My Magical System

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Market

The place they currently in was in the middle of the road. Not the asphalted road. But just a normal solidified soil ground with the absence of grasses.

Hal could not believe what his eyes were seeing. What kind of wizardry this young man used? Not even in his whole life that he had a chance to have a glance at this kind of magic.

When he and Niel were training to become an empire soldier, they were also been taught many many kinds of magic abilities. They were studying the advantages and disadvantages that might help them in the future battle.

However, they failed to be admitted in the end because they failed in some training missions. But the type of magic this young man has was unheard to them.

Hal was thinking if it was from the rare element which was the dark magic.

In any case, they needed to thank him. This young man doesn’t seem to be a bad guy. He even helped them.

Yeman noticed the two-person ambled towards him and his sister. One of them was walking in an unsteady manner with a pale complexion. He noticed his sour face trying to bear the pain from his bloodied leg.


The green bar above his head was at least 60%.

They were thankful to him for saving their lives. If not because of him, only a bitter fate awaits them in the hands of those bandits.

Each of them had doubtful expressions towards him that registered on their faces, since he was only a young man, and yet, wields unordinary ability and speed.

It was seldom that they had a chance to witness a young member from great noble families. But based on what they heard about them. They’d believed, that their magic ability was like of this young man in front of them.

They could not tell his exact strength since they only saw him sending the bandits to who knows where.

The youths from great noble families were of different league compared to the normal noble families. The way they presented themselves in front of the masses was like unreachable and untouchable individuals that even staring at them was impossible.

When they neared them, unexpectedly, the young man handed 2 vials of potion to Hal. For him, and for his friend. It surprised both Hal and Klaus.

“This, these are health regeneration potions?!” Hal exclaimed while staring at the vials. It was in a bright green color.

Yeman narrowed his eyes with a look that wanted to question. “Do you know about it?” Regardless, his curiosity got the better of him. Because these people seemed to know about these potions.

Hal nodded and explained to him that this type of potion was usually sold in the market in any town. And that it cost not lower than 100 silver royals. Royal was the currency in this empire which symbolized the royal family. One silver royal was equivalent to 100 bronze royals. While 1,000 silver royals were equivalent to 1 gold coin.

In this empire, the ordinary salary of a normal person in a month was equivalent to 10 silver royals. So having 100 silver royal was already quite big money for someone like them.

However, it’s not the case with Klaus, since he was from a noble family and an owner of a smithing house. And his smithing business was one of the most popular in the empire. Even the grand people of great noble families and royal families chose to buy in his shop or had their equipment repaired by him.

His full name was Klaus Smith.

Yeman after learning Klaus’s identity was quite surprised. Hal was wanted to return the potions to him saying it was too expensive and that they already save them and they were very thankful enough. While Klaus offers to pay him.

Yeman shrugged them off saying that it was fine because he had many of it. That he had a friend who made potions and gave him for free. Really, these potions occupied lots of space in his storage. He even gave some of them to his people. But still many were left. And he could not just throw them.

Now that he learned about it. Maybe he would be started selling them. His domain needed more improvements, and he needed lots of money to achieve it. He could not use the otherworlder product since they were expensive in his market. It was a waste of Soul Points.

He could only use the products from this world. In this regard, he has quite riches to buy any products in this world.

He still has 3 pouches of gold coins in him from the treasures they found from the subjugation mission last time. Each pouch was containing 1000 gold coins. And he also has lots of soul points. So money was not a problem for him for now.

Though it was better to have a daily income. He needed to start a business then. Yeman decided.

After saying, “it was a waste of effort if the one I bothered saving died of infection later...” Hal had no way to react and gratefully accepted the potion he gave.

After drinking it, his wound started closing while his complexion was returning to normal.

He quickly gave the other potion to his friend and helped him in drinking it.

Yeman walked towards the bloodied coachman who was laying on the ground with the back facing the sky. He secretly places on the ground beside the coachman face, a regeneration potion, a piece of paper, and a gold coin on top of the paper.

