My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 17 - -17 Got A Genie On My Back?!

Third Person's point of view(POV)

"That new rogue wolf, that we had sent on the borders of Pearly canines, we've got some news about him, boss." A man said bowing in front of his leader, as he entered the lush office, of the leader of the rogues who was now camping on the border of the noman's land, planning a devious plan to attack other packs. ​​

"He is dead, ain't he?" The leader asked as he swirled the knife in his hands before pushing it into the skin of a woman sitting on his lap.

Feeling the pain of the knife entering her skin, the woman hissed painfully trying to control her cry, so as not to annoy the leader that could cause her, his mate's life.

The leader, however, smiled satisfactorily when he listened to that hissing sound of pain from her mouth. It gave him momentary happiness, as he pushed the knife deeper.

Oh, how much he loves the sound. It's like music to his ears. The sound that tells someone is in pain gives, and the fact that he was the one causing that pain always makes him feel ecstatic.

"Y-yes, boss." His beta stammered as he looked at the blood dripping from his mates hands, while her tearful eyes looked at him sadly because both of them knew they can't protect themselves from their strong boss.

"Ahh...don't mind him. He was just baiting, for me to see how strong their patrol is. It means if we take help of that stinky old witch, then we can enter the border without getting noticed.." The leader said, as he saw the wound on that woman healing and coming back to normal.

Throwing the woman away, who was a werewolf with good healing powers, he stood before asking his beta,

"That witch. He was talking about finding some girl right? Is she human?" He asked as he looked outside the window towards the perimeter of the kingdom they wanted to take over.

"As far as I can depict, she cannot be a mere human, right? Or why would a powerful witch like him try to search for her? There must be something more to her. No?" The beta asked, resulting in the boss throwing a dagger at him, within even turning to look where it hit.

If not for the subordinates keen sight, the dagger would have hit straight into his chest, however, he blocked the dagger by turning around and taking the hit on his hand, making him wince in pain and fall on his knees because of the dagger being laced with silver.

"Did I ask for your opinion? Do you think you are worthy enough to share what you are depicting with me? I am just asking is she human?" The leader asked again, his eyes seething with anger.

"Yes, boss. She apparently is." The beta said groaning painfully while pulling out the dagger from his wounded hand with his good hand.

"That's great. I want her. It's been too long since I last played with a human girl." The leader said before entering his room or den as called by others.



"Aish! When will this thing get over!" I whispered in frustration, before banging my head on the table for the tenth time probably.

"Just 5 minutes more, before the bell will ring," Daniel muttered from beside as he looked at me with one of those charming smiles.

Currently, I was sitting in this seminar room, listening to an old man talks about history.

As I looked at my watch for the fiftieth time, suddenly an idea popped in my mind.

Closing my eyes, I joined my hands to pray,

"Dear Genie, please make the bell ring early today."

Before I could even open my eyes, I heard the bell ringing, making me squeal before I dashed out of the room.

I know you guys didn't understand what happened just now.

To be honest, it was quite a surprise for me too.

It's been a week since that creepy professor's and wolf incident, and things had gone back to normal for everyone.

Well not for me. They have turned to an another level for me.

I have recently discovered that I might be having a Genie following me, who grants whatever wish I make. Like just now, I asked him to make the bell ring 5 minutes earlier and it did.

It started when, or let me rephrase it, I came to know about it when, I was lying in my bed, on this Monday afternoon, too lazy to close the curtains that were allowing the sunlight to enter the room.

I was groaning while tossing and turning on my bed when I murmured casually,

'I wish someone could close those curtains for me.'

And soon, I heard the noise of curtains sliding and before I could turn around to react, I noticed my room getting dark because of the closed curtains.

Initially, I was soo shocked that I immediately stood from my bed and checked the curtain a few times, all the sleep already vanished from my eyes.

After seeing that Aladdin movie, I had always wished to have a genie, who could fulfil all of my wishes and not only just three but millions of them.

It probably might sound crazy, but somehow my mind believed that it was some supernatural power a.k.a genie that closed the curtains for me.

So to check, if I had one, I closed my eyes and prayed, 'I wish I could get some chocolate syrup pancakes.'

And before I could even open my eyes, I smelled them. There were pancakes on my bed. And then I asked for a pizza, and then a burger, and then a cold drink and as soon as I would open my eyes, they would already be there.

I was so excited about this discovery that I wanted to share it with someone, but, didn't know who to share this newfound information with. Not having anybody else near me, I disturbed Carla.

'Hey! Did you see that? I think I've got a Genie on my back that fulfils all my wishes.' I shouted excitedly.

'Genie my ass. You are just misusing your own powers to fulfil your greedy needs. How lazy! If I were you, I would've probably used it to set a fire or create myself a mini swimming pool in the backyard.' Carla had replied making me roll my eyes at her.

This girl doesn't know how to enjoy small moments of pleasure.

After that, I had been using this soo called genie powers quite frequently, to make things easy for me, like washing the dirty dishes or my clothes, trimming the grass of the lawn and you know all that small stuff. I don't want to be too greedy and annoy my Genie, because I am afraid he will leave me, once he discovers the greedy side of me.

As I was running towards the cafeterias, I bumped into someone, making my bag fall on the ground, resulting in all the belongings to scatter around.

"Watch where you're going human." I heard a mean voice sound above me as I had to bend to pick my belongings.

"It applies to you too, miss-" I looked up before looking her up and down to disregard her more, "-nobody." I completed before picking everything and going towards the cafeteria.

'Jesus! If I wouldn't have been feeling soo hungry, I would've waited for her remark so that I could have some fun.' I thought in my mind before ordering my food.

These days, I had been feeling a lot hungry than usual. When I complained about it to Carla, she said, it's all normal because I was eating for two, which made me look at her as if she had grown two heads.

I mean, sometimes I don't get what goes in that tiny mind of hers.

Eating for two? Seriously? That's what she came with? Am I pregnant or something? Or was she referring to herself as the other person? She do realise that she is just a spirit in my head right?

Shaking my head at the insane thoughts, I looked at the things in front of me, before sighing loudly. There was a large bowl of noodles, a large bowl of pasta, 4 cheese sandwiches and two milkshakes to go with it. It might look too much right now, but I know I'll eat all of it within 10 minutes without even feeling overloaded or something.

'Give yourself a break girl. I have already said, it's normal. Your body is in the transitioning phase and you won't become fat, because of the strong metabolism. So eat all to want, you are loaded anyways.' Carla said again, as I looked at her, who was hungrily looking at the table.

'If I eat these things, will you also be able to enjoy their tastes?' I asked her out of the blue.

'Yeah, I will, since, I am a part of you.' Carla said as she looked at the food happily.

'Then, I mean I am not being suspicious, but is it by any chance, that it's you who has been planting these thoughts of ordering all of this food into my head?' I asked squinting my brows at her.

'That...haha...what are you talking about. How can I do that?' Carla laughed awkwardly while looking in all directions but at me.

It means, she indeed has a hand in doing something like this!!

No wonder, I've been feeling strange from the moment she had made her presence known.

I was busy with my own thoughts when I felt someone's presence behind me and from the alluring intoxicating scent that I smelled, I knew it was Alexander.

"Don't you think, it's a bit too much for your little body, Ria?" Alexander asked as he sat in front of me looking handsome as ever, making me roll my eyes at him.


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