My Master Only Breaks Through on the Edge of Death

Chapter 493: 466: Ten Thousand Beast Cage

Chapter 493: Chapter 466: Ten Thousand Beast Cage
The three of them appeared in a broad, subterranean room after passing through the hidden array in the basement.

In the center of the room stood a diminutive teleportation array.

Although Han Feiyu had been unable to find a station that led to other immortal cities, he thoroughly understood how to create teleportation arrays at two different locations.

This particular array connected directly to a secret base just outside the Tianyuan Fairy City.

“Let’s go. The Tianyuan Fairy City is done for.” Han Feiyu sighed. He questioned how many of the million cultivators in the city could escape unscathed.

The group stood within the teleportation array. Han Feiyu swiftly began inserting various immortal jade spirit crystals into the teleportation array, activating it. The three of them vanished from within the formation.

Meanwhile, inside the Hidden Spirit Sect, Xu Fan contemplated whether he should modify a beast-shaped monster battleship he was currently studying.

Considering the connection he had with the Honored One of the Thousand Spirit Sect, what will he do if this monster race battleship fires a cannon at him?

“Great Elder, are you considering transforming this back into a human-clan starship?” Senior Brother Sha asked, standing nearby.

“Reconstruction is somewhat difficult. But, it is still feasible to construct a transformable starship,” Xu Fan suggested, a spark of inspiration igniting in his mind.

Even though the Hidden Spirit Sect’s starship had been repaired, its performance could never match its former glory.

The repaired starship could only mine in the Vast Void Domain for the time being, with combat its secondary function, but it could no longer pull off extreme maneuvers.

The starship’s body couldn’t withstand the massive energy impact coming off the Dao Artifact Node Teleportation Array, which was the main motivation behind Xu Fan’s intention to reform this serpentine monster battleship.

Previously, he only thought to remodel the interior of the monster ships, neglecting the structural design. Now, just as he was about to start the modifications, he suddenly realized the external design was also crucial.

The tortoise they had previously encountered could very well be a secret weapon from the demons’ side.

Correspondingly, he felt that the Human Clan’s Elder Council should also possess such lethal weapons; he didn’t want to be annihilated because of the starship’s appearance—it would be a bitter injustice.

“A transforming starship, what is that?” Senior Brother Sha asked curiously.

Xu Fan casually cast a light curtain depicting a grape, a preliminary sketch of the intended transformation.

The serpentine monster battleship, originally tens of thousands of feet long, begins to modularize and transform, eventually morphing into a standard human clan shape, even bearing a projected flag on top featuring the Hidden Spirit Gate’s emblem.

“Will the structural integrity of the starship be adequate with this form?” While amazed, Senior Brother Sha questioned the feasibility.

“If the hardness is not enough, the array will compensate.”

Xu Fan spoke as an array emerged on the surface of the human clan starship shown on the light curtain.

“This array can actually be compatible!” Senior Brother Sha exclaimed in shock.

“Senior Brother Sha, keep watching,” Xu Fan said, smiling.

At this moment, the light-curtain scene shifted to the top of the starship.

“Oh my God!”

“Isn’t that the base array of our Hidden Spirit Island? It’s actually been miniaturized to fit on the bottom of a starship!” Senior Brother Sha was once again surprised.

“With the base array and the ship’s body array to strengthen, you don’t have to worry about hardness.”

“Right now, the only thing we need to consider is what type of spirit ore we should use for the joints of the ship?”

“Using high-grade spirit ore seems like a waste.” Xu Fan spoke, chin in hand.

There were suitable materials in the Sect’s treasure vault, but they were all immortal-grade spirit ores, which Xu Fan hesitated to use.

“Indeed, I’ve seen the list of spiritual ores in the sect’s treasure vault, and only a few immortal-grade ores like the Star Cloud Black Iron and Ten-Thousand Fusion Spirit Gold are suitable,” said Senior Brother Sha as he nodded.

Xu Fan immediately held Senior Brother Sha in a new light, impressed by his understanding of these immortal-grade ores, which indicated his exceptional skills in smithing.

“Why don’t the Great Elder leave this to me? I might be able to create an alloy that fits these properties,” Senior Brother Sha suggested with a smile, clearly pleased with the impressed look Xu Fan had given him earlier.

“Are you confident, Senior Brother Sha?” Xu Fan exclaimed in surprise.

“Give me half a year, and I should be able to do it,” Senior Brother Sha contemplated for a moment before answering with a nod.

“I’ll count on you for this, Senior Brother Sha,” Xu Fan said relieved. Compared to the cost of using immortal-grade spiritual ores, waiting for half a year felt like a bargain.

“Leave it to me,” Senior Brother Sha declared, heading to the sect’s treasure vault all geared up to start working immediately.

“It appears that I underestimated him,” Xu Fan noted as he watched Senior Brother Sha’s departing figure.

He decided that this was a flaw he needed to correct.

At this moment, Moon Immortal arrived excitedly in front of Xu Fan.

“You must have found lots of good things in that secret realm,” Xu Fan noted, looking at the excited expression on her face.

“I found a few ancient Dao tools used by the Demon Clan, and the most interesting among these is this Ten Thousand Beast Cage,” Moon Immortal revealed, holding in her hand a small, circular cage.

“The space inside is vast, able to hold a million demonic beasts.”

Xu Fan took the Ten Thousand Beast Cage from Moon Immortal, examined it, and then returned it to her.

“Why are you returning it to me, Master? You keep it,” said Moon Immortal, giving the Ten Thousand Beast Cage back to Xu Fan.

“I’ll modify it for you. Capture some high cultivation level demons in the future; it will serve as your summoning beast field,” Xu Fan suggested thoughtfully.

“By the way, did you find anything in the secret realm that you couldn’t understand?” Xu Fan asked her, sensing an unusual Qi Fortune Energy within the cage.

“Actually, Master, I was just about to mention it. There is indeed such a thing,” Moon Immortal replied, producing an animal sculpture carved from ordinary jade. It looked ancient and worn.

“The Beast-controlling Red Demon Clan, that’s a really ancient period,” Xu Fan noted as he examined the sculpture.

“What is the Beast-controlling Red Demon Clan?” Moon Immortal asked curiously.

“During the ancient times, countless ten-thousands of years ago, the world was ruled by the Ancient Demon Clan. Back then, all beings including humans and the demon race were subservient to the will of the mighty ancient demons, with no room for rebellion.

“At that time, one of the demon clans specialized in breeding demonic beasts, providing blood meals for the Ancient Demons. They were one of the most distinguished clans within the Demon Clan.”

“As the ancient demons began to diminish, this particular species was consequently wiped out.”

“This sculpture must have been an object of worship for them, thus embodying much of their Qi Fortune.”

Xu Fan ordered two Void Refining Stage Puppets to carry the sculpture into Pu Tao’s space.

“This sculpture, encapsulating their Qi Fortune and will, is a valuable find.”

“Once I assimilate the Qi Fortune stored within this and combine it with the Ten Thousand Beast Cage, I will refine a good tool for you.”

“If your combat abilities are insufficient in the future, you can just be a summoner.”

“During a battle, you can let the demonic race and beasts take the front line while you attack from the rear,” Xu Fan imagined, the image in his mind amusing him. One person standing as powerful as a vast army.

“That sounds great, thank you, Master,” Moon Immortal replied sweetly.

“There’s no need to thank me. After all, I’m counting on you all to protect me in the future,” Xu Fan replied casually, waving his hand.


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