My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 26 - 25 Eating Everything Will Only Hurt

Chapter 26: Chapter 25 Eating Everything Will Only Hurt

You (Please Collect and Follow~)_l

Translator: 549690339


Mu Yuan was suddenly struck by a feeling of lessened temperature, as a cold wind began to blow.

In front of him, a deep blue pattern rapidly traveled, sketched, and intertwined.

In just a blink of an eye, a large gate covered with mysterious array patterns came into existence within his bedroom, and with a great rumble, it swung open.

A figure in silver-grey armor, carrying a massive sword and a bone spear, stepped out from it. The next moment, the gate vanished into countless tiny specks of light.


Dead Bone was a bit taken aback for a moment, but then it saw the familiar figure and felt a sense of profound familiarity emanating from the core of its soul.

Being quite huge, Dead Bone found the small bedroom somewhat cramped.

Plus, the weight of its full-body armor was considerable, causing it to make a lot of noise when moving. So, Mu Yuan decided to keep it inside his mark space.

The good news was that textbooks and other books could also be stored in the mark space. However, they couldn’t be transported to the game world.

Now, Dead Bone could take this opportunity to read and memorize them.

For instance, it could memorize and then transcribe them in the Eternal World, which would not only exercise its abilities but also allow the precious books to’ be transported to the Eternal World for free. That’s killing two birds with one stone.

Mu Yuan thought it was a great plan.

He pondered over the entire summoning process, “As expected, the whole process was extremely smooth and didn’t require the game interface to manipulate the summoned creatures. Just follow the invisible connection and add some Soul Sand.”

“Moreover, the consumption during the summoning process was also smaller than I had imagined.”

It didn’t feel like he had been drained. The level of exhaustion he felt was equivalent to a leisurely 400-meter run at most.

And it was a slow jog.

Given his current physical fitness, the energy consumption of a slow 400-meter jog was almost negligible.

“The exhaustion experienced by other players while summoning their creatures seems far greater. It feels like they’ve run at least 3000 meters. My process is quicker and consumes less energy, which means I would have an easier time summoning more creatures when needed.”

That’s pretty good.

Having summoned Dead Bone to the real world and experiencing transcendent power, Mu Yuan felt quite elated. However, there wasn’t enough space in the real world for Dead Bone to fully exercise his power, and he also didn’t have much time to spare. Soon, he suppressed his excitement, disguised himself, and went out.

Perhaps due to an increasing number of newcomers, the association’s market was even busier than before.

Having been there once, Mu Yuan was no longer a green hand. After the forum s baptism, he was no longer a rookie.

Disguised as an old player, he wandered around the stalls, sold the materials, and exchanged the remnant souls.

Mu Yuan saw Boss Zhang from a distance, but didn’t greet him.

Boss Zhang didn’t have any remnant souls of the Little Skeletons. Mu Yuan moved on to another stall and bought four Little Skeleton Remnant Souls, and six more from another.

And then… that’s all.

You old players are really disgraceful. Weren’t you all complaining about the Skeleton creatures being weak and their remnant souls not selling? Why didn’t you accumulate more stock for me to buy? Damn!

Mu Yuan understood that the number of players in Baijiang City was limited. The size of the trading market was also limited and couldn’t be any larger.

The people who painstakingly set up stalls were ordinary players. True Lord Players didn’t need to sell such trifles.

Skeleton creatures are weak? They should be sent for mining. There’s always a job suitable for them.

He heard that the real large-scale trading market with numerous treasures for sale wasn’t in Lanxing, but in the Eternal World. Only there would he have the chance to see the Great Lords and top strength players.

Unable to buy Little Skeleton Remnant Souls, Mu Yuan changed his disguise and bought four Slime Remnant Souls from a third stall owner.

He cheaply sold off the useless Goblin Wraiths and some ordinary materials and bought some nurturing materials that could aid Dead Bone in cultivation.


“This is damn expensive!”

Mu Yuan frowned.

The most common auxiliary cultivation material was called “Pure Crystal Dust.” When mixed with Soul Sand in 1:1 ratio, it could speed up the cultivation rate to 1.5 times or even twice than the normal rate.

Yet, the cost of this method was several times that of only using Soul Sand.

