My Magical System

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: Celebration

Yeman immediately ordered some of his people to hunt some wild animals, gather vegetables, and fruits.

They would be going to celebrate Night’s advancement.

Everyone was wondering about the meaning of ‘celebration’.

“Yay! A celebration!” Little Sky and her friends beamed which further mystified the adults. “My lord, let me and my friends gather the fruits!” Sky eagerly suggested.

“Please, my lord!” The other two children followed after her.

Yeman understood everyone’s reaction. Only Night, Little Sky, and the other Little members of their group knew about the celebration as they always went to watch anime at Yeman’s house.

At first, it was only Sky and Night. Until Little Sky brought her friends with her. Now there are four of them who are addicted to anime.


Currently, they were in the clearing in the middle of the forest and in front of Yeman’s house.

They were sitting in front of the long table where they ate before. Night was sitting beside him. Sky and her friends were on the other side and followed by the others.

“Azure and Amber...” upon hearing their name, the two snapped and got excited. “Yes, my lord!” They simultaneously answered.

“You two will take care of hunting some wild animals. Bring some of our people with you to help,” he commanded the two.

“Thank you, my lord! We will go right away!” They said at the same time in lively voices.

Yeman wondered why they were so excited about running an errand. And they even said their thanks.

When he was as young as them, he was lazy sometimes. Although he would probably obey the task, with a heavy face though. He disliked being ordered to do an errand.

He then asked the women to gather some vegetables; some of the men were tasked to butcher their roosters and cows.

Yeman did not choose to breed pigs as it was much of a hurdle to take care of them. Especially that he disliked the smell of their waste. Also, not to mention, there was no need to pet some pig because Amber and Azure usually caught boars when they went hunting in the wilds. Those boars have better meat than pigs.

The cows and rooster were bought by him from his market and were bred by his people. They were used to be cattles at first but for some unknown reason, they grew faster inside his domain. Even the chicks did too.

So in the meantime, they were not short of food.

After receiving assignments from their lord, they excitedly proceeded to accomplish it.

“M-My lord, y-you don’t have to go such length for me. But... I... I’m...” Night said then darted her eyes from left to right. Seemingly baffled to what she would say.

He just stared at her with his mouth stretched to both sides. He was waiting for the continuation of her words.

“...I’m so happy.” Yeman smiled at her for being honest about her feelings.

He reached the top of her head and slightly brushed it with his hand, “for you, I’m happy too. That’s why I wanted to celebrate it with you and the others,” he gently said.

She didn’t expect his reply; she then bashfully nodded her head.

For Yeman, there’s no one he could trust more than his pets. So he had to show at least a little care towards them. Especially that he didn’t know what kind of enemies he was facing.

Right after everyone left, he got a report from the Elder Priest.

He glanced above. The sun wasn’t high enough to reach the center of the sky. But it was the right time where he expected to get a result from him.

Together with Night, they ambered towards the Cave Facility of the Elder Priest.

The cave was located about 350 meters Northeast from the forest clearing, where they usually did their gathering.

Yeman didn’t want to see how the Elder Priest tortured the old man from the Grenn family. But he knew it wasn’t a kind one. After all, he was a healer. Anyone could probably guess how awful it was to be tortured by a healer.

However, Yeman did not expect that the old man would last this long. He was a commendable person. That is worthy of respect.

When Yeman and Night entered the cave, they were greeted by low grieving growls. Those were the kind of growl that one would rather choose death than living.

Even Yeman himself could not help to feel a chill embrace his spines.

He would rather kill his enemy on the spot than torturing them. But since the Elder Priest needed them alive for the task he assigned to him, he had to control himself.

And Yeman also didn’t want to kill an enemy who might be useful to him in the future.

Beside him, Night was unbothered by the grieving growls.

She wasn’t even looking at them as equal. For her, those people were just insects. Only her lord was worthy of her attention.

When they entered one of the rooms, Yeman could not be helped to be taken aback. On the ceiling, many things were dangling.

“My lord, welcome to my domain,” greeted the Elder Priest upon seeing his lord had stepped on his room. He didn’t need to greet the girl beside him, as he was a prideful first person he created. And because he was the first pet he summoned, he had the seniority against her. But after the lord summoned this girl, his time to be useful to the lord had decreased. And this girl named ‘Night’ was the one who took the biggest part of it.

Well, he couldn’t do anything about it as he wasn’t a combative type. It was also the reason why he changed his profession from a Priest to a Dark Priest.

He couldn’t order her too as she was from other species. It could also be said that both of them were of the same rank. Only the lord had the right to order each of them.

‘Tsk! This girl had become stronger again!’ The Elder Priest secretly clicked his tongue when he noticed Night’s power-up.

Night didn’t bother by it. Her only goal was to protect and to love the person beside her.

It was the first time that Yeman came inside the Elder’s room. He wondered why those things were dangling on the ceiling. They were hanging while being covered with white clothes! And bloodstains were visible on each of them. Based on their pained moans, he believed they were the people they captured.

Looks like the Elder Priest were playing with their lives.

It was fortunate for those people who died in his hands. Unlike these people who were suffering in the Elder Priest’s hands.

Upon hearing the greeting of his first pet, his eyes landed on the only soul inside this weird domain.

Yeman didn’t bother with replying to the elder’s greeting even after he made a weird bow gesture towards him.


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