My Magical System

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: The False Charge

“Haaah!!!” Magical energies burst out from her body. It was so dense and suffocating. The pressure it gives caused dizziness to everyone around her.

|This strength was certainly way beyond the sum of strength – of these four people with her.|

Yeman thought as he was bracing himself from the pressure brought by her magical energies.

“Hehe. Now, let’s see if you can still able to brace yourself from my next attacks.” She giggled and declared as she was glowing with golden magical energies encasing her body.

|I can’t figure out why they agreed to send their assassin’s just to kill me.....wait, could it be possible – that this guild had some kind of collaboration with that family? If this is true, then this will keep on and on. And they will send more and more people later. It will be annoying. In that case, I needed to avoid it to happen. But how should I do it? Hmm.....(before he found out the answer from his question, he noticed the mole-man dove out from the ground. He quickly kicked the ground and made a backspin.) Meh, I needed to settle this one first!|

Yeman wasn’t really afraid of them. But he did not wish to become a mass murderer (although it’s already too late) just because of a certain person from Gentlewind family.

These people were not even related to the issue.


|Wait – since these people were related to the guild allowed by the empire, it means that the guild was a legal organization. Hence, they cannot assassinate someone without faults, or else this guild will become a criminal organization instead of being a legal one. If that happened, the empire will put a stop in this organization.

After all, I’m part of the subjugation mission. In that case, it also safe to assume that I’m one of these empire’s heroes who fought for the empire in order to reclaim the fallen land. In this regard, they cannot just kill me!

So, the only conclusion, is that they are fed with wrong information about me from those people in Gentlewind family.

Or maybe I’m wrong by this empire’s law. Speaking of law, I don’t even know much about it. But based on the anime and manga or manhua etc... that I happened to watch and read, a legal organization can’t just execute a baseless mission. I also watched the news on television about politics. But, I came from a democratic country! So it was still different from this empire’s law.|

While thinking of this matter, Yeman also dealing with the enemies. He was exchanging attacks with the woman and dodging the surprise attack of the mole-man from below the ground.

Some attacks of the woman managed to hit him several times. His health points were decreasing 200-400 at every hit he took. Although, the hit was not solid, the damage was not a joke.

Good thing that his health regeneration was fast. And he also drank regeneration potion that he synthesized before. So the damage was healed faster.

After releasing her energy all over her body, she suddenly became faster and powerful. Yeman was having a hard time to counter because of the mole-person that was waiting for the right time to ambush him.

All Yeman could do at the moment was to guard and step back to evade and dodge. He was at a disadvantage.

|Tsk, this is getting more annoying as expected. This mole guy...I needed to put a stop on him.|

He had a hard time dealing with the woman, so it would be harder for him if this mole person intervening relentlessly. And there was a high risk that he would be killed in this regard. Good thing that he was able to paralyze those three because if he did not, it was inevitable for him to get killed sooner.

‘Tsk! Is this guy had some kind of ‘third eye’ that can see through the ground?’ Ismoley thought suspiciously. Not even once that his attack of capturing him succeded. He already lost his patience, and now he must use different techniques.

“Haha. Don’t bully me too much Mister Mole. You see, I’m just a lonely innocent person who was being targeted by some random lolicon.”

Hearing the unfamiliar word, they furrowed.

“Innocent my ass!”

Gale-Cutter shouted after hearing Yeman’s words.

“What is lo-lo-licon? Anyway, you did a severe mistake in your action, and thus, as part of the assassin guild, the person like you who is a sinner and ignorant shall be punished.”

She asked but she’s not really concerned about it and so she declared to punished him.

|The assassin guild, huh.|

Yeman sneered.

“Ignorant you said? I mean your right.” |Since in the first place, I don’t know much about this world. Hehe| He thought and chuckled inwardly.

“You think highly of your guild; even though, it was so low! Punishing someone out of the blue and without proper faults against you. Is that how the proud assassin guild runs their business? Haha. I think you are just a group of fools who loves killing.”

Yeman replied sarcastically. Certainly, what kind of guild was this? What do they fighting for? Kill people because someone asked them to? And without a proper background check on their target? In that case, this guild is a group of psychos.

“F-Fools? How dare you. Grr! (Teeth gritting) Now you are dead!” She yelled angrily which followed by the appearance of 10 objects made of water – they were materializing around her as it slowly takes form.

A few seconds later,

“Water Javelin?” Yeman mumbled after noticing the completed form of the objects. He really was wondering how they managed to form their magical energies into objects.

Maybe he could do it too using his soul energy.

Right now, all he could do by using his soul energy was to increase the power and effectiveness of his skills. Or increase his strength and defensive capabilities.

On the other hand, these people, they could make their magical energies formed into an object.

