My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 288 High quality model

Chapter 288 High quality model

As the redheaded young man of the Photography Club kept chastising Charlotte’s photos, she felt as if he was dumping a bucket of water on her...

The only reason she hadn’t escaped the room already was that this critique was anonymous, with no one presented as the photographer. However, although that applied to the photographer, it wasn’t the same for the model!

The redheaded youngster shook his head, as he continued to criticize the model and photographer whom he hadn’t realized sat not far behind him. "And what’s the deal with that fool of a model? Is he playing around? What’s with those poses? Is he humping the air?"

He was...

Ben had humped air...


On the screen were two images: one of Ben’s mid-section tucked back and one of it extending forward...

The person controlling the slides clicked a button, alternating back and forth between the two pictures...creating an animation effect.


Watching that, even Ben became a bit embarrassed... He did get carried away at the end there...

Yet, that shame only lasted a moment before he ran out of it! ’So f*cking what?!? Daddy likes to hump air!’


He would do it again!

In fact, he’s done it since!

What was the big deal though? Wasn’t being a photographic model about expressing yourself? What better way to express oneself to air?

However, though Ben accepted it, that didn’t mean everyone else did. With the maneuver highlighted on the projector now, although Ben was sitting in the back of the room, some people recognized him, turning to glance at him as they snickered.

Despite that, the veteran members at the front remained professional, continuing to give feedback on Charlotte’s photos. Yet the redhead wouldn’t stop making snarky remarks, each one delivering a harsher blow to Charlotte’s self-esteem, and to Ben’s vision of himself as the next Derek Zoolander...

Soon though, the remarks became one too many, as Ben leaned forward in his chair, preparing to teach this rosy bastard the meaning of redrum...

Until a small hand on his arm stopped him. "Don’t..."

Ben turned to Charlotte, finding her looking up at him through her glasses, struggling to not dodge eye contact as she shook her head, and whispered, "P-please don’t cause trouble..."

Knitting his brows, Ben wanted to appeal with: ’I was only going to murder his soul...’

Yet, he hesitated, because she’d never asked him for anything before...

Charlotte then elaborated. "T-That’s Darryl. He’s...a promising photographer here, and...I don’t want to get kicked out of this club." At the end, she glanced down, and when she realized her hand was on Ben’s arm...she panicked, pulling away like a frightened rabbit, and holding her palm tight to her chest.

Sighing, Ben nodded to her in reassurance. Although he didn’t know why, he could tell this club was important to Charlotte, and with his temper, it really was possible they’d get booted if he did anything rash. Even so, he swiveled his head at high speed to glare at the redhead’s stupid dome...

Fortunately, things soon de-escalated though, because they’d reached the end of Charlotte’s critique. It was interesting, however, that the next pictures up, belonged to Darryl the redhead himself. Everyone learned that when he stood up and declared it. "These are my photos. Please inform me if you have any advice, seniors."

The veteran members turned to him and smiled. From their responses, Ben could see Darryl possessed quite the reputation here, and soon, it was clear why. His portrait photos were polished and high quality, displaying technical ability that stood out from all the entries before. The thing that caught Ben’s attention the most though, was the model. She was a beauty!

Darryl also commented on this. "To get high-quality photos, you need a high-quality model. I got lucky." He added a bit of faux-humility at the end there for flavor...

Yet, this passive-aggressive insult only made Ben narrow his eyes. ’Just wait until I release Magnum...’

Regardless of Ben’s projects the screen flipped through shots of the gorgeous girl, the senior members showed their appreciation for the pictures.

"I don’t have much to say. These shots came out wonderfully."

"Good framing, solid lightning management, excellent composition."

"Really...too talented for a freshman. Darryl’s definitely a top contender in the competition."

As far as students majoring in photography, for the beginner’s competition, the club only allowed freshmen to enter. Yet, although Darryl was a first-year, he also practiced for some time in high school, but that wasn’t even his biggest advantage. His genuine edge, was something more unique.

Despite there being many veterans in the room with more experience, most of them would admit that when it came to natural talent in learning and applying techniques, they were inferior to him!

