My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 193:

Chapter 193:

Dungeon Stampede 2.0 Black Smoke

2:00 PM. The heavy machinery fighters continued to shine. Charging at numerous monsters, engaging in fierce battles swinging their steel arms.

But following that, we faced battle after battle. Heat accumulated in our suits, and all three of us were breathing heavily through our shoulders.

(This is bad… we're attacking too aggressively.)

The old men operating the heavy machinery, excited by easily defeating monsters while driving under the influence, seemed oblivious to their surroundings. Moreover, the evacuees following us from behind were doing as they pleased, further escalating the chaos.

Specifically, despite rashly engaging with monsters, they would retreat to us when they couldn't handle it. With no time to rest, we continued fighting, our exhaustion nearing its peak.

(Damn it, we need to find a building or something to rest and exchange fluids!)

No matter how much we trained in the dungeon, we're still human. We can't keep moving like machines forever. While the three of us continued to fight valiantly, it was clear that our footing became unsteady.

Seizing the opportunity, I jumped onto a roller car and called out to the driver.

"You're pushing too hard! Hold back! We can't keep up!!"

Pushing forward aggressively, we had already advanced nearly a kilometer from where we originally joined forces. Meanwhile, we had been covering each other from the rear the whole time.

"What the heck!?"

"Slow down! If we're gone, the drivers of these machines will be targeted and taken out!"

With that said, I jumped off and ran towards another vehicle. However, numerous monsters had slipped through the gaps in the heavy machinery, making it impossible to move forward.

(Damn it! Why are there so many troublesome locusts and hyenas!)

Giant locusts were leaping long distances to slam into us, while hyenas were waiting for opportunities to attack. We had to be wary of near and far threats, making information processing hectic.

However, another problem arose here.

People overflowing from nearby buildings surged towards us seeking salvation. They probably thought it was safer to join us, seeing the heavy machinery leading the charge, but it only worsened the chaotic situation.

"You're in the way, move!"


(Oh no!)

Amid the sudden influx of people, a man leading the charge pushed Ruu, who was bewildered by the sudden rush. As a result, Ruu staggered, and a hyena, taking advantage of the opening, attacked her.

"Ruu!? Damn it!!"

I wanted to rush to help her immediately, but I couldn't move forward because of the monsters blocking our path. I smashed through monsters filling my field of vision one by one with my golden lever and finally reached Ruu after much effort.

"Ruu! Are you okay?! Ruu!!"

"Haa… Haa… I-I'm… okay… but it's heavy…!"

Ruu managed to defeat the hyena, but she was already out of breath and in pain. I helped her push away the dead hyena weighing on her and helped her up.

(That jerk!!)

Ruu could have died because of him. The thought filled me with intense anger, and I couldn't contain it.

However, even when I directed my angry gaze towards the evacuees, the man who pushed Ruu had disappeared in the crowd surging in from behind.

(I won't forget this. I won't let it go!!)


With Ruu's fall, a gap opened up in the front line.

The monsters that bypassed us immediately attacked the evacuees. They were drawn to easier prey. But it wasn't Ruu's fault. It was the fault of those who pushed forward recklessly on the train.

So, ignoring the ones being attacked, I gathered Nina-san and Serai-san, and we headed towards the buildings hidden among the surging crowd for some rest.

Finally realizing we were no longer receiving support, the heavy machinery also seemed to slow down. Alright, now that the momentum of the monsters has weakened, we can take a break.


With the absence of beings capable of fighting the shining golden monsters on the battlefield, the heavy machinery ceased movement and entered a break. Seeing this, the evacuees began to return to the buildings.

However, being disturbed until the time of rest was unacceptable.

So, I firmly sealed the entrance of a café that had already been broken into and vandalized with rock salt, and we took a slow break inside.

"Whew~! It's so hot!!"

"Ahh, feels like coming back to life."

Inside the deserted café, Sekai and Nina took off their suits and took a breather.

