My Little Sunshine

Chapter 159: Exhausted

Chapter 159: Exhausted

A black Maybach stopped in the underground parking.

"You alright sweetheart?" Adam asked Stella as they stepped out of his car. 

"Yeah. I am just feeling a little dizzy." She replied to him as she leaned her side on the car for support. 

Adam made his way to her and held her by her waist. "I told you to stay back at home, but you never listen to me." He reprimanded her.

They came back from the mansion late last night and couldn't get enough sleep. He was used to working without getting much sleep but he was worried for her. So, he didn't wake her up in the morning. But when he came out after taking a bath and changing into a suit, she was already up. 

He had tried talking her into staying back at home, but she didn't listen to him and accompanied him to the office. Moreover, she didn't even eat her breakfast properly. 

"Let's get you to a doctor." Adam spoke up as he began to guide her back into the car. 

"Adam?" Stella stopped him by pulling his elbow back. "There's no need to a hospital. I was just feeling a bit dizzy. It must be due to hypoglycemia since I didn't eat much of my breakfast. I will go and grab something from the cafeteria upstairs, and eat it. I will be completely fine." 

"I am not listening to you on this one. I said we are going to the hospital, it means we are." Adam narrowed his eyes at her. 

A sigh escaped her lips in defeat as she gave into his demands and got inside the car. 

After helping her settle in and securing her seat belt, Adam made his way to the driver's side and got inside as well. He connected his phone to the car's system and dialed Bella's number before driving the car out of the parking lot. 

After a few rings, the call was connected through. 

"Good morning, Sir." Her soft voice came through the speakers. 

"Morning, Bella. Stella isn't feeling well, so I am taking her to the hospital. Ask Vice President Robert to handle the meeting for me, please." Adam replied to her greeting and spoke up. 

"I will do that, Sir." Bella replied took a brief pause before continuing. "Is she okay?" 

Adam could send the worry in her tone just like Stella herself. 

"I am alright. You don't need to worry about. I was just dizzy for a while, that's all. Adam is just over reacting." Stella replied to her. 

"That's great. Look after yourself and please listen to Sir. There is nothing wrong with getting yourself checked. He's just concerned about your health." Bella replied to her before bidding her goodbye and disconnecting the call.

"Even she can tell that, and here you are." Adam made a sarcastic remark as he turned the steering wheel of the car. 

Stella gave him a glance from the corner of her eye before leaning her head against the headrest and closed her eyes, deciding to ignore him.

Twenty minutes later, Adam pulled up the car before a hospital building. He turned to look at the girl next to him, only to find her sleeping. Looking at her peaceful expression, he didn't have the heart to wake her up. After parking the car, he got out and walked to the other side. Taking off her seatbelt, he picked her up in his arms and walked towards the entrance. 


"Is she okay?" Adam asked the doctor when as soon as he was done reading her charts from the file. 

"Yes, she's fine. She was just exhausted." The doctor replied, looking at Stella who was sleeping peacefully. 

"Are you sure? She hasn't woken up for once since she fell asleep in the car. It's been more than an hour." Adam asked the doctor again as he looked at the I.V line that was inserted in her left hand. 

"Can you please have some faith in me man?" The doctor replied, raising an eyebrow at him. One could tell that the two of them were close.

"Do I look like your everyday doctor? Normal people cannot even get an appointment with me. Those who can, have to wait for a month. Just so I could take a look at their reports." He continued, pushing the black rimmed glasses slightly up over his nose.

He had a head full of light brown hairs which complemented his slightly bronzed skin. A pair of orbs of the same shade, looked at Adam as if mocking him. He was wearing a white doctor's coat over his clothes with a stethoscope hanging around his neck. 

"Okay, okay. I am just worried about her." Adam replied as he sat down on the stool next to the bed. Adam knew that despite his young age, he was someone who excelled in his field. He was one of the best doctors of Germany.

"You are whipped man." The doctor shook his head sideways, pitying him. 

"Coming back to her, she's fine for now. Her body is exhausted and she hasn't been eating properly, that's all. She's just sleeping. We will run some more tests when she wakes up. Let her rest for now." He replied before placing her file down. 

"I have a surgery scheduled, so I will leave now. Give me a call when she wakes or inform my assistant doctor if I am busy with the surgery." The doctor added.

"Thanks for your time man. I know how busy you usually are. I will let you know once she wakes up." Adam replied to him. 

"It's no big deal. Anything for you and your girl." The doctor spoke up. "See you later then." He continued before leaving the duo alone in the room.

Adam shifted his gaze back to his girl after the door closed. His heart ached looking at her frail condition. He picked up her right hand and held it in between his palms before leaning his face toward it. His lips placed a kiss on the back of her hand. His lips lingered there for a few seconds before he moved them away. He wouldn't like to disturb her sleep.


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