That guy before, his magical energy took the form of exploding cross-wheels. The other one shot with a beam. And the one using the bow, his arrows were made of pure magical energies.

So maybe, he could do it too...

After she angrily yelled at Yeman, she continued saying, “talking shit to one of the famous guilds in the empire? Heh! You really are courting death. You said we are just a group of killers? You don’t know what you are talking, you were ignorant.

The guild’s duty was to weed out the irregularities in the empire and kill the sinner like you who will become a dangerous entity in the future. Someone like you with irregular seed and not from the major power of the empire may harm the power balance.

If the power balance will be harmed, it may cause an inside war – a war from all the national power of the empire. Before it happened, we deal with you lots.”

She said coldly and started walking towards him while surrounded by water javelins – aiming their tips at him.

Yeman knitted his brows wondering if she even knew why they targeted him. It looks like she misunderstood her mission. Or maybe that was what those people from the Gentlewind family told them.

What irregular seed? He had no idea about this and he doesn’t even have a magical seed. |Wait, do I really don’t have a seed in me? Maybe I had, but right now it was still...growing?|


He suddenly heard System’s voice in his head.


Yeman was surprised at this new information from System.

|Embryo? So that’s the reason. In that case, how to grow my Seed?|

Yeman noticed the system was gone. He sighed. And turned back his attention to the enemy.

Right. What did this woman say awhile ago, that he was a sinner? Lol, Eman was just a victim of a frame-up. And she also talked about the balance of power...

“Power balance? What kind of joke is this? Using the power balance as a front of their lies – just to make it honorific in your eyes.

Haha. You’ve all had some problems in your heads. You didn’t even notice that they were controlling your beliefs using simple lies such as maintaining power balance.

(Chuckled) What’s the use of the Royal family in that regard? Are they just flower vases in the empire? They could not even maintain the power balance by themselves?”

Really, Yeman could not fathom this empire’s people’s way of thinking. He really doesn’t care about the noble and royal family.

For him, they were just the same human. And more on, he was not from this world, to begin with. So he didn’t care if he sounded rude.

He really was wondering if what was the use of the empire’s soldier, guard, and parliament. They could not execute their law?

And now this guild of murderer claiming that they maintaining power balance, peace and order? To avoid future wars?

|What a joke! This empire is a mess! Killers called themselves as lawmakers. While innocent people were targeted and deemed sinners? This is really unbelievable!|

The four men had balled their eyes hearing what Yeman said. They could not believe that there’s an idiot calling the Royal family as incompetent and flower vases. This person really had a death wish.

One of her brows behind the mask curled upward. This person she was fighting right now just said bad words to the royal family of the empire.

She could not let it go without severe punishment. “You! How dare you speaking like that to the royal family!

You’re so dead!

I will grant you your punishment here and now!” Her voice now was colder. It sent shiver in Yeman’s and the other’s spines.

“Be proud. For you shall fall in my hands.” She added.

“Proud my ass!” Yeman rebutted.

If before she only wanted to kidnap him, now she must kill this insolent man. No one has the right to talk bad to any of the royal family’s back.

More magical energies came out from her body. Yeman knew that she was more than serious now.

Her strength was rising every passing second. Yeman doubted if he made a blunder of himself making someone with such power angrier.

The bushes and tree branches around the road hovered into the air. Stone debris and raindrops look like they stop at mid-air.


After chanted the word, the water javelins flew.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh...!

About 20 Water Javelin and stone debris were flying towards him. Yeman without a second thought ran horizontally. Some debris almost hit him and some javelin passed at hairsbreadth distance. He ducked, slide, and dove to avoid each.

|Looks like I made her angrier. But, I successfully bought time from conversing with her. Now my soul energy was able to regenerate. Although, the effect of my paralyzes also running off. I cannot let this fight prolong anymore.|

He summoned his soul energy to his feet in order to increase his speed.

Now he was running and evading at a speed that hard to perceive.

“What the...what kind of speed is that? Is this guy really an apprentice rank only? What a fluke!” Ray Boy screams out.

“Fuck! My eyes could not even catch up with his movement! This is insane! Or maybe this is just a dream. Maybe I am sleeping in my soft bed right at this moment. And what happening right now is just a dream. Right, this might be just a dream. Since there is no way that apprentice rank had such speed!” Gale-Cutter followed up while convincing himself that what happened at the moment was just a dream.


Reflected in Marki’s eyes the fast-paced fight happening in front of them. Javelins that made of water were raining from the sky towards their target. But that target was evading at unbelievable speed for someone who was a low ranking.

The woman sneered seeing the enemy evaded all her attacks. But she just started...

They passed at him without hitting their target. Without wasting time, he rushes towards the woman when...

Yaaaah! From the ground, Ismoley leaped into the air.

Palm Hammer!