"Well, Ruu must have been hot. I'll help you take it off now."


After Ruu, who was cheering with her mask and bowl removed, I helped her take her suit's upper half with a ‘phew'.

"Geez, what's up with those people! I got rubbed against monsters like five times, you know…"

Serai-san was lying flat on the table, and stared with a glare while pursing her lips. Yeah, I understand the feeling of wanting to complain. They must have come to us about fifteen times.

"Yeah, they just don't care about us at all. It's really frustrating…"

Nina-san wipes her neck lazily with a wet towel. Exactly, as you say.

"But, Coach… Have you noticed that we haven't seen anyone fighting monsters like us?"

"Hmm… Well, this Stampede happened so suddenly. Some may not have been prepared, and perhaps those who know the terror of monsters don't venture out during such times."

I had also been wondering about that.

This is the Dungeon Stampede. During the previous Stampede, dungeon abilities were celebrated in the news for saving lives. So, we had expected dungeon abilities to roam the city during the Stampede, driven by noble intentions to save people or perhaps seek fame.

But we didn't see any at all.


We finished our rest in the ravaged café like this.

But as soon as we stepped outside, the evacuees started following us again. Huh, why are they so eager to follow us?

Further dismayed by their behavior, they started asking questions like "Where are you going?" or "Which way are you headed?".

Sigh. We're not your guardians, you know.

But since we weren't moving, the evacuees also didn't move, keeping an eye on our movements. So, we decided to take this opportunity to find the man who had pushed Ruu earlier. Jumping onto an abandoned vehicle, I shouted at the evacuees.

"Listen up! The guy who pushed our comrade during the last battle is among you! Because of him, the frontline almost collapsed. Bring him to me now, or I won't allow any of you to follow us further!!"

In a furious rage, I declared this, with the red eyes of my Bug King mask gleaming.

Then, among the evacuees, I spotted a man who laughed and tried to hide from my sight.

(That idiot! Don't underestimate the vision of a dungeon ability user and my malice radar!!)

"Mucus Rope!"

With a ‘splat!', I extended a sticky mucous rope and caught the man, dragging him out.

Despite being dragged, the man yelled, "Ouch! Quit it!" but he had no idea. I, the Bug King, had seen through his actions of pushing Ruu!

"What the hell! Let go of me, you bastard! There's no evidence of any of this!!"

"Shut up! How many people died because of you!!"

With a swift kick, my anger seized the man's face.

His nose crushed, his upper jaw shattered, teeth and blood scattered. Pointing at the man, who was now squatting and dripping blood from his mouth, I made another declaration.

"It's him! He's the culprit who caused the frontline to collapse! Those who were injured! Those whose acquaintances were killed! He's responsible for all of it!!"

After kicking him once more and leaving the scene, people from among the evacuees started to approach the man and kick or step on him.

"Um, golden guy. Can I have a word?"

As I watched the man being kicked, the old men who operated the heavy machinery approached me.

"Oh, thank you. You did well. Good judgment."

"Haha… Well, yeah, I guess… "

The old men came together, but it was the old man from the shovel car who spoke to me. He was the one who had caused the most trouble. So, I praised his efforts and judgment, but then I looked around at the scene of destruction and felt troubled.

Maybe we went a little too far.

Many vehicles had been crushed, and public facilities like guardrails and utility poles were in shambles. The total damage caused by the rampaging heavy machinery would be substantial. Perhaps they were starting to fear taking responsibility once the drunkenness wore off.

"So… Which way are you guys headed now?"

Asked by them, we're going to the girls' high school where Shark is…

Since they seemed very concerned about damage and crime, I hinted that if they portrayed the rampage as a means to protect evacuees and promise students a bright future, there might be some benefits in court. With that, they decided to accompany us.

The old men operating the heavy machinery became our allies. That's great.

Just before we left, I went to see the man I had kicked again, and he was lying on the asphalt, completely beaten up.


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