My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!

Chapter 19 - 19: Tristan's Regret(3)

Marinette's POV

'I'm finally back.'

Before I lost my consciousness I remembered using the magic with a high risk. The risk was my whole memories and my existence lost to the other person.

But seeing the timer in front of me, it seemed like it will take some time until I completely won over that person, and her name was Sun-hee.

It gave me relief since it wasn't a man that I summoned into my body, and this woman wasn't too bad. She was really good at staying inside my body without anyone noticing any change.

There were 90 days left until the memories of that person will be completely erased. Summoning soul crossing the world was impossible since I wasn't at level god yet. So I used that method instead.

Bringing the memories from a random person from the other world. There were two conditions, I must lose my consciousness and that person also had to lose their consciousness at the same time. The risk was that I might be the one erased instead but it looked like it played out well.

There must be someone interfering with my magic, or any magic energy disruption inside my body, that was why I took control of my body instead of that woman in the current time.


Why...was my magic running wild like this?

Brother said I was poisoned...

I rolled my eyes when I knew clearly who was behind my poisoning, I took a deep breath and gathered my magic energy together, and suppressed it just like the way I did it the day before I came out of the basement. It was none other than that crown prince.

That woman hadn't known how to use my death roses magic yet, she still had three more months, if she didn't learn it by then...

Wait...three more months??!

The timer showed 9x days left.

That was way too long, I had to participate in the hunting event myself, if she was the one in charge of my body, I might lose.

Let me see a little of her memories...

Memory Magic: Memory Land

My room turned completely black and many portraits appeared in front of me, it showed from her point of view.

Wow...she looked pretty. She had black hair and simple black eyes...

I couldn't believe my own eyes that I could summon such a person that was very similar to me, she had the same scar at the exact same spot as mine.

Hmm...her mother left her when she was young...that was such a painful coincidence since I didn't know my mother's face either.



That man...was her father??!

No way, that bastard of all people reincarnated into that world and became such a terrible father.

I could see Sun-hee's father, his eyes and everything about him was like a split image of a man I once knew in the past.

That man was Herod Mortel, the Mortel ancestor.

Because of him, that was why the entire world of Anastasia was messed up.

History said the prince who was his friend gave the light magic to him, but it wasn't like that. He killed the prince and took away his magic.

And that prince he killed by pushing into the bottomless pit was devoured by the dark energy, with anger and revenge, he became the demon king.

Even in the other world, he was still a jerk beating his own daughter. I really pitied her.

What was that? She was reading a book.

A novel...'You're My Precious Gem.'

Time passed by quickly in the memory land, I spent a few minutes reading the content of the novel and I was furious.

I really wanted to burn that novel. Who was the author???

Who made me such a villainess?!!

Diana was the female lead? What nonsense!!!

That was when I realized I messed up. If Sun-hee read the novel, she will follow all the plot of the novel and thought of me as the villainess.


Oh my god!!!

Everything...wasn't everything in the novel happening in my past life?


I needed to read it!!! I had to recover all the fraction of my past life's memories. If I knew there was a way like this, I should've done this long ago and not used that method.

I didn't have to summon Sun-hee's memories into my mind. My original goal was to transfer her memories inside my body and let her use my memory magic.

That way, every time she used the magic, her time remaining will reduce and my past life's memories will come back to me.

But now I didn't have to do that. I didn't know who was the author but everything that happened in the novel really aligned with how I remembered.

I was excited and happy without realizing I continued reading the novel till the middle of the story to the point I was engaged with Richard.

I decided to stop reading it. I wasn't prepared yet.

I flipped the page to read the final ending, Diana and Richard got married and they lived happily ever after.

Happily ever after, huh??

When I reached the age of sixteen in this life, the day when I finally mastered my death roses magic. I knew the hidden magic inside my body, it was the memory magic.

When I used it, I suddenly transported into my own memory land or I could say soul.

My soul was black filled with thorns, when I walked around aimlessly, I stumbled over my engraved fraction memories of my past life.

That was when I realized that was my second life. But the fraction of memories of my past life only described from the point where I was in the prison till I died.

In my past life, I spent my life mastering the memory magic, that was why at the end of my life, I was able to master the magic of transferring memory crossing world and dimension even time and space.

It wasn't exactly turning back in time, my magic allowed me to engrave the memories of the certain target into their soul.

I had only the magic energy enough for four people, one was mine, the guy who stayed in the same prison as me, my friend, and my knight.

The price for the magic was my death, and the condition was the target had to have the will to go back in the past.

Just when everything was going well, Richard appeared in the prison that night I was in the hell prison.

Richard stabbed a sword inside his stomach and his will to turn back time overwhelmed even me, pushing one person off the list.

I trembled, and that wasn't the end of it. One more person had the will to go back in the past, even more than me. It was Diana, I was dropped off the list and the other four was successfully got their souls engraved with their past life's memories.

But luckily, I got my own trump card. I was lucky enough to engrave one of my memories on my soul.