His voice that resonates with the area was like of that voice from the monster.

Ismoley leaped above him and sent a massive palm to Yeman who was staring at him with wide eyes. Yeman did not expect this dude to suddenly appear before him.

|Err, this mole-man really knows about timing. This attack is unavoidable! Tsk! Now you don’t look like a mole anymore! You are a frog!| Knowing he could not dodge or evade anymore, he decided to send a palm strike also. But his palm was so small compared to the mole person. Although, size doesn’t matter!

Loud thunder rang at the same time when the two palms landed at each other. Followed by a big explosion of solid force. Which cause to generate mini whirlwind around them.

Seconds later...

The two took a knockback at the same time.

“Tsk! This person’s speed was to the extreme.” Ismoley commented annoyingly in a hoarse big voice of a monster.

|He became stronger? So that is the effect of that transformation, huh. Good thing that I managed to summon my soul energy into my palm at the right time, if not, who knows what might will happen.| Yeman thought while lowering himself to put weight on his feet.

‘Tsk, even in my full transformation, my attack had no effect at him? And he didn’t seem to feel hurt with that attack. Wait, did he send that attack to negate my attack power? Unbelievable!’

Yeman had not time to rest. After the palm collision another batch of water javelins was fast approaching towards him from above.

He was shifting his soul energies since he could not use it in his whole body. He doesn’t have the ability to do it right now. He could only use it one at a time. So he needed to send it to his feet to increase his speed then sent it to his arm to increase his strike power or sent it to his body to increase his defense.

He back-step hastily. One step, two-step, every backstep followed by javelin fell from above directly hit the ground where Yeman’s position supposedly in half a second earlier.

The javelins pierced to the ground as they rooted while creating crevices.

Yeman had no way to counter-attack. Because, the javelins were raining nonstop at him, and after the raining javelin, the mole person was rolling like a furball. He aimed to collide at Yeman.

Yeman knows that just a little mistake would put him in danger.

Ismoley in a ball-shape rolled hastily to flatten the enemy. One meter before the collision, Yeman dove to avoid it.

But before it hit him it suddenly stops at the one-meter distance at him.

All of them were shocked at his sudden stop. Even Yeman was not exempted.

“That’s the famous...” his comrade balled their eyes seeing Ismoley’s sudden stop. This technique was Ismoley’s signature move that enables him to harbor fear from his enemies.

“False Charge!” They shouted.

One of Ismoley’s techniques. With this technique, he could easily shift his charging attack into other techniques without a lag. Many enemies fell on this move of his.

|Eh? Does he stop? It’s false!| Yeman did not expect this. He was already in a diving manner. His eyes balled when he noticed the big mistake he made. There’s no way to change his action now!

Ismoley leaped into the air and spread his massive arms. Then he dove towards Yeman while spreading his claws.

Crazy Tornado!

Ismoley’s rotated like a spinning top which caused Yeman to knockback on the ground.

Meteor Slash!


Guwah! Blood spurted from Yeman’s mouth.

A loud explosion was heard and the ground breaks which created a large pit on it.

Grr! Gueheher! The ugly face of a mole man made a wicked grin when his attack landed on the enemy. It was a combo of three consecutive techniques.

First was a false charge, followed by a knockback, then an explosive attack. But, Ismoley was not finished yet.

Although Yeman was able to cover himself using his arm. But he was hit by that attack. A red text was visible in his vision when his health points drop at a certain number.

There was a wound formed ‘X’ on his body. But Yeman did not move, or more specific to say, he couldn’t move. He was still crossing his hand to cover his head and chest. He needed to cover the parts of him that the enemy could deal high damage to him.

Although he won’t die directly even if his heart would be pierced.

“Gwahahar finally got you! Now die!” He shouted in a hoarse and loud voice.

The wicked smiled grows broader and evolved into laughter. His comrades were shouting for the kill.

Ismoley spread his arms and in the next second,

Unlimited Swipes!

He sent swipe after swipe, more swipes. He was rapidly attacking the enemy.

His two hands blurred as they pounce his enemy into mincemeat. He wouldn’t let this chance to skip.

The ground pit becomes bigger and wider. And Yeman was at the center of it receiving the rapid attacks from Ismoley.

Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Ismoley repeated chanting the words as his massive body unceasingly raining attacks.

His comrades were getting excited at the sight. Looks like this Ismoley did it finally. They never imagine that this low ranking able to drag the fight a little longer.

Now it’s only a matter of time that he would be killed by Ismoley.

Thunderous sounds on the sky and explosive sounds below.

Yeman noticed his health points rapidly decreasing. He was in a dangerous situation at the moment.

Tsk! He clicked his tongue while bracing himself from the unstoppable attacks.

The soul energies in his arms slowly dissipate.


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