My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 285 Mythical nu

Chapter 285 Mythical nu

Standing in his room, Ben’s eyes glowed as he gazed at the magical leaf in his hand. ’My first legendary item! My first artifact! Baby, we goin’ from trash to treasure!’

Of course, the legendary rating wasn’t everything. He still needed to see how useful it was in practice, which is why like any good movie scientist, he planned to test it on himself...

First though, he wanted to understand it better.

Ben raised an eyebrow and glanced at the leaf. "Can you talk?"


"Is there a hidden master inside of you?"


"No? Then in the case you’re really a comatose beauty, would you like one?"


Getting no response, Ben sighed. "What a boring artifact..."

It failed the first test but Ben didn’t have high hopes for that anyway. Instead, he focused on experimenting with its ability to release stored energy, which appeared to be the treasure’s main use. At the moment, having developed a mental connection to it, Ben could also tell it was full of energy, which meant he could give it a proper spin. So, while holding it in his hand, Ben activated the ability with his mind! ’Energy release!’

Right away, Ben’s eyes widened as the appearance of the leaf changed. Whereas it was fading in and out of visibility before, now, it released a radiant green glow! At the same time, his hand received a surge of warm energy!

Sensing that, he understood its range of effect. The system mentioned it would be very small and that was accurate, its energy releasing in a sphere with a radius of a few inches.

On paper, all this seemed unimpressive, and it would’ve been, if Ben’s face wasn’t twisted with a stupid lob-sided grin! Because his hand--felt like it was having an orgasm!

Ben hurried to turn the energy release off and after a few seconds, his expression returned to a less disgusting one...

Still shocked though, he stared at the leaf, the size of its glow having diminished to barely perceptible. However, he could also sense its energy continuing to dissipate, like a ship with a leak taking on water; an unstoppable process. Yet, the effect just now, was remarkable!

It was like his hand received a massage while currents of pleasant electricity ran through it, soothing all its sense receptors while also stimulating it. On top of that, he’d only activated the energy halfway! If he turned it to full power...

Ben narrowed his eyes. Now that he was pretty sure it was safe, it was time to do trials with more participants and he had one special test subject in mind. Smirking, Ben glanced down. Of course, it was his little brother...

Ben needed to know what the leaf’s energy would do on a special region with more sensitive nerve endings. Hence, he’d try a meat massage!

Before that though, he tested another function of the item first. ’Dematerialize!’

Under Ben’s eyes, the leaf proceeded to vanish, until it soon disappeared. This time though, it remained that way, failing to re-emerge, leading to Ben gazing at his empty hand, wondering where it was. Then out of nowhere, he received a strange feeling, a perception like a sixth sense. He looked around, hoping he wasn’t being trolled like Bruce Willis was by Haley Joel Osment in the movie...

Ben shook his head. ’Obviously, the kid knew Bruce was a ghost, right?

Epic troll job, little man...’

Ben didn’t want to end up like Bruce Willis, washed up and doing low budget movies just for paychecks like an untalented Nicolas Cage...

That’s why Ben was wary of the leaf’s intentions...

So, he examined his sensation of it. He could tell it didn’t exist in any physical location, but more as a perpetual thought connecting to his consciousness. When he focused on it, he was able to even visualize a shape in his mind, and as it became clear, his eyes gleamed! It was the leaf!

Ben didn’t understand what form it existed in. It was like guessing whether Jonah Hill would show up skinny-fat or obese...

However, it was there, and he could sense its properties, including the fact that it was still bleeding energy. That being the case, Ben didn’t want to waste any more time lest the energy ran out. "It seems it worked. Then..."

Before the next step, he did a quick prayer that there wouldn’t be any d*ck disasters...

Then, he glanced down and visualized the leaf...on his groin! ’Materialize!’

Now, he could sense it coming into existence. Although it was under his pants so he wasn’t able to see it, Ben felt the leaf adhering to his physical body, even giving him a tickle that made his eye twitch, because the location of this tickle...was on his schvontz!

