My Magical System

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: The one who had the right to decide.

“Our Elder Priest!”

Inside a room that could only be described in a word ‘Strange’, an Oldman was busy dissecting a body with his hands glowing in a unique dark greenish aura. But he suddenly stopped his hands from working when a sudden call wafted the solemnity inside.

The Oldman’s brow twitched unruly as his eyes glowed in dark greenish, seemingly unhappy at the sudden intrusion.

In his domain, no one was allowed to disturb the stillness except the creator of this world himself, the Lord of them all.

However, the reason why he was furious, “Insolence! How many times did I tell you to call me the Elder Dark Priest?!”

At first, the Dark Priest didn’t bother by the name Elder Priest, but after Little Sky started telling him some story that she said from Anime, he started to like awesome names too.

She even suggested to him some awesome names, one of them was the Oldman Abyss. She even made a weird pose of covering her eye with her fingers while saying the name.


The next she suggested was the Bringer of Death. Then it was followed with other names. However, the Elder Dark Priest at that time could not decide on his own. After all, the name he had was a gift to him from the lord.

But when one time that the lord contacts him through telepathy, he found out them talking about the names.

Fortunately, the lord seemed to not mind it. He even said that he was free to rename himself, any name that he wanted.

So after that, he changed his name. Sky also changed her name by adding ‘Little’ before the ‘Sky’.

Then, the news that everyone was free to rename themselves proliferated inside the Lord’s Domain. Many of them changed their names, as they dislike their lord’s naming sense. Of course, some of them were skeptical at first. But after many of them had already changed their names, especially that the Lord did not seem to mind it, the others also followed afterward.

In truth, if there was one thing that their lord not good at, it was his naming sense, in which everyone agreed.

Aside from it, for them, he was the true ruler of the world.

Elder Dark Priest knitted his brows while staring at newly entered subordinates with fierce eyes.

A threatening aura of dark greenish hue burst out from the Elder Dark Priest body.

Upon feeling the pressure from it, “Hiiieee!”


A nauseating feeling invaded his subordinate. They all fell on their knees: “Elder Dark Priest, we beg for forgiveness. T... the lord has a present for you...” One out of the 5 subordinates hastily said in a stammered statement.

After the word ‘lord’ was heard by him, the Dark Priest immediately calmed down. Then he noticed some unconscious bodies lying on the ground. A sinister smile appeared in his beardy mouth.

“Ow, how generous the lord was,” sang the Elder Dark Priest.

He wondered why the Lord didn’t send a telepathic communication to him. But he guessed that the lord didn’t want to disturb his work.

Since the lord was so generous, he could only repay him with good news.

After several attempts of dissecting and reforming his subject’s bodies. A realization came to him. In truth, he gained experience points whenever he dissected living things.

His lord once said to him, that he was gifted with high intelligence, and that he wasn’t the type to engage in a brawl base on his stats.

The lord also said that the more knowledge he gained, the higher his magical aura would become. As long as he invested in his intelligence, there was a higher chance he would learn the spells he desired. Just that he needed a good understanding regarding it.

After hearing the lord’s words, and fueled with Little Sky’s unceasing tale about a cool magician. The Dark Priest came to the realization, he wanted to become that cool magician.

A sinister grin appeared on the Elder Dark Priest’s face as he stared at the lying bodies on the ground.

‘Another experience, another knowledge! Huehue!’ The Dark Priest thought with a chuckle. Then his eyes gleamed in a brief moment.

Back to the fight, after Night killed all the people who came pointed their weapons at her lord, Mr. Yule clenched her teeth while Mr. Jackson was staring at them with bloodshot eyes.

He could not let them go after what they did. After Yeman freed himself using the blade he took from the enemy, “Go! All of you restrain them, especially the woman!” Mr. Yule shouted his command.

After his shout, from everywhere in the room, people in uniform black clothing appeared simultaneously. They appeared all around, surrounding them. Some even came jumping off from the ceiling.

