My Magical System

Chapter 100

Chapter 100: Seasoning

The man in front of him sent him a glance then turned to Night (He couldn’t help admiring her beauty. Perhaps she’s a noble who secluded with a peasant?) before looking around at the people who were busy scrutinizing the place.

Night, on the other hand, was gazing at him like gazing at trash. But she changed it when she felt a tug from her lord, seemingly asking her to act so normally.

With a frown, he gazed back at him. He noticed the man’s mouth opened and said, “It seemed like you didn’t see him, sorry for the trouble of stopping you,” he said then took a glimpse at Night before turning his back to them and left together with his men.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter for Yeman if the man answered his question or not because it was obvious that he was right.

Seeing their leaving figures, his mouth slightly bent upward. “These people are like babies who lost their parents. But no matter how they scrutinize the place or even if they roam the whole forest, they could only see at the end..... a mirage of emptiness,” he whispered before urging Night to continue walking towards their destination.

Yeman noticed that many people were still coming; it looked like the family of that Oldman had hired multiple people to search for his whereabouts.

The new-comers were not even related to their family. Probably, they hired some people from the guild, which might be Adventurer’s Guild or Scout Guild.


Some of them were even wearing shiny pieces of metal armor on their body. In which he couldn’t see being worn by people in the street on modern earth.

If someone wore it on the earth, he/she would certainly be called an idiot or sick in mind or perhaps a cosplayer. But here in the world of magic and spells. It was a common sight to see people wearing it. After all, it increased their survivability in this dangerous world where all types of dangers were lurking everywhere.

And it seemed like the quality of metal they wore reflects on how successful they were as a person.

He wasn’t sure what guild these people came from, but he was thankful for them. Because their arrival at the place also brought with them some carriages from the city.

Yeman and Night were able to ride one of them to the market.

As usual, the market was bustling with people of different stature.

They were moving everywhere with each of them having different reasons for coming.

Shouts and noisy scrapping of their shoes against the crude slabs of the ground were the common backgrounds to their ears.

Different people wearing different dresses could be seen everywhere.

Yman and Night did not loiter around. They directly went to their destination which is the stall that was selling ingredients for cooking.

The vendor seemed to be not pleased with seeing the poor customers. But a customer was still a customer, so she had to force herself to show a bit of a smile on her face.

The slight displeasure of the vendor did not escape from Yeman’s gaze but he disregarded it. There was a reason why they had to wear such dresses.

They bought all the things he needed. However, there was a problem that he forgot. Upon overthinking so many things, he was bound to forget the other things. It was normal for a human to forget though. He wasn’t exempted from it.

No, he didn’t forget. It was just he never expected that the ingredients in this world were different from his former world.

He should have expected it. Well, it wasn’t like he would automatically know everything.

No use asking now about each of the ingredients and seasonings that were being displayed in front of him.

He took and tried to sniff some of them.

“Hey, what are you doing?” However, the vendor asked in a frown towards him, displeased by his action.

He thought that it was normal to do it, even on earth. Then again, the vendor must be thinking that he was a poor and dirty customer.

“My lord, can I kill her?” For some reason, Night whispered in his ears. “No you can’t,” he whispered a reply too. “Regardless, call me in the name of Eman when we are outside the domain,” he added.

She stared at him for a second before she nodded.

Yman returned his eyes to the vendor. “Ah, sorry, can you tell me what kind of seasoning these are?” He decided to ask the vendor.

He noticed the vendor was knitting her brows and staring at him with doubtful eyes. ‘Perhaps, she was thinking that I’m a thief.’

A lazy smile appeared on his face when he slowly took a pouch of silver royals. In an instance, the displeasure of the vendor washed away when she saw the money he was holding.

She glanced at him.

When the vendor made a second at her customers. She noticed that they didn’t look like peasants based on their faces. Especially the girl. She seemed to be from a high noble family. But regardless, it wasn’t important for her. “What kind of seasoning do you wish to buy, Mister?” She asked.

Yeman was a little surprised at her sudden change of attitude in talking to him. ‘The power of money indeed,’ he thought.

Then he added, ‘What kind, huh.’ Yeman knitted his brows. He was baffled by how to answer her. He didn’t even know the names of the seasonings in this world. “Hmm, salt-”

He was about to reply but didn’t finish when suddenly the notification came out.

It was from his System, telling all the needed information about this world’s difference between seasonings and ingredients of earth and this world.

He thought that this system randomly helped him unlike before. It seldom replied to him before. Maybe because it had finished its world scanning recently. He guessed it was the reason. So probably, it could focus on helping him now.

From a trolling system to a helpful system. It was good, no, it was better for him.

He then started to pick all the necessary items he needed with the guide of his system.

Yeman learned that aside from the name and appearance, the taste was still the same. Though not the same name, anyhow, they were still both have the same taste.

Like for example the salt.

Its name was different and even the appearance. It was called Golden Grain Crystalline. Not just that, their rank was based on their quality.

Looks like there were multiple types of salt in this world too. Well, even on earth there were different qualities of it. So, it wasn’t surprising actually.

He proceeded to buy all his needed items. Night on the other hand would sometimes ask him questions about the items, and because of her high smelling ability, she sometimes told him how bad the odor of that item or those things was.

She was surprised when Yeman told her that these items were necessary for the food he wanted to cook. She even asked him why he needed to buy these types of items even though they didn’t smell good.

He then explained to her the uses of it. Yeman could not help smiling at her curiosity. This was a good sign for her to learn. Curiosity also means learning.

Once you get curious, you start to seek knowledge about the why’s and how’s of many things, which is a good sign for someone like Night who was a former beast.


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