My Master Only Breaks Through on the Edge of Death

Chapter 527: 500: The Ambitious Snow Spirit Venerable

Deep in the Vast Void Domain, Zhan Ling was driving the Snake Spirit Number while mining.

Li Chufan accompanied Zhan Ling.

“Grandpa is so amazing, he can actually drive such a big Spirit Boat.” Li Chufan said admiringly.

“This is nothing, your Master Ancestor is even more amazing, he designed and refined such a big Xing Zhou.” Zhan Ling said.

“Master Ancestor has always been amazing.” Li Chufan said matter-of-factly.

At this moment, Li Xingci walked in.

“Elder Zhan Ling, the Star Array set up by Master is done, we can go there to pick him up now.” Li Xingci said.

“It’s good to have a skill, your Master Ancestor is so powerful, it’s stronger than me driving the Snake Spirit Number ten times.” Zhan Ling said in amazement.

He couldn’t help but wonder if he had wasted his Refining Talent when he didn’t learn it back then?

“Master often says that there are special areas of expertise, and professionals do professional work.” Li Xingci comforted.

“But your Master’s combat power is also very high, his combat strength, refining, alchemy, and everything else is well-done. Controlling a Nascent Soul Stage Puppet and holding Immortal Tools, a normal Demon Venerable truly can’t do anything to him. ” Zhan Ling said gloomily.

“Elder Zhan Ling, don’t think about Master, just think about the others.” Li Xingci said.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about it, let’s go find your Master.” Zhan Ling sighed softly, controlling the Snake Spirit Number and flying in the direction of that star.

Snow Spirit Star, Xu Fan was doing the final tuning of the Star Array.

A giant ancient star, two or three times larger than the Earth, was running the huge Star Array and drawing power from the ancient stars.

Countless spiritual power tentacles stretched into the Vast Void Domain, sweeping through all the Spirit Mine Stars within ten thousand miles.

“Senior, this formation can also collect Spirit Mine Stars in the Vast Void Domain.” Cao Jun excitedly said beside Xu Fan.

“Of course, a single spiritual power tentacle can extend up to 100,000 kilometers.”

“For this Ancient Star Array Method, I have added an Array Spirit; if you don’t understand anything, you can ask it directly.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

A complete Star Array, huge, intricate, and complex, requires a clear understanding of every aspect of the array’s power to fully control it.

According to Xu Fan, the huge Star Array had at least more than 10 million words in its manual. Even for a cultivator, it would be impossible to fully master it in a short period of time.

So Xu Fan equipped it with an Auxiliary Helper Tool Spirit.

A butterfly flew out from the array eye and landed on Cao Jun’s shoulder.

“Are you the Artifact Spirit of the Star Array?” Cao Jun asked curiously.

The butterfly lying on his shoulder gently nodded its head.

“I have left you a complete set of Array Method inheritance, just learn it step by step.” Xu Fan looked at the Snake Spirit Number coming towards him in the Vast Void Domain and said, as he didn’t have much time left on this star.

“Thank you, senior, you are my re-creator.” Cao Jun expressed his gratitude and bowed. He knew that the mysterious and unpredictable senior who had taught him the Array Method knowledge would be leaving soon.

“It’s not that exaggerated, I just saw that you have some talent and took the opportunity to give you some guidance.” Xu Fan said as he began to test the final feature of the Snow Spirit Star.

As Xu Fan completed his hand gesture, the entire ancient star’s power was mobilized, and a huge thrust came from the array, causing the Snow Spirit Star to move slowly.

At this time, the Snow Spirit Venerable also appeared next to Xu Fan, feeling the Snow Spirit Star moving beneath his feet, and his eyes revealed a look of joy.

“Hey, don’t move, wait for me to land.” Zhan Ling said in annoyance, and then controlled the Starship to chase after the Snow Spirit Star.

“This way, you can control the Snow Spirit Star to move in the Vast Void Domain in the future.” Xu Fan said.

“Has the Great Master discovered the secret of our ancient stars?” Snow Spirit Venerable asked in surprise.

“If you follow the spiritual power river deep into the Vast Void Domain, you won’t encounter any disasters naturally.” Xu Fan continued to say.

“But your ancient stars themselves also have the ability to avoid disasters, so it’s not a secret. Anyone who knows a little about formations and geomancy can see it and get an idea.” Xu Fan added.

“The Great Master is absolutely right.” Snow Spirit Venerable nodded.

At this moment, Xu Fan controlled the Snow Spirit Star to stop and waited for the Snake Spirit Number to land.

“Snow Spirit Venerable, have you ever thought about going to the Central Continent with your Snow Spirit Star?” Xu Fan asked.

“Does the Great Master want to persuade me to return to the Central Continent and contribute to the Human Clan?” Snow Spirit Venerable frowned and asked.

“No, no, I meant quite the opposite. Snow Spirit Venerable, even if you have this idea, don’t implement it.”

“The situation in the Human Clan is still stable for now, and even if a big battle is to happen in the future, it doesn’t depend on you or me whether we win or lose.”

“So, it’s better for Snow Spirit Venerable and Snow Spirit Star to stay deep in the Vast Void Domain and keep a lineage for the Human Clan.” Xu Fan said, as he wasn’t going to persuade people to take part in such a suicidal mission.

“The Elders Association came once before the space was sealed, dividing into two groups of people.”

“One group persuaded me to take the Snow Spirit Star into battle against the Demon Clan, while the other group persuaded me to hide well.”

“At that time, didn’t Snow Spirit Venerable choose to hide well?” Xu Fan said.

“No, in the end, I decided to do my part for the Human Clan, followed the person from the Elders Association back to the headquarters, and then…” Snow Spirit Venerable sighed as he reached this point.

“What happened then?”

“Then the Venerable in charge of the battle arrangements just glanced at me casually and told me my strength was too weak and asked me to go back.”

“According to him, my combat level would be clawed by a slightly powerful Demon Venerable.” Snow Spirit Venerable said.

“That’s a bit hurtful.”

“Actually, it hurt quite a bit. I wanted to argue back, but I was suppressed by a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator specialized in combat from the Elders Association.”

“After coming back from the Elders Association, I had no other thoughts in my heart, I just wanted to hide well with the Snow Spirit Star until the Human Clan’s victory.” Snow Spirit Venerable looked up at the Star Array in the sky and said.

“So that’s why Venerable cares so much about the Star Array, because of this.” Xu Fan realized.

“So, I was hoping that the Great Master could upgrade the Star Array as you said and then I could drive the Snow Spirit Star to guard outside the giant stone barrier and hunt down the Demon Clan Battleships, contributing to the Human Clan.” Snow Spirit Venerable said with an expectant look in his eyes.

So, you’re waiting for me here~

“Snow Spirit Venerable, with the current Star Array of Snow Spirit Star, it can already avoid all Demon Clan warships. Isn’t this enough?” Xu Fan asked.

“Actually, it’s enough, but as a Human Clan Venerable, I have a responsibility to fight for the Human Clan.”

“So, I want the Great Master to modify the Star Array as you said, and then I will pilot the Snow Spirit Star to guard outside the giant stone barrier, hunting Demon Clan warships and contribute to the Human Clan.” Snow Spirit Venerable said with anticipation in his eyes.


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