My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 219:

Chapter 219:

Dungeon Stampede 2.0 Flight

[Whooooosh…! Whooooosh…!]

10 AM. The wind is very strong today.

I, who subtly fit well with such a howling wind, am stationed on the balcony of a food delivery fortress made from the exoskeleton of a giant red scorpion, digging out the flesh from its massive leg.

Some time of aging is fine, but too long and it will spoil.

Yeah, monster meat is delicious. It can't compare to the incredibly tender A5 rank meat that's laden with fat, but… well, monster meat and livestock raised for food are completely different in nature.

The meat is very tough, and there's almost no fat. But that's what makes it good.

This is probably what they call game meat. The very wild flavor seems to awaken some primal instinct deep within my body. Oh, by the way, "game meat" comes from French, originally referring to traditional dishes made by nobles hunting on their estates.

With some ingenuity, even monster meat can be delicious.

The flesh I've just dug out from the giant red scorpion is currently being made into meatballs in the kitchen by Ruu and the others. It can be grilled into hamburgers or simmered in a pot.

The only downside is that as soon as they're made, Ruu's mom goes around the neighborhood distributing them.

But it's wonderful to be able to act with a spirit of mutual aid even in such circumstances. As expected of Ruu's mother.

Even monster meat is welcome in this apartment where electricity, gas, and water are out. The recipients will eat it despite any complaints. Ruu's mom was initially taken aback but quickly got used to it.

As I was thinking about these things, a gunshot rang out in the wind as I sat cross-legged on a vinyl sheet on the balcony, holding a giant red scorpion leg.



(Hmm! Was that gunfire…!?)

I set aside the giant red scorpion leg and peeked through a gap in the barricade to check outside.

[Whooooosh…! Whooooosh…!]

…But no additional gunshots.

Hmm, just once. It seems far away, probably from across the river. Judging by the direction, it might be the Self-Defense Forces in Matsudo. Maybe it's a reconnaissance unit.

The helicopters that had been flying around endlessly until we got here haven't been seen since. It's just hopeful speculation, but they probably took care of the high-risk boss-level monsters.

(So, it's about time…)

If the unit stationed at Matsudo pacifies the area and enters the city, things should calm down around here. But that would mean restrictions on movement. Before that happens, I want to quietly retrieve the rest of the giant red scorpion exoskeleton hidden at the shrine.

Yeah, both Nina-san and Ruu's suits got pretty damaged this time.

But that's the suit's job, so they fulfilled their mission. Considering the future, having too much high-quality armor material is not a problem.

"Hey, Coach, what's up?"

"Ah, Nina-san, everyone, listen. I'm going out again to retrieve the giant red scorpion exoskeleton."

When I went to the kitchen and said that, they were naturally surprised.

"What!? Coach, it was so hard to get here! Why are you saying you'll go out into danger again!?"

"Ah, about that, I just heard gunfire outside. It's probably the Self-Defense Forces in Matsudo. So, the situation around here should settle down soon."

"Um… how does that relate to you going out, Coach?"

"Well, if the Self-Defense Forces are here, we can lower our guard a bit, right? The helicopters that were flying around are gone. But if the Self-Defense Forces arrive, civilians might lose the freedom to move. We got lucky at the courthouse because it was crowded."

"I see… so you want to retrieve the ‘treasure' now."

"Exactly, Nina-san. It would be troublesome if the Self-Defense Forces or police found it later."

"But… how will you get there? It's very far to go back there."

"Ah, I have a plan, Ruu. I'll use a slime boat to go down the river."

Yes, the Edo River flows along the border between Tokyo and Chiba. By going down the river, we can head south without any interruptions.

"But is it safe? There might be monsters in the river too."

"We'll cover the slime boat with sand and dry grass to disguise it. If it looks like debris, monsters won't bother checking."

"Hmm… that might work."

"Hey, Shiz, you're agreeing too!?"

"I'll leave some pixies and a fire wand here for defense. You know how to use it, right, Nina-san?"

"Yeah, I know."


"Don't worry, Ruu, I'll be fine. The Self-Defense Forces will be here soon, and I'll check on Shark too."

"…Okay, if that's the case, I'll go with you, Coach!"


Hmm… Serai-san is insisting on coming along again.


"""Chirp chirp chirp!"""

"Ah, Rose, Azure. Take care of Ruu and the others."

Leaving Rose, Azure, and five other pixies for defense.

"Be careful, Machi…"

"Yeah, don't worry, Ruu. It's safer if Coach isn't alone, right?"

"This girl never listens once she decides… Listen to Coach, Machi."

"I know, I'll be careful… You two take care too."

The three close friends reluctantly part.

In the end, Serai-san insisted on coming with me. I'd feel more secure if they all stayed together, but I'm also happy she wants to come with me… it makes me blush.

"Alright, let's go, Serai-san. We'll save time by jumping from the balcony."

"Wait, what do you mean by that, Coach?"

"Let me explain. The wind is blowing strongly from west to east. With Pixie Queen's support, we can glide down to the river."

"Sorry, I don't get it…"

"A glider. If we make a membrane with slime between our arms and legs, we can glide on the wind. Pixie Queen can launch us, and we should make it to the river."

"But how do we land??"

"We can use the membrane as a parachute or create a slime boat and land on the water. With Pixie Queen, we won't crash. Come on, Queen."


"Alright, Queen, let's do this…"

"…… (Sigh)"

The Pixie Queen appears in a rainbow glow, and Serai-san reluctantly nods. Don't worry, the calculations should be fine. It's all about trying new things.


"Alright, I'll go first. Skill: [Jump]!"


Kicking off the giant red scorpion exoskeleton on the balcony, I leap into the air, followed by Pixie Queen's air catapult accelerating me.


(…Here should be good)

Before reaching the peak of the arc, I spread my limbs to catch the wind in the slime membrane.

"Ninja flying squirrel technique!"


The membrane catches the wind, lifting me up.

(Wow, amazing…! A childhood dream come true!)

I soar, fulfilling a dream of flying freely in the sky.

The altitude rises, and the view opens up. That's Mount Tsukuba in the distance. To the left, I see many mountains, and to the right, Tokyo Bay.

Looking down, I see a long slime rope stretching below.

This connects to Serai-san… she has taken off from the now tiny apartment. Pixie Queen is with her, but I'll help pull her up.

Lifting Serai-san closer, I see her.

"Eek! Wait, what…!?"

She closes her legs and arms in fear, losing lift and dangling.

"Calm down, Serai-san! Spread your arms and legs!"

"Easier said than done!"



Pixie Queen is trying to support her, but with her limbs closed, it's futile. The connected slime rope spins, throwing me off balance.

"Damn, not good!"

At that moment, wings sprout from the back of Serai-san's suit.


"Ahh! Wait, what??"

As soon as the small, faintly glowing wings sprouted, our flight suddenly stabilized. I hurriedly pulled in the slime rope and called out to Serai-san.

"Are you okay, Serai-san!?"


Serai-san, flying through the air like a kitten carried by the scruff of its neck by a mother cat… What!? That's unbelievable! What the heck is that!?


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