My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 248 The rookie fights back

Chapter 248 The rookie fights back

In the middle of the training space covered in blue mats, dozens of white belt students sat in a semi-circle around the pink-gi’d Valentina, as she demonstrated BJJ techniques. Among this crowd, Ben watched in silence, paying close attention just as he had the prior week. However, on this occasion, after seven days of training and studying aided by the 100x mid level multiplier, what he saw was completely different.

Because he pictured her naked.


Having rolled with her several times during the week, Ben was able to use his data jiu-jitsu to gain an even better understanding of her measurements...

That’s why, among all these students with serious expressions, he sat there with a stupid grin, standing out in his green gi like a discarded ball of wasabi...

It didn’t mean he didn’t pay attention to the technique though. It was only that, Ben already grasped it! Beyond the basic level that the other white belts observed, he could see the intricacies. This was the result of his week of enhanced training! Yet, the only one who was aware of that difference, was him...

That’s why, when Valentina’s demonstration ended and the time came for paired practice, Ben sat back against the wall and waited. He knew a queue of opponents was coming for him, the same as last time, and soon...his assumption proved correct!

Not five seconds passed before a dozen students approached him with savage expressions.

"You a masochist or what?"

"Kid, you didn’t eat enough punishment?"

"I’m surprised you had the balls to come back."

The same students who’d beaten on him last week and didn’t know of his changes sat down near Ben, eager for their opportunity to teach him another lesson, one he wouldn’t forget this time.

Yet, the one who looked forward to those lessons the most, was Ben!

Soon, the first opponent arrived, taunting as he cracked his knuckles. "Kid, you better have an answer for me this time..."

Ben blinked. "An answer to what?"

"Hardness, bounciness..."

Ben put his hand up and nodded. "Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get your answer."

Hearing this, the opponent smiled with appreciation. "Good brat." Then, they started their match.

Thirty seconds later, Ben was on top of the guy, with his arm around the guy’s neck in a headlock, and his right breast...on the guy’s forehead.

*Slam* While repositioning, Ben slammed the guy’s head against the mat "accidentally."

He looked down at the guy. "How’s the hardness?"


"Is it bouncy enough?"


No response came because the opponent couldn’t speak with an armpit in his mouth.


"How’s the elasticity?"



"Does the nipple size work for you?"


When the other students saw Ben put a choke on the guy and tap him out not long after that, they all showed strange expressions.

"Ron is sloppy today."

"He even got subbed by the rookie?"

"He probably just got unlucky."

Despite seeing that, they weren’t discouraged from having a go at Ben. So, next up, it was someone else’s turn to get unlucky.

*Tap* *Tap*

A minute later, a guy tapped out to a choke from Ben, almost going unconscious due to the unwillingness to lose to a newbie.

*Tap* *Tap*

The next guy almost got his arm snapped off not wanting to tap to a shoulder lock.

*Tap* *Tap*

*Tap* *Tap*

One by one, as Valentina’s admirers who bullied Ben last week lost in one-sided fashion, their faces grew more and more shocked. They weren’t the only ones to notice the commotion either. The other white belt students who’d seen Ben get crushed by these same opponents not long ago also couldn’t help but gawk at this massive change.

Nevertheless, like that, Ben beat most of the guys who’d rubbed his face in the ground last week. Yet, that was only the beginning. Noticing Ben’s dominance, the senior students in the class could no longer sit back. It would be too shameful if a fresh kid who trained for only a few days managed to defeat everyone like that. So, from that point on, the challengers who approached Ben, rose in level!

Some of these opponents were much larger. Some possessed much better technique. Some were about to receive their blue belts. Their advantages varied. Yet, they all had one thing in common: yesterday, if any of them faced Ben, then without a doubt--they would’ve won!

However, that was yesterday... Today, Ben believed he had a way to deal with these guys, a special move that only he could do, and now, it was the time to unleash it!

Soon, the opportunity came to test that theory. A huge husky-fat white belt sat across from him, smiling with confidence because he outweighed Ben by over 100 lbs, a massive advantage.

Yet, when they began to grapple and compete for strength, the big man’s eyes popped out! Because Ben wasn’t any weaker than him!

Even so, the man gritted his teeth. If he couldn’t win with strength, he could still use his technique. He didn’t believe a kid who trained for a week would be able to compete there. Once again though, he was wrong!

As they went move for move, Ben defended and attacked, proving a worthy opponent, making the big guy look at Ben with newfound respect. "Not bad kid, I admit you’re worthy of getting an even result against me."

"An even result?" Ben chuckled.

"What’s so funny?" The man frowned.

At that moment, Ben’s eyes changed, as a hint of green flashed deep inside of them, in his mind anyway...

The reason was, he turned it off, his limiter, the one that once again only existed in his imagination...

Ben was done focusing on technique. Now, it was time to bring out his finishing move. Glancing at the fat man’s gut, Ben smirked, and launched his special attack! "I’m surprised they let you out."

"...Let me out?"

Ben nodded. "Yea, from your job. Aren’t you the last boss people have to fight at Burger King?"


Hearing this, the man’s jaw dropped, as his mind went blank for a moment, and right then, Ben struck!


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