Thus, as far as beginners went, if you asked anyone knowledgeable in this club who was the most promising, without a doubt, they’d declare it was Darryl! In other words, he was a favorite in the competition!

Under normal conditions, he wouldn’t even bother submitting photos for such a beginner’s critique, but he also wanted the club’s support for the International Photography Awards, a contest he held a great desire to enter. Hence, this was him showing goodwill to win their favor. However, he didn’t expect the level of the other beginners to be this low...

Ben couldn’t help grumbling when so many people praised the bastard. "Just cause his hair’s a little red, doesn’t make his photos fire too..."

Not long after though, Ben’s frown flipped, because he saw his pictures, were next up! ’Now you’ll see some real talent...’

It was unfortunate that others in the room didn’t share his enthusiasm, or general world view...about anything really...but in particular about this...

One by one, the veterans delivered pointed critique. Although they tried to keep it positive, it didn’t take Ben long to realize that he was still far from a proper photographer. Yet, the worst rebuke of all, was of course, from Darryl. "As I said, high-quality photos need a high-quality model. So what’s with this model? How could such a simple Sally bring out any charismatic shots? Worthless..."

Several others nearby also shook their heads, in seeming approval. They thought his words were harsh but there was truth to them, as a couple even turned to glance at Charlotte in the back, because in this case—the model was her.

Feeling their eyes like hot arrows firing into her flesh, Charlotte’s body shook. ’They...all think I’m worthless... I shouldn’t have done it... No, I-I shouldn’t have come here!’

Even then, Darryl continued, muttering to himself. "Whatever amateur submitted these, I hope they won’t join the competition. Save us all the anguish and stay out. I can’t stand to look at more of these photos, especially if they’re of this girl..."

When Ben noticed tears forming in Charlotte’s eyes...his face became grim. He couldn’t stop the guilt growing in his chest like a toxic cloud, because this wasn’t only Darryl’s fault. He was also responsible!

Ben thought this would be a constructive critique for beginners. Who knew there would be such a foul-mouthed brat in the room to spit insults regardless of others’ feelings? In any case, Ben couldn’t accept Charlotte getting hurt from this. What’s more was, he didn’t agree! ’You can make fun of my looks because you don’t have good taste...but to make fun of my cute little Charlotte? Unforgivable...’

At the moment, although he wanted nothing more than to curse and show a predator-like hideous face to Darryl...Ben still managed to force out a big smile, as he looked at Charlotte. "It’s okay..."

With wet eyes, she glanced up at him and saw his stupid grin, wondering what there was to smile about.

"Don’t listen to him. You’re a wonderful model. Pumpkin pubes over there has eyes that only appreciate dogsh*t..."

Hearing that, Darryl realized Ben was addressing him and turned his body. "What did you say?"

Ben sneered. "I have the eyes of an anal parasite."


As a few people nearby laughed, Darryl’s face began changing colors but Ben followed up before he even had time to retort. "You wondered who submitted these photos? It was me, and while I admit my photography skills need work, I have to tell you, your eye for models is even worse! To be clear, I’ll even spell it out for you in the words of my great predecessors--you’re trash!"


This unexpected aggression stunned Darryl a moment, but he soon snorted. His eye for models was trash? You could ask anyone here and they’d admit his model was ten times more attractive than Ben’s! Who wanted to look at pictures of a short, normal-looking girl?

Looking around, he could also tell from the doubtful expressions of those listening that they agreed with him. "That’s funny, but I don’t think anyone here shares your opinion."

However, Ben didn’t care about that. "It doesn’t matter what people think. I’ll demonstrate it directly. You’re going to enter the competition next week, right?"

At the mention of this, Darryl squinted at him. "Yea, so what?" He couldn’t even fathom the possibility of what this complete amateur was about to do—challenge him!

"So what is, I’ll prove it to you through photography, by beating you at the competition like a redheaded stepchild!"


*Author’s Note: I added a new artwork of Charlotte in the comments. More of her on discord: (case-sensitive). On a PC, you can copy the link from the novel’s about/synopsis page.


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