My Magical System

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: How to punish bad people?

Yeman remembered that he changed his hair and eyes color. But it seemed like it didn’t do a good disguise.

That time when he changed the color of his hair and eyes, he was thinking that this whole thing was just a dream or he was playing an advanced game called VRMMORPG in his old world.

He sighed.

Looks like his new hair color and eyes color didn’t do the trick. He was still recognizable from someone who knew him already, even with the new colors added.

Now that Yeman thinks about it. No one yet had any reactions about it. Does it mean, Eman’s hair might be black, to begin with? Yeman thought and stole a glance at his sister. She had brown hair.

Hm...impossible that Eman had black hair if his sister had brown.

And if he remembered correctly he had brown hair when a character creation appeared before him inside the dark space at that time. Maybe he was just too popular as being the mana-less person that people didn’t give care of the trivial matter about him changing his hair and eyes color.


And his mask? He removed it a while ago after seeing those bandits. For some reason, some of them also wore a mask and Yeman thought he looked like them if he continued wearing it. So he decided to discard it.

And now, here he was, troubled himself. No, just that.....troubles were coming on his way no matter how eager he was to avoid them. Uhm...he was not really avoiding trouble, it just, he was choosing which trouble was worth troubling. Just that, sometimes there was some unintentional trouble that happened to come before him. Like this one right now. After all, many people already knew him, on the contrary, he didn’t know them.

Yeman noticed the burly man’s hands enveloped by magical energies in blueish color.

He doesn’t know what this energy could do. Maybe added more strength on his punch? Or maybe his punches become faster? In any case, he doesn’t care.

He sighed.

It was clear that this man was being fooled by that wicked person they called Lun Ho. Though, Yeman doesn’t want more trouble.

And that person who was a sworn brother by Eman, he doesn’t give a care on him. But... he was kind of interested in this person’s identity.

“You! You are this young noble’s companion?” The burly man called him and pointed to Herro.

Stood in front of him while raising his eyebrow and was furrowing. He was quite taller than Yeman. The burly man was staring down at him. He looked so towering.

Yeman gently pushed Eina to his back. The other people around him started steeping back as well, so to not involve themselves in the fight that may spark at any moment.

This burly man was topless and his chest was pounding, heaving high and low, maybe he was trying to emphasize his muscle to scare his enemy. Looking at his head, in Yeman’s perspective, the sunlight shined brightly on this man’s skinhead.

“Kuku, yeah Mr. Barney, that person is this guy’s companion. These two were sworn, brothers!” Lun Ho chuckled and added. He peeked from the back of the burly man and was showing a smirk on his face.

“Fuck, Lun Ho! You dirty, bastard!” Herro screamed.

“Young master, please, say no words...” Yumen was urging Herro to shut up so that this guy would stop bothering him. After all, this guy was a silver-grade magician.

“Heh! Sorry but I don’t know any of you. You see I have amnesia after got myself knockdown while fighting a beast on the mission, if there was an enmity towards us before, let bygones be bygones okay?” Yeman said and scratched his head while showing a smile on his face. He wanted to try resolving this issue without fighting. He was not a part of it, to begin with, and he doesn’t like killing or fighting these people which not part of his plan.

More on, its broad daylight and many witnesses around. In any case, that wicked person was the only person at fault here. If he was not mistaken, that burly guy might be trying to avenge the middle age woman which Yeman assumed was the burly man’s wife.

He didn’t really see what happened awhile ago but the guy with a wicked smile looks suspicious however he saw it.

“What you say bygones be bygones? Did you see what you asshole did? Huh?! You don’t know how much that products cost, huh?!” The burly man yelled angrily and pointed the scattered vegetables. Even his spats were splattering around.

“Hahaha...” Yeman laughed slightly and scratched his face: |Grosssss!| He thought.

“Oh, is that so...then, can it be settled if I give you this...?” Yeman said while showing a pouch of silver royal.

Seeing the pouch full of silver royals, the burly man’s eyes lit up and formed into coins. Then his eyes narrowed upon remembering what this other young noble with a wicked smile said awhile ago.

