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7 months ago
Game Creator Chen Yan had the fortunate accident of coming across a game called [Yunyang... Read more Game Creator Chen Yan had the fortunate accident of coming across a game called [Yunyang Girlfriend].Obviously from the title, it seems like a warm fuzzy game, however, Chen Yan did not go the usual route of being patient and waiting for daily items.He went the money-spending route!Chen Yan: “What is good about a girlfriend? Is it smelling the fragrance or the warmth around her?.” Collapse Beautiful Female Lead, Business Management, Celebrities, Character Development, Cheats, Clever Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Early Romance, Game Elements, Gamers, Handsome Male Lead, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Money Grubber, Polygamy, Poor to Rich, Romantic Subplot, System, Hiding True Abilities, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Management, Older Love Interests, Tsundere Я не знаю, почему перевода нет, хоть книга уже закончена и автор пишет новую про монаха.Если вы сомневаетесь, читать или нет, то я вам советую почитать.Эта книга может показаться шаблоном про гарем, получение кэшбэка с девушек и гарем из маньхуа китайских, НО!Плюсы:- у героя есть своя мечта и цель- автор не создаёт глупых девушек. Каждая со своим миром, желанием и интересами.- среди девушек не шлюх и идиоток - сюжет растёт и не скачет- многие моменты и фишки продуманы- система не делает его сверхчеловеком сразу- герой растёт и учится- ради увеличение % герой потеет и старается- весёлый юмор- экономика мира учитывается системойМинусы произведения :- хотелось бы увидеть больше интимных сцен- можно было бы расширить персонажей ещё больше- концовка слегка туманная В целом, роман очень хорош. (B +) - рейтинг точноНО!!!!!!!!!!!!Перед тем, как читать, советую прочитать другую книгу автора, которая называется ( я могу добавлять очки характеристик к предметам) или как-то так..точно не помню, простите.Просто первая книга, тоже шикарная и является началом большого мира, который пишет автор. Если вы не читали, то ничего страшного, вы просто не увидели бы множество посхалок от автора.Советую почитать данный рассказ. - It's aite. Nothing new Meh This novel starting is really good. The way that MC uses the "galge" system and takes advantage to make capital and start a business is an excellent way. But, I drop this after 550+ chapters in MTL. I cannot read more since the Author goes into the harem route and even add female that doesn't include in the system.Tbh the Author makes the MC becomes scumbag trash, MC playing with women's feelings. Here is the summary short story about the heroines and MC. SpoilerIn the first place, he did it for the reason to make more money and build more companies. But in the later development, author even adds a female outside the system and includes her in the harem. MC is cheating and he acknowledges it, he keeps it from the first heroine. The 2nd heroine knows she is the 2nd girlfriend and feel bad for 1st heroine since they are close friend in the later stories. The 3rd heroine doesn't make up much in the stories since she is martial art freak and has weird logical thinking. The 4th one was the only daughter of the conglomerate and loved the MC really hard, she is involved almost in any arc after she is introduced as 4th girlfriend in the stories. MC cheats again with her and later becomes a problem since the 2nd caught him in the red hand. After that, there is a mom's 1st heroine's friend, and I thought that the Author want to add the daughter so the MC can eat "oyakodon" later but the good thing so far is he didn't add the daughter and kept it as 'potential'. After that, 2,3,4, and the mom have a meeting on how to solve this problematic relationship with MC. They are just going with it like it's no problem until the MC decides to choose to settle down.The author knows what he doing, and he keeps doing it. I don't know how the Author feels, but this is just like reading kingdom-building novels just the genre is urban fantasy instead of wuxia. The story should end with MC making a mega business empire and having a big harem that accepts every woman he has and lives happily ever after.I will give this 3/5. Just read it when you are bored or have nothing to read anymore. Hello gentleman, would you like to join the ranobes community unofficial discord server? Yes any links? I dont know what to feel for the development. Honestly, it started nice, interesting concept and new. But all of a sudden, in pursuit for money, the mc decided to use a girl, that includes lying and forcing and playing with her feelings. It would be okay if the girl was bitchy or the typical girl who knows how society works and demands gifts. It would make the story a bit better to read because both parties benefit from each other, girl getting her gifts and guy multiplying the amount of money he spent. But NO, he's playing with the feelings of an innocent girl, who have no experiences in romance, poor and barely making monhey to support her studies and also an orphan. For me, the Mc's pulling the asshole move."MC is very good, not a simp, not a horny fella"Hes not simping and not horny, I agree. But hes a jerk. People be like "He has priorities" "He has goals" "Hes no simp, this is the man" You'll like him until a guy with same personality break the heart of your mother or sister. Then you find out you idolized the asshole figure because you want to be like him, but not want to Have someone with same personality be near you or your family members. i really agree with you, that's why i am disgusted with someone who likes an evil MC. wtf man it sure funs until you get someone to do evil things to you. You opened my eyes again .novels sures effects the mindset of some people Light novels for me is some kind of an escape from reality. So I tend to put myself sometimes in MC's shoes thats why I like a lot of Slice of Life stories. When I encounter an MC like this, its just hard to tolerate. Hello gentleman, would you like to join the ranobes community unofficial discord server? Utterly disliked the mc. Not being a simp doesn't mean being an asshole and being cold doesn't mean being cunning. Read raw(few chaps no more than 100) long time back.MC isn't simp. MC isn't asshole. MC isn't cold either. MC isn't cunning either. MC is more of oblivious(than cold) when it comes to female. MC isn't cunning more like he is rational analyst; he's like into the game not the woman actually. So I left it. LoLI came across this when searching for good harem to read. Wait I didn't read the story but I'm reading the comments...How can someone be a rational analyst if they are oblivious? I have something against the ‘hiding true abilities’ tag (pretty much hiding anything) so can someone tell me how much he hides? It looks interesting but lowkey mc’s are not for me its good, i read the Mtl of this like years back and it was good. it had a little 'bad' start but it got really of in the 60+ chs This novel is complicated. The MC is very good, not a simp, nor a horny fella. He is very intelligent and the heroines are all interesting. It's the typical harem-business novel, but the relationship between the heroines and the MC is not forced and they have actually development. The problem comes in the mid-late stage where you can't help but curse the MC's indecision, which is to be expected from a man forming a harem in modern times, the system can give him the tools to make it possible but he needs to work for it. Overall an interesting novel worthy of reading till the MC becomes a hypocrite for a time in the middle. If you can endure harem and some of it's problem, read it. I'm not saying this is good or bad but like what was the criteria for this to be chosen? 35 chapters in 7 months? I've seen other novels get rejected for not being popular enough, so why this?