My Magical System

Chapter 60

Away from City

After Stonehard also left,

“Eina! Oh, I am searching for you, dear. Good thing that you are just here,” a woman holding a basket, which Yeman thought inside it were vegetables and meat. She had black long hair that was tied at the back. And had sharp looking eyes. She had a good body figure, that anyone could guess she was pretty at a young age.

She was calling his sister with unease expression written on her face.

“A-Aunt Claire! Sorry, I’m excited to see my big brother and Uncle Ronny,” Eina replied a little embarrassed.

“It’s okay dear, but don’t leave like that again okay? It is not safe for a girl like you to wander alone in this place,” she said at her like a mother directed her daughter.

“O-okay, Aunt Claire, s-sorry,” she bowed slightly and said her sorry, then she tugged on her brother’s sleeve. It looks like she wanted to whisper something on her brother.

“Ahem!” Ronny intentionally coughs which caught the attention of Claire.

Yeman slowly bends his body so that Eina could whisper at his ear. After it, he found out that this woman known as Aunt Claire was the one who let them stay at her house when they sought out from their home after their parents died. So they were living with her for many years already.


And Aunt Claire was an old friend of their Uncle Ronny. They were actually a comrade in arm back when they were training at the Academy. Or even in some of their missions.

Ronny also explained to Aunt Claire what happened to Yeman.

“Fufu, don’t worry kid, memory loss is not a big deal, it can be healed if you had the right amount, but of course it can be healed also through time, maybe you will remember everything in the future, what most important is that your alive,” she said while placing her hand to his shoulder. Trying to comfort him. But it also a good comforting words to Eina.

“Thank you, Aunt,” he replied.

“Anyway, good job to the both of you, I knew it, that nothing bad will happen to you, looks like this old man’s luck still kicking until this time,” She jokingly said while lightly hitting Ronny with her elbow.

Ronny let a tired sigh escaped from his mouth. On the other hand, Yeman and Eina were laughing at the sight of their uncle being teased.

“Oh sha! Let’s have a feast tonight, Eina, dear will you help me with cooking?” Aunt Claire lively proclaimed and asked Eina for help.

“Of course, Aunt!”

They rode another carriage, then went back outside the city, Yeman doesn’t know if where they live. He expected that their home was inside the Main City of the Empire. But it looks like they were living 20 kilometers away, north of the Main City.

He saw mountains and forest at the distance while peeking outside the carriage. Ronny however, was storytelling about the mission that had happened.

Eina was leaning her head on her brother. She was sleepy listening to Uncle Ronny. And sometimes opened her eyes when hearing the name of her brother. How her brother valiantly rushed to the group of monsters. And save many lives without them knowing.

She felt scared while imagining how scary it was to fight those monsters. But she also felt proud of her brother.

Even though her brother had no magic, he bravely fought those monsters.

But at the next word of Uncle Ronny they wore shocked faces.

He told them that Yeman had awakened his magic and now able to use it.

Even Eina who was half asleep widened her eyes staring at her brother.

Aunt Claire and Eina staring at him with curious eyes.

After Mina told Ronny and the others about how he used invisible magic, Ronny keeps pestering him to show it.

Yeman decided to show the Sneak Skill from his sub-class.

Like that time, Yeman scratches his face then let out a sigh. He needed to show it to these two as well.

Eina and Aunt Claire were dumbfounded while staring at his silhouette slowly fading inside the carriage beside Eina and in front of Uncle Ronny and Aunt Claire.

Eina tried to tap the place where he was sitting a while ago. She felt something touching her head. And her hands touch something in the air. Looks like this was her brother’s clothes.

His silhouette had gone, but he could be touched.

Seconds later, he materialized again in the same place. While his left hand outreached to his sister’s head while patting her.

“Wow! Bro y-y-you had vanished a while ago! Is that your magic?!” Eina excitedly exclaimed.

Yeman nodded at her.

Her eyes were brightly gleaming while tears ready to fall down. In her mind, finally, her brother won’t be mocked by others.

Because of being a magicless person, everyone mocked and taunted him. Now, no one would call him a worm anymore.

Yeman wipes her moisten eyes that were about to cry.

“Thank you, Eina, for being happy and sad for me, but you don’t need to waste your tears anymore. Although I can’t promise, I will try not to let you feel sad again,” He said at her while sending a warm smile.

For Yeman, he already thought her as a real sister. Not just because of the promise he made to Eman. And not just because his body could feel the warmth of a family with her, but because, she was like a real sister for him in all aspects. And that was what he truly felt.

After an hour of travel, the carriage finally went to a stop. The place was surrounded by mountains. And only a few houses could be seen ahead. The place could not even be considered a town.

But the view was wonderful. Far from the noisy city. Even the air that embracing Yeman skin was fresh and out of pungent smell.

|Such a good place to live a good and quiet happy life.| It made for a great change. Though Yeman on earth was living in a city, he already experiences living far from it when he and the others were on the mission.

Their home was not that grand. It was just a normal wooden house. Not so big and not so small. But enough for 4 people to live in.

Aunt Claire and Eina went directly to the kitchen to prepare the foods. While Uncle Ronny went out. He said to feed his pet. Yeman wonders what kind of pet he means. Maybe a dog or chicken.

Yeman however, after taking a bath, he went to his room, used to be Eman’s room.

The room was just enough for him. It was about 10-meter square wide. Not so many things inside. Near the bed, there was a clean table with no speck of dust visible. Inside the room was clean. Even the white clothing covering the bed had no tinge of a wrinkle in it. He wondered if Eina did it. It looks like she really loves her brother so much.

“Such a kind sister,” his mouth leaked a smile while muttering this.

He sat on the bed while waiting to dry his hair. Yeman glanced around the room.

Seconds later, his eyes landed on the old wooden cabinet which was facing the door.

He stood up and walk, then stopped in front of it.

He slowly opened it. But he noticed it was locked. Though he could open it by force, Yeman does not want to break it.

The padlock was like the old type lock that needed a combination of numbers to open. He then asked the system for the code.

Although his System was not a helpful system, it would sometimes answer him.

The system answered him and presented the combination of numbers.

He then followed. A moment later, a clicking sound could be heard after inputted all the numbers.

Yeman slowly opened it...


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