That guy said that this person in front of him joined the subjugation mission. For sure he got some riches with him. He even gave this pouch that was full of silver royals easily. For sure this guy was holding more money with him. The burly man grinned upon realizing it. He could get much if he kept on pressuring him.

“What are you saying, huh! Do you think a pouch of silver royals is enough for what you did to my wife?! (gulp)” The burly man bellowed and gulped to clear his throat.

Yeman exclaimed in mind that he was right. The middle-aged woman was really this burly man’s wife. But...what this guy was trying to say? A pouch of silver royals was equivalent to 1 gold coin; And if he made an estimation to the scattering vegetables on the ground, anyone could tell that they were just at most cost 200 silver royals.

“Wtf, it’s not even my fault! And my sworn brother is not part of this!” Herro groaned. He could not accept that his brother would pay for the trouble he was not involved with. Yumen still trying her best to calm him.

“Shut up, you jerk!” The burly man screamed angrily. Then he walked to his wife’s side who was busy picking the scattered vegetables.

The woman looks surprised when the burly man looses the woman’s sleeve of her long sleeve dress. Everyone was having surprised faces when they saw her swollen arms with many scars.

“Did you see the cause of what you just did, huh?!” Said the burly man. Then he grinned after seeing the surprise looked on the faces of people around.

The woman quickly hid the scars on her arm. Yeman doesn’t know if what’s the deal of this person for showing the scars of his wife which was clearly done from another day. Yeman was putting his palm on his face. It looks like he was mistakenly claimed that this burly man was innocent.

Lun Ho sneered at Yeman and Herro. Then the burly man told him that, a pouch of silver royals was not enough for the wounds they caused to his wife.

Yeman shook his head. Herro on the other hand had a grim face. He knew this guy was trying to swindle his sworn brother. He begged to Yeman to not give that guy any money. But he got a taste of a kick on his stomach instead.

“If I was you, I will choose to remain silent!” The burly man shouted after he irritably kicked Herro to silent him.

The burly man walked towards Yeman. He stopped in front of him with menacing looks on his face. He was looking down at him.

Yeman smiled and took 5 gold coins from his pocket. He told him that this the only money he had. The burly man seemed suspicious at him. But really he was secretly rejoicing at this amount of money. Although he needed to put a front that he was not satisfied with just this amount and he searched Yeman’s body if ever he was hiding another riches with him.

But he found nothing other than the coins he gave him.

Eina was puzzled why his brother did not punish the bad person. Herro blamed himself for being useless. He even involved his sworn brother by this mess.

After getting what he wants, the burly man left. He did not even help his wife who was picking the scattered vegetables on the ground.

Lun Ho was smirking towards Yeman and Herro. And said he would not hesitate to kill both of them if he finds them again.

He even was forcing the servant of Herro named Yumen. Herro screamed and begged not to take her. But Lun Ho did not listen and forcefully took her.

Eina was helping the woman on picking the fallen vegetables.

Yeman sighed.

“Whooo, easy money! Now I’m rich! Those fools are easy to scare. Gyahahaha!” The burly man lately exclaimed after he left. He would be going to enjoy himself inside the casino and in night pleasure. Good thing that that young noble with wicked face asked him to help him blackmailed some youth of noble family.

But after he turned to the alleyway, what awaited for him was hungry murderers. Their magical energy was also at silver. He tried to fight, but in just 5 seconds, he was beaten black and blue. Then his unconscious body was dragged inside the distortion.

On the other hand, Lun Ho was traveling in his carriage. He was laughing for the sorry states of those two people he hated the most. For him, this was the happiest day of his whole life, and now he was able to take with him his prize. The beautiful servant of that Herro.

Starting today, this girl was his. He would be going to make her as his woman. He even started fantasizing them together on the bed. But his happy fantasy had been spoiled when the carriage he was riding made a sudden stop.

Lun Ho yelled angrily at the coachman. But the coachman was gone and the carriage was surrounded by mysterious people. After that, the silhouette of Lun Ho had never been seen again.

Who knows what happened to him. Yumen was so shocked. But those scary people did not hurt her and just left her inside the carriage. She then ran back to where Herro was.


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