My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 122 - The Best Weapons For Them To Craft

Kevin continued feeling a little useless : "We haven't talked about how many particles we need to fill weapons made with Trinium yet, but unless I can improve quickly, I don't think I will be able to see enough particles right now to really help him."

Erik then said to him something he hadn't expected : "You just have to change the magical crystal which is in the foundations of the pavilion, it's a low grade magical crystal large size, if you put instead a more powerful one you will be able to see more particles, isn't it ?"

Kevin was speechless, it was so simple, why hadn't he thought about it before.

Erik added : "We already had to change ours once with Alan, because he had completely exhausted the power of the magical crystal by doing too much meditation, I wanted to suggest him to put the legendary grade magical crystal small size that we have earned instead, but we haven't had the time to discuss about it yet."

He looked at Axel and said : "All the pavilions are made the same way, if you want I can show you where it is, they have made a special access to it just in case we need to change it."

Kevin who was still speechless held by his wrist Axel who had already stood up and was about to follow Erik.

Axel saw that he was confused right now, so he leaned in to kiss him and said : "That's a great idea babe, let's do that, okay. I have also something else to see with Erik, but it won't take me long, I will be right back."

Kevin finally just nodded, letting him go, and he didn't see the wink Axel gave to Erik as they left the room.

Axel was delighted, Erik had found the perfect alibi for them to be able to prepare the surprise he wanted to make for Kevin.

Alan, who had entered meditation just a few minutes ago, finally opened his eyes and Kevin could see that he was stunned.

Alan then said to him, his eyes shining in excitement : "I can see them, I can really see the darkness particles and I can absorb them too … You were right, it worked."

Kevin laughed heartily and he handed him the sheet of paper with the information he had asked and said to him : "It's great Alan ! And, I think it will be better to find a quiet place for you to practice this new element, we never know, it can be dangerous at first."

Alan nodded and said : "You are right ... Then the Wildlands will be perfect for this, we can loot dungeons and train in the same time."

Kevin smirked, that was indeed the best place to train, Alan finally looked at the information on the sheet of paper and he asked Kevin : "Do you already know what rewards you will get when you will be able to make medium grade potions ?"

Kevin shook his head and Alan said to him : "It's already very good, you need 736 points to reach 1 000 points, I don't think you can reach them before the selections for the annual capital's tournament but that's okay, what's most important is that you can reach them by the time we get to the capital."

Kevin agreed with him, the most important was that he could see the particles by the time he would go to free the Queen and her sister, but right now what he was interested in, was something completely different, so he asked him : "How many particles per element do we need to craft weapons with the Trinium ?"

Alan put the sheet of paper on the coffee table in front of him and he said : "It depends on what weapons it is, for a dagger or an ax I would say that it takes between 1 to 1.5 kg of Trinium to craft them, and for 1 kg of Trinium, it requires 50 000 particles of each of the elements.

Then, for a shortsword we need between 2 to 2.5kg of Trinium and for a sword we need between 3.5 to 4.5kg depending of the length and width of the blade you want."

Kevin opened his eyes wide in astonishment, Alan was right when he said that it would be difficult to make weapons with Trinium, not only did they need a lot of particles but they were going to need more Trinium too.

He said to Alan what would be the best weapons for them to craft, at least that was what he thought would be the best : "For the weapons we need, I think Erik should have two axes made of Trinium, for me two shortswords and two daggers would have been ideal but if I have to choose, I prefer two daggers.

I would have liked to have small blades made with Trinium but this is not a priority, we will probably have other opportunities to craft weapons.

For you and Axel I think one sword will be sufficient, your sword is made of high grade Nerudium and it already has super Stats.

As for Axel, we can make one with the high grade Nerudium we have found in a dungeon and another one with the Trinium.

So basically we need a minimum of 15kg of Trinium and for the elements to use, we can craft two types of weapons, one with the water, wind and lightning element, and another one with the fire, darkness and wind element."

Alan remembered very well the notes that Kevin had taken on the elements, and indeed, it seemed those combinations were their best option.

He then said to him : "For the weapons I agree, you and Erik are the priority, it doesn't matter if I and Axel can't have a sword made with Trinium.

And as for preparing the particles that we will need to introduce into the Trinium, I can take care of the fire, wind, and darkness particles, but you will have to take care of the water and lightning particles."

Kevin smiled at him and said : "When you were still meditating Axel and Erik came back, Erik wasn't happy to see you meditating though so I explained to them what we were trying to do, and Erik finally relaxed when he understood that it was just to test something.

I also complained that I couldn't help you fill out the Talisman papers much because I still can't see a lot of particles.

And Erik found the ideal solution for me, and for you too, because he wants to do the same thing in your pavilion.

With Axel they left to change the magical crystal low grade large size by a magical crystal legendary grade small size, it should help me to absorb more particles, and that way, we will both be more efficient.

And as for the darkness particles, don't worry too much about it, I still have 168 000 particles in store in my Talisman papers."

Alan repeated, not sure if he had heard correctly : "You still have 168 000 darkness particles left in your Talisman papers ... Did you receive that many in rewards ?"

Kevin just nodded and said : "Let's set a goal. I think we can get more Trinium by looting dungeons, so let's keep the weapons I told you earlier.

Your sword and Axel's will need to be crafted with the water, lightning, and wind particles, along with an ax and one of the two daggers.

That's about 12kg of Trinium so 600 000 particles for each of these elements.

Then there is an ax and a dagger where we will introduce the fire, darkness and wind particles.

That's about 3kg, so we will need 45 000 particles for each of these elements to craft these weapons.

We have already plenty of darkness particles, so you will just have to take care of the fire and wind particles, while I will be trying to deal with the water and lightning particles."

Alan then said to him : "We will know if you are able to do it only after knowing how long it takes you to complete a Talisman paper large size.

With the help of the magical crystal legendary grade anything is possible, actually, I can't wait to try it myself."

Alan after a few seconds added : "I thought about it, and you will have to complete the Lightning Talisman papers as a priority because you are the only one who can do this, there is no other mage in the Sun Sect who has an affinity with this element.

As for the water particles, we can always have someone to help us, so don't worry too much about the particles of this element."

Then, Alan showed to him the sheet of paper in front of him and said : "Now for your training, you won't do more than 3 hours of meditation per day and during those 3 hours you will fill out the Talisman papers.

Then, for the moment, you are able to craft 11 low grade potions before your Soul force is exhausted …"

Alan finally stopped there because he was sure that Kevin had already prepared a training plan for himself, and he was really curious to know what he had come up with.


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