My Magical System

Chapter 58


Yeman peeked outside and saw another towering wall ahead, same as the wall he’d seen at the Town of Sitona. Looks like every town and city in this empire were surrounded by it.

Many workers were sent to the Sitona. They needed to re-establish that place. And Some soldiers were left in that town. To guard the workers.

On top of the wall, many uniformed soldiers were lining up. They were holding some weapons in their hands. Some were holding banners.

Regardless, seeing the carriages approaching, the towering gate of the Main City was being pushed by 4 people in a uniformed armor. Same armor as the other guards that could be seen ahead.

One by one, the carriages entered the gate. The soldiers that could be seen around had given their respectful salute towards the carriages.

Yeman noticed many people ahead. They were standing disorderly at the roadside. Some were shouting for the names he couldn’t recognize.

Some were holding a piece of paper as big as short bond paper. While the others were holding a piece of cloth. Each of them has some words written that he could not comprehend.

A sudden computerize image that caught every one of those words appeared in his vision. Then it reappeared in his vision again with the translated version in somewhat futuristic mannered.


If he remembered right. This was the first time he saw the writing of this world. They somehow look different than on Earth.

The words were written like hieroglyphs from the ancient Egyptians. But he thought they were different.

Noises from people were unceasing as they shouted for names and praises for the valiant deeds of the soldiers.

But not all were like that. Because of some was shouting in grief while throwing insults. Yeman thought that maybe they were the family of those soldiers that did not make it. They died in battle.

|Not all humans born with the same luck. Some were lucky, while some...not.| He muttered in his mind.

The parade of carriages proceeded to the wide-open area of central park.

Not only their subjugation team that went back. Some teams also returned. Of course, they came from other places. But the other subjugation teams have uniformed gloomy faces that were written on their faces.

And it was noticeable that only a few of them had managed to return. It looks like, they were not lucky.

While the subjugation team commanded by Commander Borg Skybird, where Yeman and the others belong, were having different expressions on their faces. Some showing grim while some having a smile on their faces.

Each carriage consecutively went to a stop after arriving in the area.

All the passengers went down while holding different kinds of emotions within.

Since Yeman and Mina sitting opposite each other near the carriage door, they found themselves awkwardly staring at each other.

Yeman was waiting for her to climb down, while Mina was absentmindedly staring at him. He then offered her the door first.


When her feet landed on the ground, she sighed inwardly.

Lady Hemi!!!

A sudden uproar from the people in the distance. They were shouting Mina’s name. Mina sent a nod at them.

When Yeman also landed his feet on the ground. He was greeted by the noise of people. Calling Lady Hemi name. He was puzzled if who was Lady Hemi. But those people were looking at their direction.

He glances beside him and saw her sending a nod to those people.

|It’s her?!| He was shocked. |Looks like Mina was of the noble family since they called her with respect.| He thought.

When the squad of Hannah had passed at them, another shout from those people could be overheard.

They were shouting Lady Han! While some still shouting Lady Hemi! Welcome back!

Yeman and Hannah’s eyes met each other for just a moment. He also noticed the other people with her sending piercing glances at him. Especially that one specific guy that they called Jura.

Yeman thought that these people were of the same nobility as Mina based on their fan club. Haha, he could not help himself letting a laugh. It looks like even in this world, idol’s existed too.


The murmurs broke out when those fan club saw him. But because of his heightened hearing. He was able to catch each of their words. He thought that maybe Eman was popular too. Since he was able to get close with a beauty like Hannah and Mina. He was not sure about Mina, but, she seemed to know Eman already. Based on the way she talked at him before. But it’s not a kind of closeness that like a friend.

Nonetheless, the murmurs said...

“Look, is that the worm guy?” Ask by someone.

“Yes, it is him, no doubt!” Answered by the other person.

“Right, though he looked something had changed about him, but no doubt that it was him,” added by the other person.

“Eh? He managed to survive as well?” Surprised by someone.

“I heard that he was in the same group as Lady Hemi. Look they were even in the same carriage,” followed by another person.

“Lucky pest!”

Looks like some people know him as well. But in the bad part.

“Hah!” He sighed.

No one noticed Mina knitted her brows.

After she achieved to rank up twice in a short time, her senses had improved a lot; Therefore, the murmurs had been caught by her ears. She felt sad after hearing them.

Although, before their mission, she also was one of them who doesn’t have a good feeling towards this guy. But it was different now. She already accepted her wrong. She also said her sorry, which he accepted.

Mina could even felt that they became closer, but she doesn’t know if they could be considered as friends. That was why she had a mix of feelings at the moment.

She was happy about their achievements and that she and her cousin Leo were able to come back safe. But she also felt troubled for herself. She was afraid that after this, there would be no more chance for them to talk at each other. Though there was still one year before they graduate at the Academy, they were barely able to see each other in that Academy.

Mina bit her lower lip.

Yeman noticed that all those people who shouted and murmur at them were mostly youngster. He remembered what Uncle Ronny said that Eman went into the Academy. He surmised that those people were from that Academy as well. They look well dress as well. He believed that each of them was from a good stature family.

Uncle Ronny, Stonehard and Leo climb down as well after them. They noticed that all around them, the other recruited soldiers were already in a heartfelt reunion with their families.

Yeman smiled at the sight. He somehow missed his family on earth.

“B-Big Bro?”

A skeptical call from someone in a low voice which captured by his ears.

The squad took a glance from where the voice came from. On the right side of Yeman about 10 steps away from him, a girl standing. She was wearing a dress with faded color and a headband on her shoulder-length brown hair.

An old shoes on her feet, and she was standing while her hands on top of her chest. She was staring straight at him with a face that was about to cry.

Based on her figure, he could surmise that she was 12 years old. Five years younger than him.

Yeman could probably guess. That this girl in front of him was no other than...Eman’s younger sister—Eina.

“I’m back,” he said at her with a smile.

“...mhm!” She nodded.

Eina could no longer hold her tears. She rushed towards her big brother and jumped on his chest while saying, “welcome back big brother!”

He patted her head while embracing her gently. He somehow felt the family warmth at her. Looks like this body does recognize the people close to it.

Ronny and the others smiled after seeing this. Eina also welcomed her Uncle Ronny.


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