My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 333 How to be a badass

Chapter 333: How to be a badass

"So, it's about time we get started." Olivia announced in her posh British accent as she glanced towards Ben who sat at her side on the elegant black leather sofa.

He licked his lips as his eyes shined. 'Here we go. Time to deliver the big sausage pizza…'

She'd dragged him over here straight from class and sat him down next to her. Given they'd already had relations before, Ben was quite sure of the business that was about to unfold here. He rubbed his hands together as he stared at Olivia's plumb breasts underneath her striped white dress shirt. 'Hehe boi…it's time to fu—'

"It's time to study."

Olivia reached over and down to her side and pulled out the textbook from their Strategic Marketing class. Although she needed to get the highest grades and was willing to cheat to do so, it didn't mean she wasn't also interested in learning. This week, there was a topic that confused her, and for some reason, Professor Tremblay didn't schedule office hours this week…

Thus, Olivia went to the next most educated person she knew on the subject, Ben. However, when she looked at him she didn't quite understand why he was sniffling as if he'd just found out his dog died…

And yet with a lust in his eyes as if he'd had sex with that dog…

*Ahem* She cleared her throat to get his attention as he turned to give a thousand-yard stare out the window…

"Oh…studying…right." Ben smiled but it looked like he was crying. He was beyond d*cksappointed…

Yet, he remembered something all of a sudden. "So you brought me here to study? But, don't you have problems due to your dyslexia?"

*Snort* Olivia straightened her back with pride and stubbornness. "Yes, but that doesn't signify I won't put forth effort. When I was young, people told me I'd never be good at poetry because I'm dyslexic. But to date, I've made three jugs and a vase and they're lovely."

Ben blinked on repeat like his eyes were an old movie projector…

Well, he wasn't one to break this young girl's heart by telling her she'd taken a wrong turn… However, that didn't mean he was just going to do anything a pretty girl asked of him. She brought him here to study under the false pretenses of his imagination… So why would he just do whatever she wanted? "Well, we could study, but why should I?"

Olivia looked at him and narrowed her eyes. "Because I require your tutelage, and we made an agreement in the past."

Ben smirked. "I don't remember selling my brain on a 20-year mortgage… As I recall, our agreement was more of a pay-as-you-go plan…like a prepaid phone, and as I look around…" He glanced out the window. "It makes perfect sense since we're in the inner city…"

Ben hadn't been wasting his time in Strategic Marketing class. He learned quite a lot about how businesses liked to market to specific "segments" of the population.

Olivia sighed but she already knew when it came to these kinds of negotiations, Ben was a real stickler…

"Very well then…" She glanced down at her chest as she started unbuttoning her shirt

Ben blinked. "So easy?" Although he'd succeeded in negotiating his desired "arrangement" with Olivia in the past, it was always with some effort.

She turned to him. "My father taught me to never waste time on fruitless negotiations."

This should've been good news to Ben that he was starting to impose his dominance. However, something else caught his attention as he narrowed his eyes. "Who's fruitless?!?"

Olivia's hands froze as mid-unbuttoning as she struggled to understand whether she was dyslexic or the world was dyslexic…

Yet, Ben wouldn't give her the chance to philosophize over this ancient puzzle.

Feeling fruit-challenged, Ben pounced on her! He grabbed her chin and turned her face to meet his, consuming her lips with a kiss full of revenge and nth level manscaping…

Olivia's eyes shot open as she felt Ben's tongue enter her mouth, followed by a firm hand grasping at her chest…

Flustered, her face became hot as the rare occasion occurred such that she wasn't sure what to do. Although she knew what was coming, she was used to being the one in control. A part inside of her wanted to regain that control. However, another part, one more primal, wanted to give in…

And as her body and mind debated those two options, Ben soon made the choice for her, as his arm reached under her long legs as the other wrapped around her waist and lifted her up in a princess carry.

Like that, Olivia was opted-in for a certain choice, like she'd just gotten her driver's license at the DMV and a certain employee decided to mark her as an organ donor because of a nefarious plot to force people into accidents and sell their organs on the black market.

But that was neither here nor there…

Olivia had no time to daydream because she was moving, or to be more precise, Ben was walking as he carried the much taller Olivia in his arms, with ease as if she was a small doll. 'So strong…' Olivia was always surprised at Ben's strength but today, he seemed even more powerful. 'How does this little man pack so much horsepower?'

She couldn't figure it out but soon let the doubt pass. She couldn't figure it out but that was normal. After all, she wasn't majoring in Bengineering…

"W-where are we going?" Olivia looked towards where Ben was taking her.

He grinned. The sofa was nice but he'd seen a comfortable queen-sized bed in Olivia's bedroom when he sneaked a peek. So it was time to look like a badass. That's why he picked her up and carried her. He was about to take her on the Tour de Pants…

When he arrived at the door to her room and found it closed, there was a bit of a dilemma though, because both his arms were occupied. However, Ben soon showed a clever smirk. 'If you're gonna be a badass, you've gotta go all the way.'

Lifting one leg in the air like Daniel LaRusso, Ben showcased his incredible balance and athleticism, as he held tight to Olivia in his arms, and kicked out at the door to open it! He'd kick that damn door open and throw her onto the bed! That was badass! That was a man! That was—!


"AAAH!" The door didn't open! Ben showed his power all right but in the wrong direction as he kicked off the door and went flying back against the wall.


"OWW!" Olivia held onto his neck after that bumpy ride… Luckily for both of them, he was still standing and hadn't dropped her. She stared at Ben as his legs wobbled a bit.

Ben gritted his teeth. "I-I thought it was open a crack…" He'd misjudged the door's doorness.

"Are you all right?" She was concerned and confused, but more confused…

"I'm all right." Ben struggled to nod. "It's only…spinal."


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