My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 132 - Back To The Training Grounds

Kevin added to reassure Liam : "Don't worry, if I can't get rid of his pyrophobia, then I will find another way for him to feel useful and strong, because I have no doubts that he is very strong."

Kevin really thought what he had just said to Liam, Ian with all the potions he had crafted, had to have a tremendous reserve of Soul force, and he also had to have a very good control over the spiritual energy.

Even though he didn't want to use his fire element, he would show him that there are plenty of ways to get stronger.

Liam sighed in relief feeling really grateful and Kevin then added : "If it doesn't matter to you, I want to go to train now, I think we are done, right ?"

Liam just nodded and Kevin said to him : "Liam, you should come and bring Ian over to our pavilion for dinner tonight, Alan needs to talk to us about something very important and it concerns me, so it's best if the both of you join us."

Liam was more than delighted, with Kevin's past if he took charge of Ian's training, he was sure Ian would finally thrive, so he replied quickly : "Sure, we will be there, with pleasure."

Kevin smiled at him and then he climbed onto his man's back, they would finally be able to go to train.

It had been more than 3 days since he had made any physical effort, what had happened yesterday with Caleb didn't count for him, and he was starting to seriously miss it.

In his past life he had been injured often but he had no one to take care of him and he had to continue to move no matter what.

So, same if he had enjoyed being pampered for once, it was time to start training again, the higher his Stats, the higher the chances of freeing the Queen and her sister would be.

And once the Queen would be released, the power that 'his uncle' had managed to hold in place was going to crumble like a house of cards.

Once back at the training grounds, Liam left to take care of the fighters and Axel and Kevin went straight this time to the training ground number 10.

Axel, who had chosen to tutor a student who was qualified for the Selections and therefore had a chance to participate in the annual capital's tournament, had to concentrate exclusively on his training.

And so, he didn't need to help the instructors on the other training grounds, it was a big advantage for them.

The only downside, if you could call it a downside, was that he had to agree to be the leader of two expeditions per week. And he had agreed at the condition that he could bring Erik with him.

When they got to the training ground reserved for the duo fights, Erik and Alan were already there fighting against each other without using weapons.

Kevin then asked Axel : "Before we start training, can you quickly explain to me what's the chakra and how you can use it during a fight ?"

Axel looked at him surprised and said to him helplessly : "Don't tell me that you can't find any explanation in his memories ?"

Kevin scratched the back of his head a little embarrassed and said to him : "Well, the information he had about it, I already figured out it myself, what I really need to know is how you can use it during a fight."

Axel then nodded seriously this time and he explained to him : "The chakra can be used for a lot of things, it depends mainly about the control you have over it.

For example if you concentrate it in your fists, your attack strength will increase considerably, you can also concentrate it on your forearms, it will reduce the impact of an attack.

Another example of its use would be, if you concentrate it in your feet, you can use it to kick harder, or increase your speed, or even jump a few meters higher.

And, when you are injured, some even manage to use it to stop the bleeding, it is not as effective as potions but it helps out well when you don't have any on hand."

Axel added something that was quite suprising for Kevin : "And the easiest is to use it with the artifacts, because you don't need to focus to hold the chakra in place.

You just have to send it into the weapon and the spells that can be use with the artifact automatically will engage."

Kevin who was still a little surprised by this discovery asked him for confirmation : "The easiest is to use it with the artifacts ... does that mean that you use more chakra when you have to concentrate it in your fists or another part of your body ?"

Axel nodded and said : "In a fight if we want to use our chakra reserve, we have to be very careful not to exhaust it, which is why we are taught very early to only use it in some parts of the body and to concentrate chakra on it only for a short time."

Kevin understood better now, he could only use his chakra when attacking or defending himself, he couldn't keep it active throughout the fight.

Kevin asked him again curious : "How do you do to increase your chakra reserve ?"

Axel smirked and said to him : "Easy, to increase your Soul force you have to meditate and to craft potions, for me it's the same, to increase my chakra reserve I have to practice using it, the more I use it, the more I control it, and the more my chakra reserve increases.

I don't have a number to give you as an example, but we work a lot on our chakra reserve in our first three years.

Then those who are lucky enough and have enough money can buy artifacts, and the rest continue to increase their reserve in the same way we have been taught."

Kevin nodded and said : "When we will be creating new spells with Alan, you and Erik will be practicing using your chakra reserve.

You will train until you no longer need to think about it to use it, using your chakra must be an integral part of your fighting technique."

Their chakra was a real godsend, you would have to be really crazy not to take advantage of it.

Axel was a little puzzled and he asked him : "What do you mean when you say that I won't have to think about it anymore to use it ?"


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