My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!

Chapter 31 - 31: The Creator(3)

'You're My Precious Gem' 'My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!'

'You're My Precious Gem' 'My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!'

'You're My Precious Gem' 'My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!'

Surrounding by those words, a woman with black straight hair down to her waist was locked up in the center of the darkness, with nothing just only those words.

The only thing which lit up a part of where she stood up was the tree with white leaves, even its body was white filled with holiness and purity.

That woman was tied with the unbreakable metal chain embedded with magic to the big tree.

"Let me go, I need to talk to her." she shouted to the endless void, but it didn't go in vain as a little girl with black hair coming of the darkness approached her one step at a time.

Each of her steps on the water echoed throughout where those two were in. The deep black eyes of that little girl turned blue looking at the woman tied with the tree.

"You were the one who made everything like this, Marinette...I mean Sun-hee." she grunted at the end of her sentence and ruffled her hair because of the frustration she felt at that moment.

"I'm just going to call you Sun-hee since you and Marinette were the same person anyway."

"Please...release me..." the soul was tied up to the tree begged her in desperation that was not like her usual self. Sun-hee shed the little tears but the little's girls eyes were still indifferent despite seeing such a miserable soul.

"I can't let you interfere with the balance of the universe any longer. You need to move on with your new lives, Sun-hee. Although you're the reincarnation of Marinette, you can't change anything." Sun-hee's eyes shook terribly knowing all the truth.

"Who are you?! Because of you, I lost all the people I love even Aurora..." Sun-hee screamed to the little girl in anger.

"Ah...Aurora, huh? She was the one I sent to kill you, but in the end...what a disappointment. But I made some changes this time."

"What changes?!!"

"I'll give you two choices, Sun-hee. If this time, Aurora managed to kill you...I can send you back to live your next life as Sun-hee but if she didn' can go back to your past life as Marinette."

"..." Sun-hee kept silent thinking seriously about the choice she was given.

"I was going to kill one of you by making the car hit you to prevent the memory magic to cross the world. But again, you escaped death and Marinette even got your memories." she said with a frown on her forehead as she glared at Sun-hee's soul.

"Why did you do all these?"

"You really didn't know? You people crossed the timeline, over ten years apart. Some people even made the portal to the earth and stole guns to create war in Anastasia. And you, Sun-hee!! You used your magic in the magicless world!!"

"I beg you, it's still not late...I could prevent--"

"I'm not going to talk to you anymore, I have so many jobs to do!!" the little girl changed form, a magic circle coming from her heart and changed her hair to silver and her clothes to a beautiful dress down to her knee.

She pulled out the list she needed to do in the meantime.

'Hit the main character with a truck.'

'Make the main character death with an incurable illness.'

'Transport the main character in a world of the game.'

'Make a mysterious virus and transform the world to a world full of zombies.'

"What if the world has balance, are you happy with it?" Sun-hee asked the woman bluntly.

"I have to keep the setting of the world as it is. I did this for all the people out there."

"Just who are you really?"

"Oh, I never introduced myself, didn't I?" she said jokingly and put a finger on her cheek trying to think of her name.

After a minute,

"The last name I used to pretend to be Ji-hoon's sister was Jisoo...I almost forgot my real name after millions of years. Just call me Vin."

"Are you a god?"

"God?? I'm not those people, they only managed one world while I managed all the worlds. I guess I could say I'm way superior to them." while Vin was talking to herself, Sun-hee tried her best to take the chain around her body off.


Some of her hair dropped and sank into the water with just a glance of Vin.

"Talk's over now. You will be staying here for the time being. I should go to drop some missions for Aurora for her to do her works quickly." Vin waved her hand goodbyes and a bag came of nowhere attached to her body before she vanished.

After she left, Sun-hee murmured miserably alone in the void with nothing, "Past me, please save him and...everyone."


Back in Anastasia, in Marinette's bedroom,

In the vast room, two women were standing from each of the sides of the big bed. Diana crossed her arm glaring at Marinette. So did Marinette, glaring at her with cold eyes as she met such a terrible thing in the morning.

Marinette flipped the pages of the diary and said, "Did you read all of it?"

"Yeah, so what's your goal?" Diana asked in a serious tone.

"My goal...? Even if I have one, why should I tell you?" she replied in a cold voice, the tension in the room started to be intense.

Marinette clenched her hand to calm herself as she had something important to do in the morning.

"Why don't we join hands?"

