My Last Hunt

Chapter 62: Quests: Making A Team (15)

Chapter 62: Quests: Making A Team (15)

Quests: Making A Team (part 15)

War between teams; 

Qiao helped Linwin and Quipu to climb the highest tree that they could find. They could hear the dull and sharp howling's of the monsters around. There was no more any sliver of light and they could not even see their own hands. Night had finally arrived to this forest.

Even the winding breeze was frightening.

The monsters seemed to be going crazy at the night or maybe they were fighting each other again. 

Many times, Linwin felt that his heart would jump into his throat. It was more than horrible in the forest during night than he could have imagined. It was good that Qiao had hurriedly helped them climb the trees, if they were on ground then they could not imagine what would have happened to them. 

The monsters were everywhere in the dark. 

They were holding on to the branches tightly, as they did not wish to fall off the tree if any monster happened to collide with the tree. It would be the end of life if that happened.

They could not talk to each other either, as any noise would be detected by the monster who would then surround them like a pack of wolves.

The Guilds and the Middletown were the only safe place for chasers in night. So, they held onto the weapons and hugged the branches, remaining vigilant. They could not sleep and had to remain aware and alert till the dawn arrived.

Qiao was tired after whole day struggle and now sitting in the loneliness he shuffled through his old memories. The time he spent with his small younger brother, the smile of his face and his whole routine. Everything flashed through his mind as he tried to keep his mind active.

Despite being small, his younger brother acted and spoke in a mature manner, as if he was worried about his older brother. 

He always smiled and ask him to not worry and would often plaster a big smile on him to see that his older brother was happy. This made him happy and the days passed at the same pace in peace. 

Qiao was sure that after completing his university degree, there will be a big change. For example, he would be able to get a good job, will be able to admit his younger brother into a big and prestigious school, they would not have to worry for the rent of the lodge and nor the mosquitos. 

They will be able to enjoy their weekends by going good places but this was all yet to happen when he met the old hag and he picked the cursed parcel. He had then reached the strange shop and then ended up in this strange world. 

Qiao placed his hand on his left side and felt the heart beating. The memories brought him a new warmth and will to live. He felt that he could smash a whole mountain with his grit and strong will. 

At any cost, he wanted to meet his younger brother, see him living happy, doing his homework or playing the only wooden toy which was given by his father when his younger brother turned three years old. 

Their mother passed away with a disease and his father had not much money for proper checkup. Two years later his father died and both siblings were left behind. Their whole world was only supported by the presence of each other.

It was painful that he was not strong enough, else the wicked hunter might not have bothered him and the curse would not fall on him. 

His weakness was the root of his current problem and there was no escape other than to climb the staircase to level up and reach the wicked hunter. 

He would make sure the hunter suffered much before his death. 

At this point, his blood started boiling. He did not want to imagine a day where he would not be able to save his brother. 

He wanted to shout out, but he was in the middle of the forest at night, forced and trapped. He was only a level two chaser with no backing. Any mistake on his part and he would end up as the late night food for the monsters. 

He needed his life for the time being.

In the middle of the night, more monsters seemed to come out from their territories and they didn't care whether a human heart and ears could bear these howling's and grumbling. Qiao and the team could only cover their ears and hope that all this would end soon.

Linwin barely controlled himself, otherwise he feared the way he was trembling he might fall down. He stiffened his heart to bear it, it was just a night. A night in the pitch-dark forest and the monsters happened to be nightwalkers who did not have any sliver of humanity in them to care for others which was why they raging monsters.

Quipu had never thought that one day he would be forced into staying in the forest. They were aware that they were being trapped here.

It was different to be in this team. He didn't have to care about the happiness of the team leader nor did he need to wait in a queue to collect experience. He was like a free bird which was given full access to the all kinds of adventures in the world. 

Of course, the danger and risks that came along with being in this team were also high.

He was familiar with how teams operate and how the Guild works. He was also aware about the silent rules which were not written in any of the rule book. Those rules which always showed partiality to certain groups of people were rotten in his eyes. When leveling up and becoming stronger, there was no senior or superior. They were all part of the big crowd. 

But everyone wanted to become stronger, so suppressing others, although evil was largely done in most places. 

The small towns and the farmers of those places never thought about it once when sending their young boys in the Middletown for hunting. They were only fascinated with the wealth and prosperity which their sons would earn by hunting. 

They never thought what the actual world looked, perhaps it was due to their poverty that they were unwilling to think of the predicament which their sons would face. 

Qiao closed his eyes to get used to the darkness around him, to be prepared and alert for anything that might come against them.

But the night seemed to be slipping slower than always, as if time itself was slowing down to extend the nighttime. 


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