My Magical System

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Lila and Lili

“Don’t feel bad Elder Grenn, after all, you have the backing of the main family. I’m sure it will be easy for you to settle this issue.”

Said Guwang Ho to the elder who was feeling down at the moment. Actually, if only not because of the close connection of the complainant to the royal family, he would choose not to meddle in the Gentlewind family affairs. After all, this family was one of the hardest to deal with. It was troublesome to be on their bad sides. And that lady from the main family was a very vile woman. She was well-known for her eccentric plotting behind the scene.

If the Gentlewind family wanted to erase the Ho family, it would be easy for them to do that. That’s why, he was trying to assuage the elder that it was fine and that after this night, everything will be back to normal again like nothing had happened in the first place.

Every gossip will pass through time.

Elder Grenn snorted at him. He knows that each of them was hiding some smell within. Not only the 13 great families but also the family in parliament and even the royal family.

Elder Grenn believed that no families in the upper echelon were innocent. He was just puzzled by how those bandits got themselves caught by the parliament. He was certain that those guys would never betray him. And that they would follow his order in total obedient.

So, how come? How come? How come? No matter how many times he asked this in himself. Elder Grenn could not find the answers.


It was only bad luck for him that the parliament caught the bandits that he was sheltering for many years.


The repeated thumping of horse hoofs against the ground was the only noise contrasting the solemn atmosphere inside the carriage.

The carriage of the parliament already traveled at 2 kilometers away from the Grenn family manor. Two horses were guarding at both sides.

And now they were about to enter the Deep Forest area. Which is said to be the deepest and largest forest that borders about 100,000 square meters on this northern part of the Empire.

Rows of trees stood taller than a 2-story building towering on the roadside. Their roof-like branches and leaves shaded the plain ground-road below, making the surroundings darker.


Some distant eerie howl which they believed coming from a beast, can be overheard by them. But right now, no one was minding about it. Elder Grenn was having a somber face while trying to think of some ways for him to circumvent this problem he was currently facing.

Around this time, two figures were chasing towards the parliament’s carriage. They ran like there feet didn’t touch the ground.

“Sis, can you estimate the parliament’s current position?” One of the two girls asked the other one who was running alongside her.

“If they did not suffer any obstacles on the road, I believed they were around the Deep Forest at the moment!” The other one replied with her assessment.

“That is one and a half kilometer away from us.”


“Let us boost our pace!”



“Rabid Two-Tailed Wild Cats!” Lila warned.

After she shouted, Lili’s eyes fixed ahead. She saw about 5 beasts in black furs and having red eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. They have two tails of over 2 meters long each. This type of beast was common in this area. And they only appear when there’s no moon above. They usually hunt in groups. And this beast was a rank CC monster.

They were not easy to deal with.

Yet, “Let me handle them!” Lili declared.

“Be careful sis!”

“Heh~ you’re such a baby!” Even Though they were twins but actually, Lili acts more mature and like an older sister to Lila. The two of them were already lost their parents. But after their magical power evaluated and had been found out that both wield Irregular seed, the main family of Gentlewind family adopted them.

And now they were serving under the first daughter of the main family, Detty Davila.

“Uhmp!” Lila pursed her lips.

Lili took something from within her chest. It was a handheld fan, yet razor-sharp blades were visible on top of it.

When the cats noticed a silhouette coming at their direction at a rapid speed, they rushed toward it like phantoms in the night.

“Nyaaaaww, nyaaaaww, nyaaaaw!” The wild cats were racing towards her like some shadows.

The distance of 150 meters between Lili and the cats elapsed into 10 steps away from each other, in just a moment.

She made a huge sudden leap; one of the cats who were in front of the group, also leaped into the air and met her while raising its front limb with razor-sharp claws.


The cat used its raised front leg and slashed downward to tear the human girl in front.

However, Lili twisted her petite body counter-clockwise and successfully evaded the first cat’s attack without even descending her speed. Then, she leaped again and proceeded towards the second cat which was not far behind.

Her movement was so fast, she brandished the handheld fan and completely slashed the second cat in two. The fan tore the cat’s body like it was made of cheese.

Nyaaaawwwww!!! The cat screamed in agony while it’s life slowly faded away. This happened in a half a second only.

Nyaaahh!!! Nyaaaahh!!!

The other cats screeched in anger after seeing their kin had been killed in front of their eyes.

Another two cats leaped into the air, seemingly above Lili now. Their gnashing razor-sharp teeth and fierce-looking eyes signify how angry they are at the moment.

Lili’s eyes narrowed a bit and her mouth extended to the side as it slightly curved upward.

“Heh~” she snorted.

Then she leaped high into the air to avoid the incoming swipe attack from above.


A loud noise of heavy objects pounded the ground was heard by Lili after she successfully avoided the attack.

Although the surrounding was dim and dark and difficult to discern, with Lili’s ability that enabled her to distinguish everything in the dark, she could easily perceive around her.

Her almond eyes with brown pupils had turned into golden pupils.

Seeing below, she noticed that after she successfully evaded the cat’s sudden downward strike, their strike hit the empty air and proceeded onto the ground.

Cloud of dust raised into the air and was covering the ground below. But it only happened in a couple of seconds before the cloud of dust cleared up.

Visible on the ground were the two angry cats. They were craning their necks upward while looking at her with twisted faces; seemingly annoyed at her.

Now Lili was in the air and the cats were below her. The situation was the same but the position reversed.

“Hehe!” Lili grinned.

Then she took another handheld fan. Now each of her hands was holding a fan. Suddenly, her feet were engulfed by golden brilliance. A moment later, her body backflipped in the air and immediately dove towards the two cats below; her hands and arms were slightly behind her. Then she hastily lifted both hands as she brandished both of the handheld fans that were seemingly engulfed in golden brilliance too; two streaks of lights trailing towards the cats that reacted late.

Shiiiiiing! Shiiiiiing!


A loud bang was heard when Lili landed in the middle of two headless cats; dust raised and the ground cracked. But the person herself had no care about it as she hastily twisted her body into a 180-degree spin and sent the two handheld fan arcing towards the two approaching cats coming from opposite directions.

The handheld fans that were enveloped by golden brilliance were horizontally arcing the air as they accurately sliced the body into two of the two remaining cats.

Thud, thud! Both dropped dead on the ground. Lying as cold corpses. And muddy black blood painted the area, dripping from the cold corpses of the fierce Rabid Two-Tailed Wild Cats.

The handheld fan returned to her hands like obedient pets.

Thump! Lila landed beside her.

“Good job sis,” Lila said.

After looting some valuable materials, “Mhm. Let’s go?” Lili suggested.

Lila nodded and the two proceeded in chasing after the people of the parliaments and Elder Grenn.

Leaving the messed behind.


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