My Magical System

Chapter 71

Assassin’s Guild Headmaster Jack Al

“ seemed to pile up things in here, ahaha... by the way, here is the final report for those corpses.” A young woman about 17-18 years old and is a well-suited dress that stood in a calm demeanor and with a well-contoured body handed a piece of parchment to the person setting in front of the desk where a mountain of papers amassing on top of it.

He was staring blankly at the empty space while massaging the part of his forehead and wearing a lazy smile on his face.

“As always...thank you, Rita, there are too many mistaken reports lately. And I needed to remake each of them. Ahh! I am no good, I never thought it was so hard to be a guild master. If only I knew it from the beginning...”

The young woman named Rita twitches her brows as she said, “Hah! we already warned you from the start, hmm... In any case, here is the report,” she sighed and urge him to take the parchment.

“That’s why I am so happy to have you, Rita, I am the most thankful person of having someone like you guiding me,” the boy of the same age with the girl, he was wearing a sailor cap and an emerald-colored coat, and wore eyeglasses on his eyes, said his thanks with puppy eyes in a childish expression after taking the parchment handed to him.

He was only a young man and here he was, sitting inside the office on the third floor of the 3-story building of the Assassin’s Guild. He was the only son of a noble who belonged to the lower class and situated in the northern part of the Whitestone empire.

At the age of 7, because of the unforeseen fate, his father died due to the power struggle inside the empire.

Grieving for the loss of her husband, his mother lost herself and having a mental breakdown. Therefore, Their nobility slowly declined.


He was left alone inside their not-too-grand manor when their maids and other people under them decided to left one by one.

Taking with him the small amount of money that his family kept in case needed in the future; he went into travel towards the kingdom in the far east, there, he continued his study until he graduated at the age of 14.

He did some small businesses at a young age and started keeping money, after accumulated enough riches, he came back in the Whitestone empire and admitted to the academy to train himself.

In a fateful encounter, in a depth of a night which mostly a well behave citizen long traveled in their dreamlands, he found himself rescuing two maidens in distress from the hands of the evil slave trader.

Sounds heroic right? But the truth was...he bought them in a fair and square amount to free the two beautiful young ladies. Even though he bought them, he never did take advantage of these two ladies. In fact, he gave them their independence. And freed them from the shackles of gruesome fate that awaited them in the hands of the evil traders. The young man told them to go and live their life out of danger, but the two maidens chose to stay and work for him. After all, he was their savior! And he was good at them.

He found out that each of them had unique abilities. Thereafter, with the help of these two new companions, the three of them joined the assassins guild.

That time, the assassin guild was not too popular. And slowly declined by having bad reputations. But these three newbies amazed everyone. Every mission tasked to them was completed exactly as the mission implied. Not only by killing people. But also by killing magic beasts or monsters.

But sadly, the guild owner was not able to handle the expenses and decided to sell the guild.

Since he already kept enough riches with him at that time. Without a second thought, the boy decided to partner with the guild in one condition, for him to be promoted as a guild master. It was his long dream to become a guild master even at a young age.

After that, following his new rules, in his hands, the Assassin’s Guild slowly gaining fame. And now, it was one of the famous guilds in the empire.

“D-Don’t mind was thanks to you that I and my sister are here and alive, to begin with. Anyway, check the report, something unbelievable is in there.” She urged him to read the report she handed.

“Ahaha. Okay...” he spread the parchment then his eyes started following every word written on it.

Not even a minute that had passed after he read it when... “Damn it! Twenty-eight dead and 2 leaders went missing in just a night? How did it happen? This is impossible! My men are not that amateurish in their job! Rita, who is the guy who gave them the mission?” He could not believe after reading some part on it.

The woman did not answer directly, instead, her mouth approaching slowly to the man’s ear and it paused at 2 inches distance.

“I believe from one of the 13 great noble families,” she whispered in his ear.

“What?!” He screamed upon hearing her. His mouth was twitching as he said, “are they using my men in a suicide mission? In their power struggle? This is ridiculous!” The man yelled in anger.

It was not unheard of the empire that those families were having power struggles. Even the royal family knew about it. But they did not intervene in this issue and just let those 13 great families struggle and fight for supremacy. After all, it would also lower their forces, and because of this, the power balance in the empire would remain.

In his mind, he had the gist that his men were victims of this power struggle of the 13 great noble families. After all, the ranking month for those families was nearing. And this was the time where the death rate in the empire was higher.

Nevertheless, it was prohibited to use the member from the assassin guild in these 13 great family issues. And the guild could file a complaint to the parliament if they violated this rule.

This parliament was the third power of the empire.

Even if a person was a member of 13 great families, but if he/she was found guilty, the parliament could take him/her in custody and be given the verdict to pay for his/her crime. The parliament was like the power for those law-abiding citizens of the empire.

Tok, tok, tok... They suddenly heard knocking sounds from outside the door.

“Rita, please...” the headmaster gestured to Rita to kindly open the door. Rita nodded and deliberately opened it.

“Hello Sister, Rita!” Exclaimed a cheerful young woman that was wearing a cap with a feather of unknown bird and wore the same clothing as Rita, she said her hello and dove on Rita, then she fondled Rita’s boobs after she entered the room.

“S-Sister N-Nita! Eek! N-no... Ahn— ahhh! L-Let me go...” Rita tried to struggle to free herself. But the girl named Nita which was her biological sister was like an octopus could not be pushed by Rita’s pitiable strength.

The headmaster slack-jawed upon seeing the unfolding seen in front of him. Well, he already used to these two’s behavior. Especially the younger sister Nita’s cheerful and playful attitude.

“A-Ahem!” The headmaster coughed to get their attention.

Upon hearing his coughing sounds, she stopped clinging on her sister and turned herself in a serious and dignified young woman. “Oh, s-sorry for my rude behavior, Headmaster Jack Al,” Nita said while slightly bowing her head after she released her sister from her octopus-like constriction.

Hah, hah, hah... Rita gasping for breath. This sister her was so bad. Since childhood, she already had a pitiable physical strength. And her sister always took advantage of that.

The headmaster questioned Nita of what her business for coming.

“Headmaster Jack Al, there are some people from the Gentlewind family downstairs, they requested for your presence, sir,” the girl said stiffly.

The headmaster named Jack Al narrowed his eyes after hearing Nita’s words.


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