My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!

Chapter 26 - 26: The Extra(6)


"Ye-Joon, where are you???!!! Your fans are waiting for you here!!!!" the voice of a man yelled at Ye-Joon coming from his phone, Ye-Joon didn't show any sign of worrying about his words as his attention was all toward the woman sleeping on his bed.

"Ah, sorry I can't make it...because of the rain." just like he said, from outside his window, the rain was pouring down heavily with lightning striking everywhere upon the dark black clouds.

"What're you saying!!? You have a car--"

Ye-Joon closed the phone when he saw Sun-hee was frowning in her sleep, he hasn't still figured out how she was able to do that thing earlier.

But at the moment, his heart was beating so fast like it was about to jump out of his chest at any moment seeing his crush sleeping in his house.

Earlier, he wanted to go visit her at the hospital before going to the fan sign event, but he couldn't. He could only sit at the bench in front of the hospital from the other side of the road looking at the hospital.

And then, it led to that right now.

He felt like he was about to die a moment ago but it felt like a miracle now of him breathing and looking at Sun-hee. On the other side of the room, there was a couch, and a man was sleeping on it, it was Ji-hoon.

Both of them have been sleeping for hours after they fainted on the road.

"What in the world is going on...?"

On the other side,

"So this is earth...?" Asher stepped out of the portal near the lake after the woman named So-hee, he was amazed by the world he came into every time he went here, tall buildings everywhere, airplanes and cars especially the way people dressed.

"Let's get you some clothes here first." So-hee said to Asher and went inside her apartment to get the clothes she prepared for him.

"Human here wear these??? And what's with the iron on my lip??"

"It's a trend here, it's for you fitting in with people here." So-hee held her laugh looking as Asher showed a bad-boy vibe.

They left the apartment and went for their goal, to bring the weapon of this world back to Anastasia.

While they were walking on the side of the street, a human on earth bumped Asher's shoulder.

He glared at them, they bowed and apologized leaving him there.

He turned his head looking at them as they were leaving.

"I can't believe the author is really irresponsible like that!!! I was waiting for him for  hours."

"I know right. I really want to meet the author at the fan sign event too." they were talking among their friend, their conversation sparked curiosity in Asher.

He turned to ask So-hee who was sucking her lollipop.

"What??" asked So-hee.

"What's a fan sign event??"

"You go to that event for their idol's signature and meet their idol." she was having a hard time explaining to him even she knew the meaning of that word.

"What's an idol??" So-hee sighed listening to his question.

"The one you took as the role model or someone you like...I guess."

"Then Marinette is my idol."

"Emm..." So-hee laughed nervously and continued, "Do you really love lady Marinette?"

Asher nodded, "I loved her since long ago."

"What's love to you??? I really don't understand such thing as love." she asked walking beside Asher on the side of the road.

"...I just want her to look at me."

"Isn't being friends enough?? Even if you have her, but imagine having an expressionless doll...isn't that terrible if she doesn't love you back??"

"..." Asher stopped suddenly after hearing So-hee's words to him.

"If I'm just a friend...I don't want that...I want her all to myself."

So-hee sighed and walked to the street shop buying something to eat, she also shared it with Asher.

"I'll help matter what you'll do since you were the one who helped me back then too."

"You're really grown up now, huh??" Asher ruffled So-hee's hair and ate his food on the side of the street. When So-hee was about to take a bite, a man appeared in front of her, it was the man who she told her order a moment ago.

"Miss, here's your change." that man had black hair just like her smiling brightly at her handing over the change.

She awkwardly accepted the change and he went back inside the shop.

"What's wrong with you??" Asher asked when seeing So-hee blushed staring at that man intensely like that.

"I think I'm in love." said the one who didn't know love a second ago.


Back on Anastasia,

"Marinette, can I go somewhere first??" as the sun was setting down, Aurora who was sitting in the wheelchair asked Marinette in a strange tone which she rarely used. She sounded so serious for a while.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go to my house." Marinette stared at Aurora twitching her finger for a  while and did as Aurora asked.

Marinette took Aurora back to her house, even the guards of her house didn't look much happy seeing the lady of the house back as they were expecting her to stay at the hospital for a little more.

"We can't let visitors in at the moment."

"I can wait here, come back quick Aurora."

"Yes..." they closed the gate letting Marinette and Herod stood outside the gate looking at Aurora's back as she was struggling to move on the staircase with her wheelchair.

The guards were holding their laugh seeing her like that since they always wished for her to disappear for so long.Upstodatee from n(0)/vš’†/lbIn/.(co/m

There was a reason for that.

After many minutes of Aurora's struggling to get on the small stair, they decided to help by carrying her body harassing her touching her bottom on purpose.

Aurora was silent looking at the face of the knight as he carried her. He put her down on the chair then went to bring the wheelchair, but when he turned to Aurora again, the wheelchair in his hand dropped to the ground hitting his toes when he saw her standing.

"How--how did you..."

"I'll remember you." she glared at him and broke the whole big door with one kick.

Every maid and servant was startled by the sound and rushed to see what happened, their jaw dropped seeing their lady walking inside the house.

