My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 205:

Chapter 205:

Dungeon Stampede 2.0 Gems And Stones

The courthouse hallway. But now it's filled with numerous injured people and anxious wanderers, giving it the atmosphere of a hospital rather than a courthouse. The smell of disinfectant wafting from those treated makes it feel even more so.

Navigating through these people, Ria-san in camouflage gradually approaches. Damn… I was lost in thought and noticed too late. There's no time to hide my shoehorn.

"Hello, Egetsu-san. If you don't mind, I'd like to talk more… Oh, what's that you're holding? We said ‘all weapons must be surrendered', right?"

So, he did notice the shoehorn. What a hassle…

"No, this isn't a weapon. It's just a shoehorn."

"Is that so… But it looks sturdy and made of metal. It could be a weapon for you, couldn't it?"

"If you say that, even a ballpoint pen can be a weapon. If we go that far, we'd have to cut off our hands and feet. Ah, here you go. Please use it."

To dodge the issue, I jokingly offered the shoehorn to an elderly man next to me, who was changing his blood-stained socks. He was just about to put on his shoes.

"Oh, thank you. I'll borrow it then. Oh… This is great! I slipped right into my shoes!"

"Haha, that's good. Be careful on the stairs; it's dark."


Seeing the elderly man off with a bow, Ria-san sits next to me and suddenly jumps up in surprise.

"Wait a minute! Isn't that… magic-sensitive metal!?"


"Where did you get that!?"

"Wait, why are you so interested!?"

"Oops… (I shouldn't have said that…)"

"No, you clearly blurted it out. What is this magic-sensitive metal?"

When I asked, Ria-san averted his eyes, trying to play dumb… I can tell he's smart, but he seems to miss things sometimes.

"Ah… please keep this between us. Magic-sensitive metal is exactly what it sounds like. It's a metal that reacts to magic, causing various phenomena. It's being researched for that property…"

"Why is it a secret? It must be dungeon-sourced, right?"

"Yes, it's from a dungeon. Magic-sensitive metal, called mithril among experts, is very efficient as a medium for skill activation…"

"Ah, I get it… So even if a skill is weak, with this, it becomes powerful?"

"Not that extreme, but your interpretation is correct. Let me borrow it for a moment."

"Sure, here you go."

I hold on tightly to one end, my justice.


"As I thought…!"

"Wow, it glows and vibrates…!"

When Ria-san touches the shoehorn, it reacts to his magic by glowing and vibrating.

But this alone makes it no different from a child's toy. However, if used as a medium for skill activation, its effects would increase, making it like a magic wand.

"You're not surprised?"

"Ah, I knew it would vibrate like a tuning fork. But it's more like a crystal with a piezoelectric effect that vibrates when electricity is applied…"

New revelation! The ‘metal shoehorn that vibrates like a tuning fork' is actually ‘a shoehorn made of magic-sensitive mithril'.

But… why a shoehorn???

"Egetsu-san, how did you get this…? Even we only see it when we defeat monsters deep in the dungeon!"

"Oh… I got this from a large monster I defeated on my way here."

"Wait, you didn't mention that earlier!"

"I said I escaped and fought many monsters to get here, didn't I?"

"Ah… We prioritize gathering information on dangerous monsters, so please don't withhold such stories…"

"Sorry… I thought it was fine since I already defeated it."

Talking too much might reveal too much.


After that, Ria-san and I continued to chat openly.

"By the way, Egetsu-san… Have you considered joining the Self-Defense Forces?"

(Hmm, so it came to this…)

"Is the Self-Defense Forces really short on people?"

"Yes, we're extremely short. We can't rely on the US, China does as it pleases, and dungeons keep increasing despite our efforts… We can't manage with our current forces."

To reveal so much truth…

"(We lack people who can fight in dungeons. We weren't trained for such monsters… There are rumors of secret protocols for alien invasions, but we never anticipated dungeons.)"

(Ria-san, isn't that too much information…?)

Though speaking quickly and quietly enough only for someone with dungeon abilities to hear, Ria-san realized I could keep up and increased his pace.

"(Mentally, everyone is exhausted. Even if it's somewhat bright, long hours in a dim, enclosed space take a toll. Plus, the endless stream of bizarre monsters…)"

"(But you have comrades and powerful weapons…)"

"(Yes, but these weapons are funded by taxpayers and limited… The Self-Defense Forces are already consuming this year's budget rapidly!)"

(Huh!? There's still over half the year left!)

"So, Egetsu-san, having someone like you join would be a great help!"

(No way! That's too much pressure…!)

Sigh… Let's calm down. This is just one person's perspective. I need more information to make a decision.

But Ria-san's honesty… doesn't seem like a lie.

Honestly, he's not my type, but I respect his resolve to protect this country.

So I'll answer honestly.



"I'm too cowardly, selfish, and rebellious to follow orders or protect anyone other than who I choose. So, I can't be a Self-Defense Officer. Sorry. But I respect what you and your comrades do."

"The people you want to protect… Are they the women you were with?"

"Yes. They're wonderful inside and out. I can shield them anytime. But for others… I honestly can't."

"Haha… That's a selfish answer. But as a Self-Defense Officer, I'm envious of your honesty. Thank you for your truthful answer!"

‘Honesty from the dishonest,' perhaps.

Ria-san understood my response and stood up, saluting me like when we first met.

"Don't worry, I was just asking. By the way, if you ever want to give up that shoehorn, could you let me have it?"

"I'm not likely to, but I'll keep it in mind."

"Haha… I don't know if we'll meet again, but take care!"

"You too, Ria-san!"

We shook hands firmly.

Such a strong hand… People like him protect this country…


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