My Magical System

Chapter 67

Relaxing atmosphere

Inside the lord’s domain, the sun was up. The sky was painted in a clear blue color. With the addition of white fluffy cotton-like clouds that were forming familiar and unfamiliar object-like.

Birds hovering into the distance leaving no trail while sending a high-pitched wail.

Down below as the wind blow, forest in green hue dancing near the river’s flow.

__|_|_|___||__|_|_|_|{|__{_|_|_The clear water of the river silently flowing through, while fishes swam hunting for foods. Ripples were formed every now and then when they surfaced to gasp for oxygen. Then they dove back into the deep of the river, continuing their mission of finding food as part of their daily life chores.

Near the river, a young man was sleeping while pillowing his head on a smooth lap of a beautiful young woman. She leaned her back on the tree trunk while deliberately combing his hair using her fingers in the hand.

Birds on top of the tree singing a nonlyrical song.

The sun rays were like beams passing through the crevices from the leaves roof of the forest.



Slow steeping sounds reached her ears. She glanced to where it from and saw a young girl in ragged clothing. About 5-7 years old. And having a cute little face. Her shoulder-length curly hair was chestnut colored.

The little girl tottered towards them.

“Miss Night, Miss Night, fishes had been cooked, is the lord still asleep?” The young girl asked the young woman in an acute low voice.

“Mhm...” she nodded at here.

“Uhm...will the lord eat fruits or fishes?” She asked again.

“Hmm...I don’t know about fruits. I only saw birds and insects eating fruits. I don’t know about god food,” Night answered honestly while putting her index finger at her face.

“Me too...I don’t know what god’s food like...” the little girl agreed.

Regardless, Night was a former beast and the little girl was a former ratmen. None of them have any idea about god. Their lord didn’t teach them if what they needed to do or what must be done. And they don’t know what foods he eats or what he likes or dislikes.

For them, their lord didn’t belong to monster, beast, or humans. He was a god for them.

“How about you, Miss Night, you eat fruits?” The little girl changes the target for her question.

“...hmm... I don’t eat before when I was a beast, but after tasting it in this new form... I think the fruit was more delicious than eating raw animal flesh and innards. How about you Sky?” Night replied while remembering about those days when she was still a beast.

“Me too! Me too I eat fruits! I also eat raw animal flesh before...but the elder said that right now it is inappropriate to eat them raw. And that is why the elder taught me how to cook the flesh before eating them,” The little girl named Sky was excitedly expressed.

“AHaha...that’s good Sky,” Night smiled.

Tweeting sounds of birds, brushing sounds of leaves and gushing sounds of the river, all of these reached his ears.

Yeman felt a comforting sensation of someone’s hand gently brushing his hair. And he also heard blissful voices while conversing happily in a casual and relaxing pace.

Based on their voices he could guess that one of them was from Night and the other one was from a kid? A girl kid?

He slowly opened his eyes and was greeted by two pairs of beautiful eyes. They were staring straight at him. The one had the cute little face of a little girl and the other one having the pretty face of a young woman.

“NN-Night?” He subconsciously muttered.

Upon hearing his voice Night softly smiled.

“Yes, My Lord...” she answered.

He also felt the soft sensation on his head. Looks like he was napping on Night’s...lap?!

Yeman felt a little embarrassed. He slowly pulled his body into a sitting position. Even though he knew that Night was a former beast, her appearance now could not put in that category anymore. She even made his puny heart to skip a beat.

Maybe if he doesn’t know in the first place that she was that beast he tamed on that cliff, he might already fall on her.

|It might sounds cliche of me to say this, but her appearance is a little identical to Rea the zombie girl from an anime that I love to watch back on earth.|

“Thank you Night,” he gratefully said.

“No—I am grateful, my lord,” she said with redness on her face.

Yeman glanced at the little girl beside them.

|And this little girl? Who is she? Wait, is she one of my pet too?|

“My Lord, her name is Sky, from one of the Elder Priest squad,” Night explained at him when she noticed her lord’s puzzlement while glancing at the little girl.

“Ooh,” he was right. She was really his pet also.

“G-G-Good day! My Lord!” Sky shouted in a stiff and cute voice.

“Mhm, good” he said while slowly lifted his left hand towards her head.

Seeing this, Sky subconsciously jolted back in fear. But his hand stretch long and landed on her head.

Yeman patted her head.

Sky felt a comforting sensation when his hand slowly brushing her hair. She smiled with mouth wide open and closed her eyes.

“M-M-My Lord, h-how about me?” Night said pointing herself.

He glanced at her and sighed.

|Night also wanted to be patted, huh. She acted spoiled, huh.| He thought.

|Well, she gave me a lap pillow a while ago. And she did a good job last night. So it was right to be fair and give her...her reward.| He added.

Then, he also patted her using the other hand.

Her face showed the same smile Sky has. But her beautiful face was painted with redness.

Yeman tried remembering what happened before he fell asleep. Based on what he remembered, after killing all the intruders he felt a throbbing pain all over his body. Then he decided to enter here. After that, he lost consciousness and found himself inside his small fountain of soul.

And something happened after that, then again he lost his consciousness after receiving a notification about his small fountain of soul undergoing an evolution phase.

And now, he woke up near the river while pillowing on Night’s lap. He surmised that after his pets finished what he tasked them. They saw him lying on the ground at the entrance area when they stepped inside this domain.

And so Night had taken care of him. For some reason, he felt good as of the moment. Like something surging within him. Like he was full of strength.

While thinking of this, he noticed a blinking icon of a gift box located at the bottom right corner of his vision.

He tapped on it, and then...

Yeman’s eyes lit after seeing the notification.

|So that’s the reason why I felt a surging power within me right now.|

He tapped on the gift pack to open it. It followed by magical sounds and then the gift pack shines. The next second...

What appeared next in his hand was a scroll. Yeman narrowed his eyes. This scroll was a magic scroll. Which enabled him to learn a new magic skill.

He stored it back to his storage and checked the details.

Yeman excitedly learned the skill. Good thing that he had a free slot on his skill.

His body glowed for several seconds after learning it.

Sky and Night stared at him in disbelief. Wondering what happened. A moment later, Sky clapping her hands.

“Yay, My Lord, I could feel the increase of your power,” Night said.

Not really, only his Luck increased as of the moment.

He checked his Experience Points.

25,800/ 35,000 ==>> level 35

Just a little more and he would level up again.


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