My Last Hunt

Chapter 409: Class Test 39

Chapter 409: Class Test 39

Class Test 39

Lowa ran and hide. She did not want to leave. Qiao removed his upper cover which he used as disguise. The inner lush and expensive fleece showed how carefully he dressed up. It was big fleece however unable to conceal his big built muscles and the broad chest. 

The visible confidence on his face could easily falter the courage of his enemy. He was standing as calm and welcoming as if his friends were returning from world tour and he was here to receive them with big heart. 

Currently his hands were empty because he did not wish to ruin the surprise gift for the so-called friends. The air brought big gust indicating the arrival. Lord Zim and others could see a hunter standing near the Building which was no more recognizable. 

"He is gutsy but what made him so?" Lord Zim could not notice anything unusual. He recently killed his enemy now he was here to kill the root of all evils. Perhaps he did not give attention to his surrounding nonetheless the remaining beasts that were part of revolt joined Hiko. 

They also told that spy showed. Now they were present in the surrounding to take a look what would happen. Hiko gasped to see that the beast that was tagging along turned out hunter. It seemed he was here for the Lord Beast. 

Hiko thought to wait with the anticipation that the spy might drag away the Lord Beast and kill according to the rules of the Hightown. It would not mind if spy take the lives of the loyals of the Lord Beast. They were all disloyal for North Sepedra. They should be killed in its eyes. 

"Should we all attack at him or Lord Beast has something else planned?" the loyal beast asked. Now they were near. "He is hunter and came here on mission. If I took help of the beasts to kill him then I no more deserve the position of the Lord Beast. I will kill this hunter and show my loyalty with the Higher Level beasts and the North Sepedra." Lord Zim thought that it was high chance for bragging his position. 

Not even once the thought of his daughter crossed in his head whether she was alive or not. He was sure that his daughter and this spy both were working against him. Qiao knew that Lord Zim would brag and this was good for fair battle. 

The beasts were actually angry to see the building. They were slightly shocked that Lord Zim did not show any concern for the power sign of the North Sepedra. They actually wanted to see Lord Zim get killed. Every beast has strong oath with the black building. 

This building was sign of their integrity with the Frost Fire Continent. Some seven hundred years ago a stronger beast happened to cross this island and erected this building leaving its strong guardians to secure it. Slowly beasts gathered around and took control on the near islands then half part of the continent. 

They strongly believed that it was due to the fact that they were loyal with the foundations of the North Sepedra and this building was the real foundation. Lord Zim completely ignored this simple fact. He was not doubtful for another victory that made him forget his oath to save the black building at the cost of life. 

He wanted to show off his power over others and it was apparent in front of beasts. They were no more uncertain about the intentions of the Lord Zim. They gestured each other and slowly retreated to let the battle begin. They were ready to spectate; if Lord Zim survived they would kill him for good. 

Hiko was equally shocked to see the destroyed building. It was wondering about the black shadows. In fact it was baffling that the hunter killed them all. Every beast knew that powerful shadow beasts were hard to defeat. No one could match with their pace and the attacks. 

They were invulnerable in the common concept of beasts. Hiko looked at the silent hunter, it made shuddered just to look at him. The unfathomable power was visible through his eyes. Apparently he was quite young however his actions were mature. 

Qiao intentionally let every beast decide what they wanted to choose and why. The only clueless person happened to be Lord Zim. He left his tamed beast aside and walked at the hundred feet distance. Qiao stood expressionless. This so-called traitor slapped his daughter. He was already below the scale to be called human. 

Qiao did not attack first instead he observed his opponent. Perhaps Lord Zim wished to brag before death. "You are weakling that I will crush under my feet." Lord Zim bellowed less like human more like beast. "Be careful, my enemies have similarity when they brag before death." Qiao side smiled. 

This smile brought hatred for Lord Zim. He suddenly maddened at his words. Anyone might madden because the words were simply toxic to digest. As if Qiao was waiting for this, he commanded his stone to create thunderous impact so that the beasts should remain away. 

Qiao calculated that the beasts were more than doubtful about the Lord Beast and they might not disturb the battle still it was necessary for few of them loyal with the Lord Beast. The beasts saw the unrestricted force of the stones and retreated. 

They were not part of battle. So it was better to let the hunter know by retreating some distance. Hiko and his beasts also retreated now they were more than curious to witness this battle. With this step Qiao wanted to create difference as to who would stick to the loyalty and who would stay behind in the time of crisis. 

The battle might prolong so he wanted to make it clear how many should be added to kill list or the possible nemesis. One of the beast saw others retreating, it unwillingly retreated and disappeared from the crowd. 


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