My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 341: 264: Tracking and Base (4K)_1

Chapter 341: Chapter 264: Tracking and Base (4K)_1

On the 49th day of the disaster moon’s descent, the permeating red fog that brought filth and erosion to heaven and earth began to decline after reaching its peak.

The Astronomical Society also released news.

“The Red Fog Disaster Moon is expected to end within three days.”

This was a dose of encouragement. Whether it’s the Lords or ordinary players participating in the war, they’ve had enough of the endless onslaught of monsters.

Even some strong territories and powerful teams held in fortified towns were extremely exhausted after continuous battles.

The Twilight Plain Region, Luo Xing Territory.

“Damn, it’s finally coming to an end.”

Jiang Luoxing was commanding a dozen nuns and priests, using Holy Light Healing on his injured soldiers.

His defense forces were strong and he had numerous defensive structures.

But after so many days of fierce battles, every soldier’s combat status had only six or seven tenths remaining. If the onslaught continued for another half a month, there might be a risk of his territory being breached.

Luckily, the worst days were almost over.

The Huan Chao Territory.

Wearing a cyan-blue robe and a white shawl, Liu Miumiu walked on the city wall. A blue line of life sprang forth from her, connecting the Huan Chao Spring Spirits and the Cold Pool Sky Maidens.

She stood there, catching her breath for a while, then wiped the sweat from her forehead.

“Still, there were a few Spring Spirits that could not be saved.”

“Am I too weak?”

She never had a sense of urgency before – neither the trials of being a Lord nor the harassment from the Monster Tribes worried her. She didn’t have any high ambitions, she just wanted to peacefully live her life. All she wished for was to hold a rank high enough among the other Lords to not embarrass her sister.

Neither too high nor too low, she was content to go with the flow.

But now, she felt a bit weak. She had no thoughts of vying for the top spot among her fellow lords, of shining on the stage. But at the very least…

She could not bear the sight of her old followers, who had been with her for so long, laying down their lives in front of her.

Tianyuan Territory, aside from the day when it was deceived and ambushed by the Orochi Servant, no other accidents occurred.

No matter if it were Wisdom Monsters trying to duplicate the former ambush;

Wisdom Monsters that drilled out of the ground;

Or a group of Wisdom Monsters trying to charge in a massive formation;

All of them were laid to rest peacefully.

The most difficult to guard against were the monsters that dug up from the ground. Mu Yuan had no permanent solution to this, he could only temporarily fortify the surface, conduct underground scouting, internal patrols, and so on.

The Excellent Tier building, ‘Magic Celestial Instrument’, was powered by Lord Shepherd at its highest power, scanning the surroundings of the territory twenty-four hours a day.

Whether they walked on the ground, flew in the sky, swam underground, none of them would be overlooked.

A bit unexpectedly but still in reason, the Celestial Instrument discovered some peculiar small creatures.

A few kilometers away from Tianyuan Territory, on a stout and robust ancient tree.

A silhouette lay across, his boots tightly against the trunk as if nailed in place. His entire aura was nearly non-existent, blending in with the tree, like a simple short branch.

“It’s the one.”

“A territory that can attract and withstand such a scale of monster waves, must undoubtedly be Tianyuan Territory! I’ve finally found you!”

A-grade Scout Soma was very excited.

Only God knows how long he’s been searching!

Months ago, when he had just received the SS-Class mission, he was full of anticipation and excitement. But after several months of life and death adventures in the wilderness, without finding even a trace of Tianyuan Territory, all his enthusiasm and anticipation had been extinguished.

He now only wanted to return to the Shen Yao Empire, to spend time with his thirteen lovers.

“Now that the location of Tianyuan Territory is confirmed, my mission is finally accomplished!”

“Promotions, raise, and official appointments, it’s just a matter of days!”

“To avoid unforeseen complications during long nights, let’s get back and report the news.”

Soma had already made a simple report via his communication device.

Next, was the time to prepare for war.

The Red Fog Disaster Moon had not yet ended, they could make use of the power of the monster tide to wage a strike on Tianyuan Territory.

The timing was all on their side.

Thinking about it, Soma began to feel thankful for the monster tide.

Although the monsters running all over the place had given him no small amount of trouble, making him be extremely cautious when traveling outside. His base had already lost quite a few colleagues, who had tragically died among the monsters.

But it was precisely because of the appearance of the monster tide that they could follow the directions of the gathering and moving hordes, to find one external territory after another.

And then find this current one, its scale and volume far exceeding that of a normal new territory, it was identified as Tianyuan’s territory at first glance.


Even if they were given half a year to a year’s time, finding Tianyuan Territory may not be possible.

“Thank you for the guidance of the monster tide.”

Soma placed his hands together in a prayer, waited for a moment when the monster flow beneath the ancient tree was rather sparse, he jumped gently from the tree, falling like a fluttering leaf.

Lifted his head slightly, glanced at the large bird flying overhead, he cautiously walked into the distance.

He walked very cautiously.

He would walk for a moment then stop, sometimes blending into the woods like a dead tree, remaining there for half an hour before continuing his journey.

This repeated again and again.

Even though victory was in sight, even though in a few days he could return home and enjoy his promotions, even though his heart was filled with excitement, Soma remained cautious.

That was the professional quality of an A-grade scout.

Finally, after 14 hours and 25 minutes, A-grade scout Soma walked towards a rock face and disappeared into it like a ripple through the water.

Several hundred meters away.

In the unremarkable wilderness.

Dead Bone and Isloa, a skeleton and a person stood undisguised in the open, appearing as if they were non-existent. The monsters passing them paid them no attention as they moved around them.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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