My Muscle System in the Mage World

Chapter 17: Nina goes to Capital

Chapter 17: Nina goes to Capital

"Nina, what is she doing here?" Aur thought with some confusion. Although he had told his parents about Nina, he didn't explain much about her and especially where her house was.

"Mother," he walked up to both his mother and Nina with a confused expression.

"Oh, Aur, you are finally here." Evelyn's eyes lit up when she saw Aur.

"Yes." He just nodded his head.

While Nina was somehow embarrassed with a little red blush on her face as she joined her two fingers together.


"You guys, I will be leaving." Evelyn said with a small smirk on her face as she whispered something to Nina before she left.

Aur had question marks on his face but still he remained.

"So why have you come?" After Evelyn left, Aur asked directly.

"I am leaving soon for the capital." Nina's face became expressionless as she looked at Aur who was also expressionless and was looking at her with his red eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy as no one spoke a single word, remaining silent.

"Well, congrats then," after a long time, Aur spoke the words as a small smile marred his face.

"That means I will leave you behind."

"I know." Aur just nodded his head with an expressionless face.

"You heartless bastard." Her face turned red as tears threatened to come out of her eyes.

"Eh," Aur was stunned when he saw this "what did I do?"

"I want to fight you."


"Yes, you heard me right. I want to fight you." She nodded her head while rubbing her eyes, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Umm," Aur was speechless when he heard this as he looked at her deeply with his crimson gaze before he nodded his head as she took a deep breath.

"Fine, if you want to fight me, come."

"Alright." Nina's eyes lit up with a strange pattern manifesting in her eyes as suddenly an orb of light materialised in front of her, making an eye-piercing light that made Aur shut his eyes close.

The orb continuously produced an eye-blinding light, catching Aur off-guard.

Without letting Aur recover, she took out a real sword from her waist and charged at him.

"Good try," Aur remarked as he disappeared from his position right when she was about to reach him.


He punched without mercy, but his arms felt like they were hitting a wall when his fist was about 12 cm away from Nina, and a small shine of metallic glint was faintly seen.

"This is..."

Before he could even think, Nina's sword was suddenly also covered in a blinding light as she slashed at Aur with no mercy, a cold expression on her face.

Aur was sent flying as a small cut appeared on his chest.

However, seeing the small amount of blood, Nina snapped out of her state and walked up to Aur with a concerned expression on her face.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have used a real sword."

Aur had disbelief written on his face as he remembered the last moment in his mind.

Just when the sword was coated with that blinding light, its speed increased to a terrifying degree that made his honed muscles, trained for almost a decade, entirely useless, as his eyes couldn't even follow the pattern of the swing.

His eyes narrowed as he thought of that, finally having a resigned expression. "I have been too arrogant. There are mountains higher than me. Mages, huh..."

Aur looked at Nina, who was slowly touching his wound as a golden light appeared. His body recovery increased by several times, the wound slowly healed simultaneously.

"The mages are revered for a reason..." he muttered in a hush tone.

"Aur, Aur, Aur..."

He snapped back to reality as he felt a soft skin touch him, and a fragrance assailed his nose.

Although the soft touch of the skin only lasted for a moment.

"Aur, I will be waiting for you in the capital. You must come, or I will beat you up again, got it?"

Nina whispered into Aur's ears as she ran to the carriage. However, before she could enter the luxurious carriage, she looked back at Aur with an arrogant expression and moved her mouth, but no words came out as she entered the carriage.

"You are my man, Aur. I am fine with you having another woman, but remember, you will always be mine." Aur repeated the mouth movements of Nina, and he was stunned.

Aur touched his cheeks, which still felt the soft sensation of Nina's lips, as he shook his head.

"Look at me, acting like a virgin," Aur muttered as he cursed himself.

In his previous world, he had gone out with many women. After all, as the gang leader and the strongest, many women showed interest in him, whether because of his influence, his money, or even his power. So, he had no lack of women.

But he didn't have much interaction with many women because he had learned one thing in particular: women equal trouble.

"Oh well, this girl is interesting anyway..." Aur thought with a smirk on his face. "After all, she gave me fifty middle-grade mana crystals."

"Hmm..." he returned back to his home with a contemplative expression.

"Aur, so what happened? Did the girl ask you out?" Evelyn smirked as she saw him enter the house. She was sitting in a simple chair with a mischievous expression on her face.

"Oh, you mean Nina? She was just saying goodbye to me," Aur said with a speechless expression. "How did she even assume that?" he muttered.

Evelyn had a disappointed expression. "I know that girl has already fallen for you. You must not disappoint her, Aur."

"Well, we will see in the future," Aur said with a troubled expression.

"She is already that terrifying in two months. Looks like she has already gotten her first vital circle already. Nina is also a high-grade talent. I wonder how much that guy William has progressed," he mused to himself.


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