He’d expected this though, and even...looked forward to it?

Whatever. That wasn’t important...not for anyone but a psychologist...

The real test was the next part, so without hesitation, because he anticipated it in a slightly unhealthy way...Ben began! ’Full energy release!’

The effect was immediate! His face twisted into a Yao Ming smile!

At the same time, his knees became weak and he lost the ability to speak! Ben was losing control of his body! Because... "NUT!!!" The energy was pushing him to orgasm!


In this situation, a normal person would’ve hurried to turn it off, but Ben—tried to turn it up!

However, after a few seconds at full power, Ben felt the leaf’s energy disappear, as it also faded away from existence...soon appearing once again in its strange form connected to his mind. So, after a short while, Ben regained his composure, standing up straight, in control of himself like any sane human would want to be. Except Ben’s face showed a deep frown of dissatisfaction. "You’re just gonna leave me here blue-balled?"


The leaf’s energy wasn’t enough to finish the job, at least not for him. However, to be fair, it was close. He’d need to check his boxers to be sure...

Hence, it might’ve worked if Ben hadn’t had sex a little while ago. It was also possible it’d be more effective on females. Either way though, Ben realized the leaf wasn’t a sex toy to finish himself off...but rather did what the description said it would, provided stimulation.

What’s more is it was clear that going at full power like he did would expend its energy at too rapid a pace. If he lowered the power to half or less, it would last much longer, like an old man pacing himself...

So all in all, the test provided lots of useful information. Although Ben wasn’t sure about any unknown potential applications of the leaf, he had a general idea of its main use: to stimulate.

As such, he saw a multitude of possibilities in his head, and was no longer upset about the nut negation... Instead, he smirked! Because he appreciated how this item could help him. ’This is a remote-controlled invisible sex toy, so I’m pretty sure...I can use it to raise women’s arousal levels!’

This train of thought also made Ben recall something. Beluga once told him that sometimes, all one needed for a one night stand was to raise a woman’s arousal high enough. In fact, this was the main method of seducing sluts.

Ben also remembered reading about a psychological process called the misattribution of arousal, whereby people made mistakes in identifying the source of their arousal. For example, if a woman was in a good mood and was with a man, she’d likely think he was the cause of that. Another case was where a woman was physiologically aroused or afraid due to a scary situation such as riding on a rollercoaster. In that scenario, she’d often misattribute that arousal, to romantic arousal from her partner!

In other words, if Ben aroused women using the magical leaf while he was near them, they’d think they were becoming aroused just by speaking with him! When he realized the full extent of the possibilities, his breath became short! This was too powerful!

In addition, that was only the primary ability. The most incredible thing wasn’t even that, but the item’s stealth! He could clip it onto any woman’s sensitive areas with a thought and stimulate them without them knowing what was happening! It was the most divine ninjutsu technique!

Although it might not always work, it would be a fatal weapon if used in the right circumstances, and a way for Ben to get the upper hand on any female in the world! The requirements weren’t even difficult! They only needed to be within 5 feet of him to materialize the leaf on them!

With such great wonders before him, he visualized various potential scenarios...

A stoic beauty giving him the cold shoulder...he’d warm her up with a leaf nut.


A mature boss passing him over for a about you’ve been promoted to nut.


The president’s wife giving a speech as Ben reaches close to her from the front of the audience...made it to five feet—you’re the first lady to nut.


This ability, possessed countless intriguing possibilities!

Of course, Ben wasn’t a villain, as long as you didn’t ask the faceslapped or cuckolds of the world...

So he also considered the potential for abuse, and re-affirmed his status as a noble hero on the side of justice. That’s why Ben vowed to try his best not to use it for nefarious means.

But he could only try...

The item’s power was too damn appealing! So as Ben thought about the not exactly consensual, but fine if they never found out about it, use-cases...he focused his mind on the leaf, ready to bring it back out to take on the town!

However, he soon blinked, because there was no response...


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