Armando came downstairs to see what was going on and he was taken aback seeing her standing glaring at him like that.

"What do you think you're doing??"

"Armando...I gave you one last chance...I waited...waited...I was waiting for you in the hospital but no one...even mother won't come to visit me." her voice sound deadly as her anger turned to killing intent.


"What did you--"

"Why do we have to go?? You're useless to us now, a woman like you without marriage, what can you give us?? You're such a waste."

"I see...I see...Armando, remember your words carefully." Aurora walked to the wall of the house and brought down the clothes which cover one big portrait, it was the portrait of the marquess and baby Aurora. It was only a painting.

Aurora's father died and never got a chance to meet his daughter nor wrote any will.

"I'll take back the marquess's title. I'll be the new head of the house."

"What??? I thought the chandler only hit your legs not your head, have you gone crazy??"

"Ohoho,'re the one who never used your brain for things like this since you only use it to flirt with women and get them pregnant. I...I am the real daughter of the marquess and you??"

Armando rushed to Aurora lifting his hand in the air preparing to hit her in her face.

But his hand was broken by Aurora's finger, even with her finger she was able to make his hand broken.

He screamed in agony, and those maids who were always gossiping about her, looking down on her started taking many steps back from the place where Aurora stood.

"Butler Romeo, fire all the workers here and bring the knight who carried me a moment ago inside. One last thing, go escort the guests outside to me."

The butler who stood behind her bowed his head smiling seeing Aurora changed like that, he realized that day that the marquess's title won't be falling into the scumbag like Armando any longer. He was the butler who served the marquess, Aurora's father.

He did as she ordered, and Marinette walked inside the house through the entrance of the house which the floor was filled with many broken pieces of wood and Herod was grinning seeing the deadly aura coming from Aurora and the whining man on the floor.

It wasn't just those two who walked in.

"It looks like she doesn't need any man to take care of her, madame." Marinette said to the woman behind her with her eyes widened seeing Aurora standing up.

That woman was the one who was talking with Marinette outside the gate asking Marinette to convince her brother to take responsibility for Aurora.

Even when Aurora was cripple, they still wanted to use her like that.

"Are you mad, Aurora?!!!!" Aurora's mother rushed to Armando bumping Marinette's shoulder along her way.

"Mother, I'll take back the head title now...I won't stay silent being your great daughter any longer." her mother glared at her while consoling her son who was whining on the floor.

Aurora looked down at them with eyes that held no such thing as affection nor sympathy toward them.

She walked past them to the knight from before, the butler threw the knight on the floor to Aurora's feet.

When he saw his young master was beaten up by Aurora, his arrogance toward her a while ago disappeared as he begged her with his head on her feet begging in desperation for mercy.

Aurora crouched and pulled the knight's chin, when he saw her smiling at her, he was relieved knowing her personality, she will just forgive him. But he was so wrong for thinking that. In a split second, the hand which harassed Aurora's body a moment ago was broken even when she was touching his hand gently.


"If you don't want to be like this, pack your thing out and don't ever expect one letter of recommendation from me." those maids started to leave the household without a second thought seeing the evil smile on Aurora's face as she threatened them.

Aurora came outside after doing that leaving the mother and son in the household, she no longer cared about such things as family love.

Marinette who was crossing her arm watching the whole thing unfold before her eyes glared at Armando seeing something strange from him, she shook off the feeling and followed Aurora outside.

But before she did that, she told those mother and son, "Don't talk about things today."


"My lady..."

"Butler, you can go back. I have to do something first, and please clean my father's study room. One more thing, please hire the workers for me, I'll be relying on you a lot from now on."

"It's my honor to serve you, my lady." he bowed his head and walked back inside the household.

"Sorry, I surprise you."

" was unexpected but it wasn't strange for me." Marinette remembered something in the past seeing what Aurora did.

Herod ran to get the wheelchair to them and Aurora sat on the wheelchair again for their plan to go smoothly.

"Are you sure no one will talk about it??" asked Herod.

"I'm sure. Even if they did, it will the last thing they ever do in their life." she wasn't joking.

"We have to look for that woman tonight." said Marinette.

"Will she help us??"

"Who knows...but she has to because she doesn't have many choices to choose."


At the same time, in the other place of the capital sharing the beautiful sunset together,

"Irene, long time no see." a woman with hair tied in pigtail tapped Irene's shoulder and called Irene cheerfully when she saw her.

"Sofia, you also come to the capital??" Irene turned her head to that woman, when she saw her face, her mood was lifted up seeing her childhood friend

"Yeah, I want to make some money too. How about you?? Have you found a job here yet?"


"Irene, your mother...vomit blood days ago."

"!!!" Irene tried to hold back her tear as she got no choice, she hasn't found a job and in her bag, there was nothing except some food.

"I found a job, maybe I can ask that man to give you a job too." Sofia gave Irene a warming smile to cheer her up and took her hands.


"Yes, he's a really kind person. He will help you."

"Thank you so much, Sofia." little did Irene know, that job wasn't what she thought.

To be continued....!


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