Originally, it would need about l5g of Soul Sand to upgrade Dead Bone from Level 4 to Level 5. But with this new method, the required Soul Sand increased to hundreds.

He only earned two hundred Soul Sands yesterday!

And he also needed to cultivate other Skeletons!

After some hesitation, Mu Yuan bought a small amount of Pure Crystal Dust for Dead Bone to try.

There was no need to rush with cultivation. As Dead Bone evolves, its cultivation efficiency would also improve. However, he would need to buy more of cultivation materials such as ‘Filling Fruit.’

The Dead Bone was eaten up quickly.

He also needs to allocate some resources to cultivate Bone Two and Bone Three.

That’s a big expense.

Usually, players would only invest a large amount of resources and improve the combat power of their ace troops and main forces when the improvement of their main force level becomes difficult.

No one except the Whales would invest in cultivating the series materials during the newbies days.

Even for the Whales, this expense is painful. After all, the level of early troops is generally not high, and the Three-star level troops will sooner or later be replaced in the middle period, becoming ordinary city defense soldiers.

Some top-notch newbies have recruited Rare Level troops early, but given these people’s capabilities, they will sooner or later be able to recruit even higher-ranking troops.

A heavy cultivation is somewhat wasteful.

Not cultivating, on the other hand, puts them behind others.

Mu Yuan doesn’t have this worry, spending money on his own kids doesn’t hurt a bit…well, it hurts a little bit.

When he came here, he still had more than 200 Soul Sands in his account. He pondered that he still had a lot of materials to sell, and his wallet had to be fuller when he returned.

But it got flattened.

Of course, he didn’t sell the most precious Shaman Inheritance Stone because he couldn’t find an opportunity to sell it, which was indeed an eyesore.

After completing the trade, Mu Yuan quickly retreated home.

The whole process went extremely smoothly. No old players tracked him and killed him halfway; he didn’t run into any arrogant and domineering rich second generation during the trade; and he didn’t encounter any strong wanted criminals causing trouble, etc.

The 108 emergency plans he had prepared had no opportunity to use.

That’s good.

He’s a peaceful person, and he doesn’t care for all that fighting and killing

“Thud?? ”

Accompanied by Bone Two cutting down the last Cave’s person, Mu Yuan, who didn’t have the qualification to name his territory yet, has achieved another glorious ‘defense battle’ victory.

At this moment, Dead Bone also returned to the Eternal World via the Lord’s Seal.

Looking at the Cave’s people, Thorny Cave’s people lying dead in front of him, his expressionless face grew grave again, “Lord, something is wrong. The number of Cave’s people invading has increased by 1.5 times than last time. If this trend continues, our territory will soon face a great crisis.”

Mu Yuan:”…”

Yeah, yeah, right.

Looking at the mighty Skeleton Soldiers and the defeated Cave’s people, Mu Yuan couldn’t argue with that and could only agree to Dead Bone’s ‘strengthening of territory defense strategy’.

What can he say with such a general who cares about the territory? Of course, he has to agree with everything of course.

Arranging defenses was Dead Bone’s job, and Mu Yuan’s own job was very simple.



Soon, the new ten stupid little skeletons walked down from the altar and at the same time, 4 cute and stupid slime also appeared.

Even though he couldn’t enter the Eternal World in person during the newbie days and could only watch from in front of the computer, watching the team grow stronger and larger, Mu Yuan was still ambitious.

Falcon, 1.

Slime Series, 5. Among them, one three-star Big Slime.

Skeleton Series, 25. Among them, 1 Skeleton Warriors, 13 Skeleton Soldiers.

Yes, he has evolved the Skeleton Soldiers to ‘Bone Fourteen’, They patrol tirelessly, defeating any enemies that come to attack.

Compared to that, the lively Slime is a bit more troublesome to manage than the Little Skeleton.

Mu Yuan is prepared to adopt the ‘old leading the new’ style.

Previously, he let Dead Bone take the Big Slime along, so now, let the Big Slime take the Little Slime along, and that should perfectly solve the problem, right?

Oh right, where’s Big Slime? He didn’t see such a big chunk.

Mu Yuan turned his gaze and saw the Big Slime in the edge of the territory just swallowing some unknown object.

Its body stiffened suddenly, turning an unhealthy color, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Mu Yuan:”!!!”

“Eating everything will only harm you!”


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