Those four people must be aware of the past life by now and I haven't got all my past memories yet. Yeah, reading the novel will be the best way, but somehow I couldn't bear reading it. My heart was throbbing while reading it.

It looked like I won't stay in my body for long, it was only temporary until Sun-hee returned.

Sun-hee used the memory magic once, that was why it allowed me to get one more fraction of memories the moment I woke up.

The memories were about the event after Tristan's death until Victor pushed me into the pile of snow.

Everything after that seemed to be blurry.

Ring ring

"Yes, my lady." a maid walked into my room the moment she heard my bell, but it wasn't the maid I was expecting. Her name was Anna, wasn't it?

"Bring me a diary book."

"Yes, my lady." she bowed and left.

Diary was the best thing I could think of to communicate with Sun-hee, I needed to tell her the detail of the thing happening. And I needed to find the best place to hide it too, the place where no one rarely entered in this household.

Look like that novel she read only described to a certain point, it wasn't detailed and mostly a lie.

First, I should write down how to suppress the death roses' magic energy.

Next was the tip to win the hunting event, winning that event will grant me more routes to my survival.

And finally, the ally.

Now that I finished writing everything, I walked to the closet to find something to wear.

To my surprise, my dresses were all gone.

'Where are my pink dresses?'

The dressed were all in a dark color, and I hated them. It reminded me of my childhood.

I always wear dark color clothes in the basement since they will be easy to wash. Now that I had already come out of the basement, I wanted to wear something colorful since I never got a chance to see many colors except black inside the basement.

"Anna, go buy one more closet. And more colorful dresses too." I ordered Anna and picked the black dress and wore it.

It was really terrible to wear the black dress again. I wore it and then set off to my father's room.

That father of mine, since when did he grow so weak to the point just falling from the rooftop keep him in bed for that long?

I finally remembered how he choose Diana to be duchess over me in my past life, I couldn't help but clench my head in envy.

I was the one who did all the work back then, and in the end, he still chose her. He died without knowing that his favorite daughter was the one destroying the duchy and it was all me who watched her destroying everything of our family.

She was all lovey-dovey with the prince without realizing he fooled her just for the military and the power of the dukedom.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" brother Tristan's tone was the same as ever.

"It's me." the door was opened, the first thing I saw was the frown on his face getting all annoyed seeing my face.

I was used to that, I walked in only glancing at him for a moment, and walked to my father's bed.

I stood on the side watching his magic energy in his body was so weak, he must have used the death roses magic a lot leading him to the point of exhaustion.

He wasn't the type to use his magic a lot like that unless it was for suppressing--

Don't tell me!!!

"Before the any chance, did you notice my energy running wild?"

"Father got on the roof using all his magic to suppress yours, you almost killed all of our guests."

The poison wasn't just normal, it might cause the disruption of my magic energy.

That scumbag crown prince!!

"Stand back."

"..." he was looking at me in anger but later decided to obey my word when he saw the rose and vine started crawling over father's body.

Death Roses Magic: Rose Energy, Grow!

I poured most of my magic energy into my father's body, his eyelid shook a little by the time I finished my magic.

"He's alright now. He will stay in bed for a few more days."

"How did you--"

"I heard you became the duke this time, I'll do the work for you."

"Hey, answer me!!" he grabbed my hand in desperation when I was about to leave the room.

My grip on the doorknob tighten seeing his face...he only gave me bad memories, seeing him made me feel like my heart was stabbed.

"And about me being poisoned, don't investigate I'm alright now."

"...Marinette..." he was going to say something but his pride seemed to be stopping him.

I sighed and took his big hand off me.

I had no expectation from you, brother. Since it was never rewarding.

"I'm sorry...for yelling at you." when he apologized behind my back when I walked out, I didn't see his expression and I didn't want to see it.

I stood replying to him in the hallway without turning to look at him.

"I wished to hear that from you like ten years ago...I don't care."

"..." it was silence, he wasn't all noisy like he normally was, I bit my lip and walked to the study room and tears falling down.

I wished Sun-hee will come back sooner...I really didn't want to see any of these people for the moment.

Back on earth,

"Doctor, the patient ran away!!!"

"What??? Where did she go??" the hospital was all in chaos, every nurse started running searching for the missing patient, it was the patient who was in a coma for more than a week.

Her hand was still attached to the needles, and her leg couldn't even stand up properly.

She used the wheelchair in the hallway to come to the waiting room in the hospital, there was a reporter inside the television.N/nêw n0vel chap/ers are published o/n n0v/e/(lb)i(n.)co/m

Many people were talking about the death of the famous CEO's daughter.

"Eun-Kyung...died?" her tears started coming out of her shaking eyes as she watched the television, her heart couldn't bear the pain.

"I heard that girl was friend with the victim."

"I really pity the victim, I heard her leg was crushed."

"More than that, her father hung himself before the accident." when she heard that, it felt as if the lightning struck her in the middle of the day to think someone like his father did something like suicide.

"She won't see her father again...I really pity that poor girl."

'Why do you bring me back here, God...?'

To be continued....!


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