My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 327: 258: Mountain Rain is Coming (4K)_2

Chapter 327: Chapter 258: Mountain Rain is Coming (4K)_2

“In comparison, we, the veteran players are quite lucky.”

“However, for the peripheral lords, this Red Fog Disaster Moon is both a crisis and an opportunity. If I’m not mistaken, the lords must have made a fortune after withstanding waves of monster tides! I wish my territory was on the periphery, unfortunately, it isn’t, and all I can do is to station troops in the frontier towns and make some small amount of money.”

“Don’t be complacent, this time the Red Fog Disaster Moon is different from the previous years. Moreover, do you really think the peripheral lords are making a lot of money? The prerequisite for making money is the ability to easily exterminate the monsters. Once their territories get damaged, troops die, the loss will be huge, exceeding their income.”

However, most players, especially veteran players from the mainland, regard this disaster moon as a hunting event.

They could gain considerable rewards from both defeating high-order monsters and purifying the Land of Filth.

This aroused the excitement of many players and they exclaimed that such opportunities were rare.


“The Nest of Filth has been found in the Lan He Town region, the military stronghold of Lan He has been destroyed, countless players, and lords killed!”

Suddenly, such news ranked top on the hotlist of Tai Xuan Forum one day.

Countless players were horrified.

Mu Yuan checked it out.

Similar to their Shiling Town region, the Lan He Town region also discovered the Nest of Filth one day. The difference was that an alliance of troops organized by Lan He Town for the expedition and purification of the Nest of Filth strategically retreated when they found it unfavourable during their first attempt.

The second attempt also ended in failure, with heavier losses.

On the third day after discovering the Nest of Filth in the Lan He Town region, this military stronghold was breached by a wave of high-order monsters.

Many players and lords were killed, half of the others managed to break through and retreat.

The news posted on the forum was very brief, Mu Yuan could visualize heaps of corpses and sea of blood from those few sentences.

“Level Six Lord Sandstorm City Lord killed.”

“Level Four Lord Lord Lan He killed.”

“Level Four Lord…”

The death list announced was already enough to illustrate the severity of the battle.

Mu Yuan had seen Shiling Town, it had defense capabilities that could surpass Tianyuan Territory by a few miles. However, this powerful military stronghold only survived a few hours under the monster tide before it was declared to be broken.

It wasn’t even able to hold on until the reinforcements arrived.

That day, if the lords of their Shiling Town region were unable to purify the Nest of Filth…would the entire Shiling Town region follow in the footsteps of Lan He Town region and turn into a dead zone?

Mu Yuan suddenly felt a bit scared.

He always knew about the disastrous nature of the Nest of Filth, but it was still not as shocking as directly facing the bloody impact.

Not only in the Lan He town region, in the past few days, Nests of Filth also appeared in two other places and were rooted out in time.

But outside the Tai Xuan Alliance, in the more foggy wildlands, how many Nests of Filth were there?

Mu Yuan wasn’t aware.

During deep exploration, the Dead Bone did not find an area that could be categorized as the Nest of Filth. Of course, even if it found one, it would be helpless to do anything about it.

The more the Nest of Filth is in the depths of the wild, the harder it is to eliminate and purify it.

The ones that will appear will not be on the same scale as those that were previously purified.

“Not only that, but the density of the red fog in the sky these days is faintly increasing.”

Mu Yuan’s naked-eye judgement was not accurate.

Isloa performed a more meticulous observation and gave an affirmative answer.

On the Tai Xuan Forum, the Astronomical Society also issued a warning.

“Attention! Attention! The intensity of the wave of monsters is rising, it is expected to peak in a few days.”

Something big was coming.

At the same time, in a certain place deep in the Twilight Plains.

Inside the belly of a mountain.

Gears creaking and turning, the tracks on the ground are occasionally highlighted. Players dressed in varying outfits are busy in this secret base, but their expressions are somewhat tired.

This is the base of the Shen Yao Empire Intelligence Department ‘Eye of Shiny,’ located in the Twilight Plain Region.

A thorn pinned on the outskirts of the Tai Xuan Alliance.

They were responsible for collecting information and infiltration. In the last few months, they were assigned the highest level task – find and assassinate the Lord Tianyuan.

