way, but then this happened"

Serai-san poked the band-aid on her cheek with her fingers, showing it to me. It seemed that she was more shocked by the actions of the stalker's mother than the stalker himself.


There is a neurotransmitter called [oxytocin]. It's often referred to as the [happiness and affection hormone], and it's believed that people who have higher levels of this neurotransmitter tend to be happier and more affectionate individuals.

However, on the flip side, some research suggested that people with higher levels of oxytocin secretion tend to display [higher aggression when the target of their affection gets harmed]. Well, that's probably where the source of the hero's anger comes from most of the time.

The stalker's mother likely let her emotions run wild, driven by the desire to protect her son, and attacking Serai-san. It's interesting how oxytocin, a hormone associated with happiness and affection, can paradoxically increase a person's aggression when their loved ones get harmed.

"The mother wanted to protect her son. I can understand those feelings. But her actions were extremely emotional. As a result, she harmed you. If both the son and the mother realize their actions were wrong, isn't it okay for you to pursue legal action? You already reported it to the police, right?"

"Well, that's true"

"In that case, don't worry about what others say. You should do what you want. If they claim that [he deeply regrets it], then [fully admitting one's guilt and accepting the punishment] should be the true sign of [regret]. That's what I think."

"Talking to Ezuki-san made me feel a lot calmer"

"I see, that's good."

When Serai-san calls me by my last name instead of Master' it usually means she's quite serious.

"It's good that I have Naruto-san by your side"


Sitting cross-legged on the floor, I looked at Serai-san, who was sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest. She called my name and rested her head against my shoulder.

Uh, what's with this situation?

S-Serai-san, please stop! You're going to make me fall for you!!


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