He left the word, “good job,” after Yeman left the coachman. The coachman quickly hid the paper and the gold coin. Then drunk the potion hastily.

A smile leaked on Yeman’s face. But who knows what this smile was meant for...

He saw Eina with Mr. Klaus’s wife and daughter. They were saying how cute she was. He also noticed that they handed something on her.

When she noticed her brother’s gaze she ran towards him. “Bro, look, the madam and big sis gifted me,” she happily showing him the golden bracelet and gold necklace with green jade pendant.

“Oh, Good for you, Eina,” he smiled and patted his sister. Then he bowed slightly at Mr. Klaus’s wife and daughter.

Mr. Klaus and his wife and daughter with Hal and his friend came to them and said their thanks to him once again.

He once again told them that it was fine.

They asked them their names and such...Yeman told them their names without lies. But...what was their second or last name? He secretly asked his sister. She told him that they were ordinary citizens and that they were not qualified to have it. This was what Aunt Claire told her.

Yeman was surprised to hear it. Looks like only the noble families and higher had the right for it.

Mr. Klaus and the others gawked in disbelief. An ordinary person with such an ability was very uncommon. In any case, the way they dress was really ordinary citizens. Not the ragged clothing from slum people and not grand like the nobles.

Hal asked if he could call him little brother. Which Yeman did not mind. And also he noticed Hal and Mr. Klaus’s daughter were stealing glances at each other while blushing slightly.

He smiled at them. He had the gist about these two’s feelings with each other.

Mr. Klaus handed him a card that if ever he needed help in the future. He just needed to go to the address written on it.

Which he gratefully accepted. Yeman and Eina said their goodbyes at them. When they arrived at their carriage, they saw the dumbfounded face of their coachman.

They arrived at the market after several minutes of travel. After paying the coachman, they went directly into the bustling market of the city.

The street was so busy. Many people were moving in every direction. Some were shouting and some were talking with their friends while laughing. Some kids were crying looking for someone while others running holding every kind of merchandise.

On the roadside, many kinds of establishments were in rows. Some store vendors shouting for costumers, persuading them to buy their products. Telling them how high quality they were. And that, they could be bought at a low price. Different kinds of propaganda to temp the costumers.

Yeman and Eina first went to a woman selling cold drinks after noticing her sister was gulping trying to clear her throat. He thought that maybe she was thirsty.

Yeman noticed a piece of flat wood beside the table where the three jars on top of it. Written in the flat wood was translated as “for sale ‘Tiger-Jelly with squishy fruit cream and ice from the deepest part of Snow Mountain’ for 2 silver per shell cup only”.

Yeman felt doubtful about the squishy fruit cream. But it sounded like ice cream somehow. He ordered two shell cups.

|And what is a shell cup anyway?|

Seconds later, with practiced hands, the woman took two cups made of something like a coconut shell on earth. Then she was using the ladle to scope on the first jar.

When she lifted her hand, Yeman saw something like jelly fish meat but the color was the same as the tiger skin.

She put it inside the first shell cup and then she scoped again for the second cup.

After the two cups were full of tigerjelly or something, she then opens the second jar and scoped again using another ladle. Then a creamy white something was pouring on the laddle after she lifted her hand.

Yeman was staring in disbelief. Wondering if what would be the taste of it.

The third jar was where the ice was stored.

After paying the woman vendor she handed the two cups of Tiger-Jelly Cream and two sticks.

Using the pointed sticks, Yeman and Eina slowly poke the jellies that cut in small cubes.

Yeman was thingking that it doesn’t look like an icecream. More like street foods like fish balls.

But when he tasted it. His mouth was invaded by the creamy sweet and soft meat of jelly. He was surprised that it really tasted like icecream. And...

|Unexpectedly, this Tiger-Jelly Cream is indeed delicious.| Beside him, Eina was enjoying the food.


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