My Last Hunt

Chapter 96: Level Three (30)

Chapter 96: Level Three (30)

Level Three (Part 30)

What should he do? If the hunter has some sources to find out where he could find the other two pieces what would happen to both of his men? He was unable to decide what should be his precautionary measure at this time. "Buddy, you look worried. Rest assured if you never worked for Zura Traders then you are safe." the chaser spoke with ease.

Qiao thought to ask few more questions from this chaser and then decide what he should do. "Does it means that all the people belong to Zura Traders in anyway will be killed? What about the young master of the Zura Traders?" he asked twisted so that this weird chaser don't get curious.

"Ah, that young master has gone in another continent after his father gave him half of wealth to venture the world, he has quite different personality compared to the normal hunter, he always wanted more and best just like a hunter decades ago but forget it, it's a long story." the chaser waved his hand and yawned. Master Zura was happy after trading with the strong hunter, he asked his son what he wanted in return of this hard work. Young Zura demanded that he wished to venture the other parts of the continent and collect treasures as well as become stronger. The master Zura was very happy so he gave away half of his wealth so that his son could easily travel. In his eyes, it was type of investment for the treasures which his son promised.

Qiao heard this and heaved a sigh of relief, if Zura was not here that means his men were safe, only Zura was aware about him and his team and the fact who actually hunted that specific monster. But the way this chaser knew most of things and he also mentioned about certain hunter, Qiao asked again, "Who was that hunter, do you know about him? Is he the strongest of all hunters? Where he is living now?" he asked all those questions in one go.

"Wait buddy, that hunter disappeared long ago, I have heard that he was enthusiastic to the extent of madness to reach the Hunter King Level which is the highest rank of a hunter but when he was at the peak nine level, he disappeared, there are many rumours as to perhaps his died and his soul vander in various parts of continent. Some says he is alive and cursed but no one know the truth. It's all about one's limits and karma, if he had not shed blood of innocents he would not have been facing curse and ... known as... haun...ted..." before he could tell completely the chaser fell asleep on the wooden plank. The whole day was tiring especially when he was running for his life.

Qiao saw him and shook his head. Whichever team helped this chaser for level up, they must be generous or took pity on him. This chaser seemed pampered if he compared to the right term in the advance world. He dusted his own place of sleep and closed his eyes. Tommorow he would be hunting level two monster because level one spoils cannot meet his demand.


In the middle of the night a figure appeared like a shadow and stood in front of the Zura Trader's biggest shop, took out a pure white stone. The stone was completely white only the central part of it has a taint of red blood. It was gotten from the desert monster after a steady hunt. The hunter cut a line on his hand and blood oozed out, he used this blood and wrote the name of the master of this building then threw inside it.

If he happened to threw it just like then the whole building would crumble and the stone would such dry living and nonliving life from every corner of this build and turn into sand dune but since he wrote the name with blood then wherever the name Zura was used no matter a house, Guild, shops, mansion everything would destroy. This way the whole family of the master Zura will also be killed no matter where they were hiding in the Middletown or it's forest.

The shadow stood there for some time, when he heard loud screams people dying bit by bit, he returned back. He could have investigated before killing but he was much angry to even see the oldie master.

The screams were heart-rending, those innocents who ever worked and wore the token carved by Zura Traders were also facing same fate. Almost the whole Middletown hub was filled with screams, it was a lesson for other renowned traders to never scam a higher level hunter else their Middletown heaven would again hear the same screams.

The chaser who was sleeping like a dead log woke up baffled with the screams, he got frightened and jumped toward the other plank where the brave buddy was still sleeping soundly. Qiao was also woke up with the screams but remained silent. The chaser fell on him and embraced with fear, he was actually trembling with fear. Qiao was feeling pity for those innocents dying but this chaser made him shout with anger. "You retarded get away, I say get away..."

Qiao threw him on the ground forcefully and then open the door of the cottage, "Immediately leave this cottage else I will forget that I should not kill someone on my whim in anger." he angrily pointed toward the chaser. He was immensely angry and furious at this moment. The chaser only jumped because he was afraid to think that perhaps he might have served Zura Traders though for very short but he was sure that he would also die today.

He wished to remember whether he was among those or not, his father work for another merchant and the merchant deals very fairly. But his own fate only depend if he was involved ever or not.


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