Marinette looked at the woman who asked that to her in disbelief, her eyebrows joined together wanting to check if her ears were hearing wrong or Diana's brain was malfunctioning to say that to her.

"Join hand for what?"

"I know you hate Richard, and that goes for me too. Let's defeat Richard together--"

Marinette suddenly snapped without hearing the rest of Diana's speech. Her anger boiled thousand of degrees. She went to grab a glass and broke it.

Diana flinched in fear of seeing Marinette going crazy.

"What...are you..." Diana was shuttering and prepared her magic to protect herself.

"Diana...I haven't forgiven you yet for what you did to me, pulling me into the lake, pretending to be, you're saying this??? Am I a joke to you??"

"I'm sorry for all of that, but this is the only way...there's no way we could defeat Richard."

"I don't give a f*ck about your prince charming, you have the second male lead and many other guys to help you even Tristan and you're trying to use me?!!!" Marinette walked to Diana and pointed the sharp glass of wine at Diana's throat.

Her blood dripped on the floor as she glared into Diana's eyes in anger.

"It's because of you!!! I hate you!!" Diana shouted at Marinette, her voice reaching downstairs to the maid creating chaos for people downstairs as they were curious about something happening in the room.

They immediately rushed to inform duke Tristan and Marinette's father to come as they were out of the house at the moment.

"Yeah...I hate you too, Diana!!! So can I cut your tongue the same way you did to me too??"

"You aren't me, you never knew what I've gone through...I...I...was hated by everyone too..."

"Haa...don't make me laugh." Marinette threw the glass to the wall, it broke to pieces.

She turned her back on Diana and went to pick up her diary back.

"My mother never loved were always in the" Diana broke down in tears sobbing on the cold floor of Marinette's bedroom the same way Marinette sat on the cold floor in the hell prison back then.

Her tear mixed with Marinette's blood creating a spark but no one in the room noticed it. Marinette brushed her hair as she didn't hear anything. She decided to ignore Diana completely.

"My father never loved me too back then...he only cared about you..."

"What??" that caught Marinette's attention, she started to focus on Diana.

"He always asked the butler to give you foods, to buy you books, to take care of you...although he never showed it, he truly cared for you...I was the one ignored...I was an outcast, those people used to tell me I'm not his real you know what it feels to be me?!!"

The spark evolves bigger and bigger as their tear and blood mix with each other. Lightning came across the room.

"In the dairy, you said...I burned your drawing, I never did so!!! I never burn it!!!"

"Diana, wait..."

"That time too...I came to your basement to bring you the chocolate cake, but you killed my nanny...I...I..."

"Diana...stop..." Marinette reached out her hands to stop Diana but...


"Your grace, we heard the lady arguing in lady Marinette's room!!!" duke Jellal ran upstairs alone to stop both of them as soon as he heard about the news while Tristan was nowhere to be found.

He arrived at the door, but it was locked from the inside.

He shouted to the butler to go and grab the keys. He kept shouting for the girls to open the door but the only sound he could hear was Diana sobbing and Marinette screaming at her.

"Diana, I told you to stop!!!" Marinette from the inside of the room, she was startled by the overpowered magic energy surrounding the room.

She dashed to Diana to snap her out of it. But when they made contact, a tornado was created around both of them.

"If you are me, you would know how it feels!!!!" 


Cough cough

Duke Jellal was blown away downstairs, he groaned in agony trying to get up looking at what exactly happened in there, the only thing he knew was the sound of the explosion.

His eyes shook in fear, cold sweat dropped on the ground mixed with his blood as his eyes were set upon Marinette's room which was destroyed.

"What...just happened?!!" he tried to get up on his two feet but a pain shocked him as he tried to move, a shard of glass struck deep at his stomach.

" daughter..." the smoke was everywhere, and the maids and all the workers were laying down on the floor unconscious.

Duke Tristan lost consciousness soon after.

In the midst of smoke, a guy appeared in a black cape walking on the upper floor to where Marinette's room was located.

A smirk appeared on his face as the magic potion which he poured into Diana's tea yesterday really took effect when he saw the portal.

"Now, she will have nothing to worry about." a wind blew off the clothes of his head, his black hair was blown along with the wind.

He stepped into the portal to where those two went.

"In this life, I'll give you a happy lady." he smiled genuinely and threw away the empty bottle of potion before he entered the portal.

On the bottle, 'Being you.'

To be continued....!


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