My mother's SON-IN-LAW

Chapter 3: INTRIGUED


The moment I took a step out of his office, I found myself smiling at his request and with no second thought I sent him a text which read, 'let the game begin'.

And with that I heard footsteps coming from his office, and that was when I rushed to the lift and dragged myself out of there as fast as I could.


When the date ended that night, Alicia found herself taking a stroll around the garden in the Adams residence, it's the one place which has absolute privacy in the entire house. She was not able to wrap her head around the guy from the date, he was somehow childish yet cunning at the same time. she couldn't understand why he bickered with her constantly right until she finished the date and he walk her to her car with an amused smile.


"So, what's your definition of dating Mr Walker?" Alicia asked as she placed the fork down after taking a few bites.

And with a smile Liam took a sip of the wine in the glass next to him and said, "It's a warmup for marriage I think".

"Wait, what? What do you mean by warm up!!?" Asked Alicia as she screamed out the words in utter shock with his eyes wide open.

And with nothing but a simple smile Liam nodded his head slightly and answered her with, "Exactly that, a warmup. Why? Do you have a different view about dating?

Alicia could not contain herself any farther and blurted the words, "YES, completely different!"

OOW, what is your definition of dating then?" said Liam with a slightly amused smile, and without wasting any moment Alicia retaliated with, "It's getting to know someone and potentially finding a companion."

"I see, and what is marriage to you miss Adams?" asked Liam, as he kept his eyes solely glued onto Alicia's as not to give a chance of escape.

Alicia then took a deep breath as she tried to keep her calm and said, "Well if you must know Mr Liam, It, uhm, its living with a companion which you get along with extremely well and love."

Liam chuckled to himself slightly as he watched Alicia struggle with her words while keeping her anger in check. She seemed to have a temper he wanted to tease right out of her. But for some reason she was holding back. So he let go of the idea and said, "How about I become a companion for you for a while? I have a few months to spear. Maybe I can give you a little amusement for a while."

Alicia was not sure how to react to the man's request for him, she kept her mouth agape as she looked at his eyes which contained a bit of laughter in them.

While she kept mum Liam shook his head with a little chuckle and said, "I'll take that as a yes then."]

She was not able to read anything about his behaviour, nor did they have any straightforward conversation just constant bickering which landed them nowhere. She then took her phone from her bag and dialled Chris's number, it took her a few seconds before the call was answered by him,

"Hello little Ally, how did the date go?" asked Chris with a laugh.

Alicia rolled her eyes knowing very well that he was enjoying the situation she landed herself in, with a slight frown she said, "You heard everything he said, so tell me where did you find this guy? He might cause problems for me if I'm not aware of how to deal with him."

Chris became silent for a while before he sighed and said, "If you are able to survive through the weekend with Mr Liam, I'll tell you all you need to know about him. "And with that Chris hang up the call.

Alicia looked at the blank phone emotionlessly and put it back in her bag with no words.


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