They were once highly regarded, and they even had quite a lot of funding.


When the Red Fog Disaster Moon arrived, and it was unusually fierce, this branch of Eye of Shiny was like an abandoned child, no one paid any attention to them.

Boom! Boom!

Explosions sounded from afar, dust sprinkled from the ceiling of the Eye of Shiny base.

In the office at the center of the base, a man wearing an orange V-face mask was sitting quietly in his office chair.

Underneath his mask, his eyes were bloodshot, and his fists clenched slightly.

Through a special instrument, he observed the outside world from afar.

The red fog drifted, monsters surged.

When the Eye of Shiny built this base, it invested plenty of resources and set up a high-level enchantment; even during the Red Fog Disaster Moon period, their base wouldn’t be eroded by the red fog nor discovered by monsters.

They completely hid in the wilderness, going out and returning only through short-distance teleportation arrays.

It is very well hidden.


The red fog disaster this year is particularly fierce, the external environment is very unsafe, and the elite scouts from his department have suffered heavy losses recently.

An A-grade explorer has been lost again.

What worries the branch commander most is that this disaster moon is extraordinary, and it seems that their base is no longer completely safe.

They can be affected by battles among monsters.

It cannot be ruled out that they could be discovered by high-order intelligent monsters; and at that time, countless scouts from their entire branch will be devoured by monsters.

He hoped to be transferred back home and resume work after the Red Fog Disaster Moon passed.

However, his application was like a stone lost in the sea.

The V-face commander could guess the main reasons.

As the Red Fog Disaster Moon continues and Lanxing is in the stage of imminent fusion, Eye of Shiny has already put its most efforts into these two aspects; no one cares about his small branch anymore.

They have no reinforcements, and they can’t go back.

Unless they find and assassinate Tianyuan, and return in the glory of a hero!

“Almost there,” he murmured, “Almost there.”

“The headquarters must have thought that our branch no longer has the ability to find Tianyuan and has missed the best time to assassinate him, but they are wrong. We have already found traces of Tianyuan!”

For discovering Tianyuan so quickly, he had to thank the Red Fog Disaster Moon.

It was the disaster moon and the tide of monsters that allowed them to capture more traces.

He also had to thank the goddess of fortune.

Fate fortuitously put the Tianyuan Territory at a location not too far from their branch.

It seemed as if Destiny was on their side.

“Almost there,” he muttered again, “We’ll be able to lock on soon.”

Underneath his mask, the blood vessels in his eyes were even more prominent.

The Tianyuan Territory.

Lord Shepherd went to bed at 2 a.m. and woke up at 6 a.m., very healthy and energetic.

As part of his routine, he patrolled his territory, walking on the high walls of the city.

At the same time, he made some arrangements for the things to be done next.

“The Red Fog Disaster Moon is about to peak. Naturally, the first priority is to hold the territory and not let the tide of monsters cross the line.”

For this, he was almost ready.

The defenses have been set up, only the Thunder Flame Cannons were still in production.

But what he wanted was not just defense.

“If the Tianyuan Territory still has extra energy to face the tide of monsters, I can ignite the ‘Misfortune Charm Flower’. Not only can it attract more monsters for harvesting, but it can also alleviate the pressure on the surrounding territories.”

“Next, there may be a situation where other territories need to be reinforced.”

Like Shiling Town.

Shiling Town was under the greatest pressure in the region. Although Mu Yuan didn’t think anything would happen there, he had Seventeen stationed there just in case.

“The second most important thing is still the collection of Remnant Souls. During the disaster moon period, when the Remnant Souls are cheap, I should buy as many as possible.”

This kind of purchase could attract unwanted attention.

But he had to do it.

Lanxing was about to merge. After that, without Lanxing as a transfer platform, it would not be easy to buy Remnant Souls of Troop Type in large quantities.

“The third thing is the Eye of Shiny’s base.”

Mu Yuan looked beyond his territory.

He did not forget that his territory had been infiltrated by the A-grade explorer Victor. He had also encountered players from the Eye of Shiny in the surrounding region of his territory.

All these indicate that the Eye of Shiny is not far from him.

Like a thorn in his side.

He wanted to remove it.


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