My Last Hunt

Chapter 346: Level Battles 20

Chapter 346: Level Battles 20

Level Battles 20

The monster was not attacking instead sat on the ground. Qiao flicker an eyelid seeing this. The monster fairly accepted challenge and now it was unwilling. "Stand up and battle." Qiao uttered unsure what else to say. "I don't want to battle; since I was the one who challenged, kill me and everything is fine." The monster plainly refused for fighting. 

Now it seriously brought worry. Qiao was flabbergasted at this reply. "Just how on earth I can simply attack you and kill. Why did you change your mind? I am not someone attack you when you are not defending yourself." Qiao kept the stone active and walked away. 

He could not understand why the monster refused for the battle nonetheless his heart was not ready to attack in this situation. The monster was trying to assess last option. It was buddy with the Lamba and after Lamba got killed it was ready to wreak havoc and kill as many hunters as it could however come to know this specific hunter; the monster was completely moved. 

It tested three times. The hunter was different in every way so there was no reason to wreak havoc and bring worry for other hunters. Somehow it was ready to die at his hands rather than attack him. 

When it saw that the hunter was leaving; it started walking behind. Qiao hurriedly turned thinking that perhaps the monster was trying some trick and wanted to attack in his ignorance. 

He stopped his hand and the attack stopped in the middle. The monster was not attacking only walking behind. "What are you doing? Can you explain?" Qiao asked curious. "I don't have my den; no friends and none of the enemies. I wanted to follow you. Soon I will be level eight. I will be your loyal from now on." The monster bent its front legs in front of the hunter and submitted. Qiao was looking agape slightly unsure what was going on. He met several hunters; many seniors and elders none of them told such occurrence. There were stronger hunters always worried for companion of battles yet they remain alone under the fear that any time their stones could betray. 

The monster kept its head bent in front of him. Qiao was in the middle of deciding what to do with it. This monster was the second strongest monster in the fifth Sepedra soon to be level eight. 

"What made you submit? I might be using you in any battle against other monsters; what would you do then?" Qiao asked a fair question. "I would not back down whatever master orders. The law of submission is clear and strict; I will kill myself if ever I refuse to fulfill your orders." 

The monster did not think twice before speaking the answer. Qiao was surprised pleasantly. He cannot relate his inner thoughts. This monster suddenly was willing to follow and submit to him. "If I refuse to accept your submission what would you do?" he asked the last question that appeared in his head out of nowhere. 

"I will take it as your distrust on my submission and kill myself. There is no way back once a living vows to submit. The death is the only choice." The monster felt tinge of worry that the hunter might not trust and leave. However the words were based on truth. It would commit suicide in front of the hunter. 

Qiao was again stunned. Even if he was not willing to accept the monster however he did not wish stronger monster to die just like that. He could sense the sincerity in the words. 

"I accept your submission." Qiao took deep breath and walked saying this. The monster could not believe yet followed behind. It was thinking that perhaps the hunter would think the previous spoken words when they first met. Based on the first impression he would not care whether it suicide or not. 

Contrary to the expectations the hunter accepted. Now Qiao was looking for another hunt. He was secretly worried that perhaps the next target might come up with another strange behavior. 

Qiao did not need to turn and see the monster. The nine feet monster was slowly walking behind. Its snow white skin has the dots of sky blue. Body was fairly strong and not skinny. It was walking on four feet. The eyes were not fire blue or fire red as most monster bear this characteristic. 

There was rim of green at neck part. The mouth was slightly bigger if compared monsters of the same level. Qiao was anticipating what changes the level eight would bring in this monster. Few races were meant to go through number of changes. 

"What is your name?" Qiao asked without turning his head. "Master can call with whatever pleases you." The monster replied. Monsters were known from their dens and not from the names. They were less interested in naming each other. 

"I will call of Lam; do you like this name?" Qiao asked. He was still in the condition whether to believe the turn of events or not. "It is my honor to have name from now on." The monster respectfully replied. Qiao was not habitual with such type of answers. 

He was feeling odd. "Even if I am your master do not talk like this; speak normal else I will shoo you away." He warned. "I understood." This time monster did not added formal words. 

Qiao heaved deep breath. Fifth Sepedra was not small island. It has several habitats of hundred over races. Qiao was sure to get number of monsters for level up. "I will be hunting for level up; you will not interfere in the battle. Also if the monsters or the hunters speak bad things you will never reply with attack unless the life comes under the danger." Qiao thought to let the monster follow his path and knew limits. 

"I will follow this." The monster bent its head. Qiao hurried to find the target after clearing few things. He kept his stone active so that he could stop the running monster. He remembered something and returned toward monster. "I wanted to know that is it necessary to challenge the level seven monsters for battle?" Qiao could see that most of the monsters could speak so he was obliged to challenge them and not attack out of whim. 

"It is not necessary if the monsters are standing in the mob. Since master is looking for level up then it is better to challenge because this way you can get experience points of the monster. Attacking monster suddenly does not give experience points especially if they not willing to battle. At lower levels the monsters cannot control their distribution of strength so every hunt grant experience points to the hunter however level seven and up monsters learn to keep control of their strength. When they are triggered or willing battle they let their strength spread and this strength is actually experience points for the hunters." The monster explained. 

Qiao was silent. According to this he was supposed to find already aggressive and triggered monsters. His intentions were to cater experience points and not fulfill any mission of the Hightown. 

This new aspect of hunting seemed troublesome. "Worry not, monsters most of time remain ready for battle with each other and kept their conflicts at the peak of priority." Lam explained seeing the worry of the master. 

"I know what I will be looking now." Qiao nodded and rushed. In this island he could find several monsters fighting with each other for no reason." He rushed and the monster followed behind. 

Soon he happed to see the pack of monsters. They were standing as if ready to pounce. Qiao appeared in the middle of pack. "Defeat me first then fight with each other." He glared them all. Ten of monsters looked at the hunter and shook their heads. Half of them glared others and left. 

Five were left behind. They surrounded Qiao and Qiao chuckled with happiness. Before they start attacking; Qiao guided his active atone to defense. Then he activated another stone for the attack. The third stone came in view and he also activated it. 

One stone was for defense and two for attack. He did not wait and attacked. Lam was standing much away and seeing the ongoing battle. The monsters were displeased with such rushing of the intruder. They remained behind so to attack at once and let the hunter learn some lesson. 

Qiao was attacking without delay and it baffled them. They were forced to use their stones and avoid from the attacks. Qiao was literally playing with the stones and the attention of the monsters. He was tricking them constantly and attacking, two attacks fell perfectly at two monsters. 

They simply could not distinguish the time frame at which the hunter was using all senses for sharp attacks. The collaboration of his guidance and the stones was much higher level for them. 


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