“Gahahaha! Did that surprise you, huh? Now kneel before me! Or else, I will order my men to kill that person!” Mr. Yule threatened.

Night and Yeman took the blindfold and saw many people in suspicious clothing, surrounding them.

Each of them was aiming their weapons while exuding a colorful magical aura.


Mr. Yule and Mr. Jackson furrowed when he heard a chuckle coming from the young man.

“Laugh while you still can, moron!” He muttered after a gnash.

“Heh, acting brave in front of hundreds of enemies is just making a fool of yourself. Perhaps he already lost his senses.”

Jackson whispered.

Everyone’s attention was stolen when the young man suddenly said: “Tell me...”

Tap, tap, tap,

They stared at him as he casually walked in the middle of the room, “What is death to you?” His voice reverberated. Then he continued, “Do you... fear death?” He glanced at the people on his right. “Do you like your current life?” Then he glanced to the left. “Do you have someone you value?” Then he stared to the front while showing a slight smile. “Or will you regret it if you die today?- he made a short pause and continued saying: “Uh... well, no need to answer the last question. Since it is only applicable to someone who managed to come back to life after death.”


Everyone fell silent, wondering what this young man was talking about.

This arrogant young man was like a lost young kid in the middle of the wilds surrounded by hungry beasts.

It seemed like he lost his mind after realizing that there was no way for him to escape and that it was futile to struggle.

Even if he had a strong girl beside him, surrounded by this many people of Silver-Grade rank and some were even at the peak of Silver, it was right to assume that he was pushing himself to look calm.

But unfortunately, there was only death and a bitter future awaits him.

It was in the mind of everyone.


After a few seconds of silence, “Gahahaha...!”, “Oho ho ho!” Mr. Yule and Mr. Jackson laughed out loud.

“Idiot! Gahaha!”

“Such a moron! Oho ho ho!”

The two laughed and said their insult.

“No one here was afraid of death! I would even eat death if he showed up in front of me... But you!”

Shouted Mr. Yule while pointing his index finger at the young man. “You shall start kneeling in front of me and beg for your life!”

“I see...” the young man said, followed by bone crackling noise when he twisted his head left to right. After stretching his arms, he continued saying: “That’s good because no one shall leave alive in this room without my permission...”


Mr. Yule and Jackson gawked upon hearing the young man’s words. They didn’t know what to think of this young man anymore. Looks like he was already beyond help. However, Mr. Yule didn’t like what he heard.

“Dumbassssss.....!” He roared. “The one who had the right to decide in this room is only meeee!” He said as he pointed to himself. Veins were visible in his eyes and a pulse in cross-shape appeared on his face as he waved his hand and ordered his men to kill the foolish young man.

All of the surrounding people hurriedly launch to attack the young man. Those who were at the front lifted their weapon to stab him.

A grin appeared on the face of Mr. Yule when the young man was surrounded. ‘He did not even retaliate, probably afraid! Gyahaha! Slurk!” He thought and laughed inwardly then licked his mouth.

Those at the front who attacked him were successfully pierced his body.

Everyone’s grin was visible under the hood they were wearing, when their weapon pierced the young man’s flesh and the young woman wasn’t able to save him!

In truth, they were wary of her after witnessing her extraordinary strength and speed. They were even guessing that she was at the Gold-Stage. But because of their numbers, they believed that they could restrain her. Look, she was even standing without doing anything. Perhaps she chose her safety. They thought so.

Most of them were skilled people who have trained arduously in the guidance of an old master. They accumulated enough strength and experience in a battle, and each of them were so used to killing.

So what’s a mere young man? There was no need to gang up on him if not because of that young woman’s presence.

But suddenly, they noticed something weird. The young man was still grinning while slowly glancing at them, even though they pierced his body!

“Wait! There’s no blood?!”


One of them exclaimed upon noticing that the wound... no! There was no wound too! Everyone was stunned for a moment. But before they could react, they saw their bodies below them.

Wait... below?!


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