My Magical System

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Gotcha!

The Headmaster Jack Al was having a headache after the report from Gale-Cutter’s group.

Base on their report, about 50+ assassins gone without a trace. It would be hard to explain this to the higher-ups.

No, he could deal with the higher-ups, since he had a good reputation in this guild and one of the owners.

But those people whose whereabouts were unknown, it gives him more headaches as he was thinking about how to explain this situation to their families. He should not have agreed with those people from the Gentlewind family.

And now, The Miss had not shown herself since then. Headmaster Jack Al was praying for her safety, although he believes that she was alive somewhere. It was not easy to kill a golden stage magician. And they could easily escape if they want.

He was most intrigued by this person they known as mana-less. How come such a person who supposed to be a mana-less had such strength.

As he was massaging his temple, Rita stepped inside the room with a cup of herbal tea in her hands.


“Drink this, headmaster.”

She said as she was placing the tea on his table.

“Thank you, Rita,” he said his thank with a tired face.

Rita was looking at him with worry. “Don’t overwork yourself,” she suddenly said.

He nodded then she left the room. She still had many things needed to do.

When she left, the headmaster took something in a drawer below the table. It was a golden box tied by a silver ribbon. His hand gently massaging the box. Then he slowly uncovers it. Inside the box was a piece, a puzzle piece. He stared at it and smiled.

After the fight, Yeman noticed the piece of paper on the ground. He believed that it was the paper with a sketch of him. He slowly took from the ground.

It was so wet and the ink that they used to draw his face was already blurred and bolded. But the outline was still discernable, although no matter how he looks at it. The sketch was too far from his face.

The sketch has circle head, circle two eyes with shaded pupils, dotted nose, a line for the mouth, and two inverted letter C as ears!

|Is this supposed to be an emoji or stickman? How come they figured me with this ugly sketch!| Yeman could not believe it.

He hastily took a mirror to check his face. He sighed in relief when he saw that his face was still the same as before. What would happen to his life if he turned out like in the sketch?

While staring at it. His eyes landed on the neck part. There was a shaded part of it. He wondered what it was. He then looked at the mirror again and noticed a burn mark on his neck part, the same where the shaded part in the sketch.

He surmised that because of this that those assassins able to discover him.

But, what was the cause of this burn mark on his neck? He questioned himself. Yeman decided to left and went back home. He needed to be there before the sunrise.

Or else Eina would be looking for him. He doesn’t want to make her worried at him. And he needed to take a bath. What if he caught a cold, although he was a magician but doesn’t know if being a magician was exempted by flu. Not even a system was exempted from viruses.

One more thing, he was feeling sleepy.

He also needed to check for Night later. He gave her a tasked last time. He was hopeful that she succeeded with the task he gave her.

There were many things that needed to be done inside his domain and to his people.

He went back to their house and took a quick bath. Then he went to his room.

While waiting for his to dry, he was thinking about the latest fight with the woman in cloth.

He felt helpless. She was strong indeed. Maybe as strong as Night.

Yeman did not imagine to encounter such an opponent too early.

He needed to get stronger.

Skills could be also learnes through training. But he still needed a slot first before he could do that.

And his magical powet need a power boost, so he must go to the city tomorrow to buy some materials to synthesize.

He could also learn a new technique in using his soul energy. But he had no idea how to do it.

Wait, wasn’t his Soul Energy and Magical Power just the same? He wasn’t sure. Because after all, he had no idea about this world.

Maybe the Magical Power of the people here was the same to his Sould Energy.


Suddenly, his mind drifted to the faraway planet. He wondered what happened to Marie.

Yeman checks his Interface. He really had no specific intention in it. He just wanted to check the sections on it.

First he checked his status.


Username: Zombie




SUB-CLASS: Assassin

...Apprentice Assassin



[+]Rat Lord

[+]Phantom Killer

[+]Soul Fetcher

















MTL: 2

LCK: 52

TEC: 2

CRT: 2


Extra points: 10

Exp: 100/40,000




[+]Finger Bullet(Active)

[+]Stun Finger(Active)






[-]First Tier

...Sneak Level 1









...[-]First Tier

Artifice Thread II Leve 2

Union Thread II Level 2

...[-]Second Tier

ESP II Level 2

Finger of Judgment Level 1





[_11,888/15,500_] Hp

[_300/500_] SE

Soul Collection: 19/100

Yeman smiled seeing his stats. In his wallet section, he had 250,000 soul points. If this converted into gold coins. It would have the same amount. Since 1 soul point equivalent to 1 gold coin.

He proceeded to his market and scan on it. He stopped at gacha after several swipes. He thought for a while...

Then he decided to try his luck.

He tapped on x11 which cost 10,000 soul points.

After he tapped it, it followed by magical sounds of bling bling bling! And after several seconds, one after another the items appeared.

You’ve got lumber!

You’ve got oversize Bra!

You’ve got a pouch of 1,000 silver coins!

You’ve got a rare Demonic Shield!

You’ve got a rare Killing Sword!

You’ve got a Second-Hand iPhone 15(from future)!

You’ve got a Stone Axe!

You’ve got a Meat Jerky!

You’ve got a Nike shoe!

You’ve got a Ferrari key! (key only)

You’ve got 1-century old of Demonic Herb!


Yeman didn’t know if whether to laugh or cry.


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