My Little Sunshine

Chapter 131: Responsibility

Chapter 131: Responsibility

Sunlight entered the room, filtering through the layers of net curtains, brightening up the vast space with a golden hue. 

A girl laid down in the bed, covered with the duvet up to her neck. Her eyelashes fluttered like the wings of a butterfly as the morning rays landed on her face.

A yawn escaped her rosy lips as she stretched her hands in the air. She opened her eyes slowly but shut them again, repeating the process a couple of times, letting them get used to the bright light.

She tried to sit up straight as she registered her surroundings. As soon as she sat up, she groaned while holding her head in between her hands as she felt it throbbing with pain. 

Last night's events flashed through her mind. The date, the breakup and the bar. She remembered that last night she ended up at a bar somehow. But her mind was blank after that. She couldn't recall what had happened after that. All she remembered was her tears and a bottle of vodka in her hands. 

"How did I end up at my apartment?" She muttered under her breath, pulling out her hair in frustration. The pain accompanied with the questions she had, was causing her to lose her calm.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." A male voice interrupted her thoughts. She turned her head towards the source with a jerk which intensified her headache.

"Based on how much you drunk you were last night, this was bound to happen." Scott added lazily seeing her grab her head with her hands.

"Who are you? And what are you doing at my apartment?" The girl asked glaring at him.

"Ouch! You hurt me Miss.." He trailed off and took out a driver's license from his trousers' pocket. 

"Miss Katherine Collins." He continued, looking at the name of the cardholder as he leaned against the door frame.

"Give me my license back." She gritted her teeth.

"You can have it. But you have to take responsibility for your actions." Scott added as he leisurely walked towards her.

"What are you talking about?" Katherine asked him with confusion written in her eyes. 

"You can forget what happened last night Miss Collins, but I can not." Scott was now standing before the bed. 

He had just come out after taking a shower and thought to check on her before ordering for their breakfast, but he found her wide awake. 

He liked how her messy hair framed her face. Morning suits on her. 

'May be I could get used to it.' He frowned at the thought. 'I wonder where did that come from?'

"You took advantage of me last night, now you have to take responsibility as well." He ran his fingers through his damp hair. 

"What nonsense are you spouting?" Katherine frowned as she tried to think about what had happened after she went to the bar. She was already a bit tipsy when she had reached there and the vodka didn't do her any more good. Her mind was blank no matter how hard she tried to think.

"Nonsense? You asked me to name my price for a night Miss Collins, no matter how high." He replied with a smirk. "But after last night, I have changed my mind. I don't need money, not for now. I want you as a compensation." 

"Excuse me?" Katherine's eyes widened in shock as she looked at his lazy expression. 

"You cannot be excused this easily." He made his way around the bed and sat down next to her. "I will please you just like I did last night. All you have to do is take care of me." He leaned close to her face. 

"N-No! Nothing happened last night. You are lying." She tried to retort.

"Oh really? Then how are you in a night dress. You weren't wearing that in the bar, were you?" He smiled and said.

Katherine looked down and her face turned pale when she saw herself wearing a red negligee. She looked back at him and narrowed her eyes. If only looks could kill, Scott would have been lying dead on the floor. 

Scott chuckled looking at the feisty one before him. 'Interesting. Looks like I need to extend my stay here.' 

"How much?" 

His thoughts were interrupted. 

"What do you mean?" He decided to play dumb. 

"How much money do you want to keep your mouth shut and leave? Just name your price." She explained.

"I told you already. It's not the money that I want. I want you. I will keep you satisfied. All you have to do is take care of my basic daily needs." Scott shrugged. Of course he knew that money wasn't a problem for her. He would have to live under a rock to not know who Katerine Collins was. He had a few of her latest men's wear in his closet. 

"You." Katherine pointed her finger at him. She wanted to curse him so badly. And she would have if it wasn't for what he did next. 

Scott looked at the finger which she was pointing at him, his lips curling up in a devilish smirk as he moved his lips closer it before taking it in between them, biting it in the process. 

Katherine's eyes widened in shock as she yelped and threw a slap towards his face. But her palm never made contact with his skin. He held her wrist firmly but not too tightly. 

He looked at her as his gaze darkened. Never in his life had a girl raised her voice before him, let alone her hand. And this feisty one here actually tried to hit him. 

He gave her a mischievous look before pushing her on the bed with one swift movement, his hands holding hers in place on either side of her face.

He hovered over her, his ocean blue eyes gazing into her dark brown ones. He felt something burning his insides. 

"You have to take responsibility, whether you like it or not." He spoke up in a husky voice before locking his lips over hers.


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