My Last Hunt

Chapter 342: Level Battles 16

Chapter 342: Level Battles 16

Level Battles 16

The monster was running toward Kugong. It baffled him and he stopped his stone from attack. The giant monster would reach him in no time and he cannot keep the control of the stone in such condition. The ground shook with the tremors. Qiao also felt but did not turn to see. 

Not just the ground but the surrounding habitat was also getting impact of this rush. Many trees were trampled eventually. Kugong was running not because he was out of any plan instead he wished to create distance from the second battle. Slowly second battle was taking space and two stones were burning with the fire. The temperature was rising. 

The monster was also getting irritated so they chased each other. Qiao was seriously busy in this battle even if he wanted to take a look in the surrounding; he was tight on free flashes. A lot was going in the fifth Sepedra. Both stones poured the sweat out still no one willing to move back. One was fighting for the master and the second fighting for the freedom from the master. 

Qiao could tell why the hunters change their methods of hunting in the higher levels. Not only the monsters were powerful but also their stones too bear the exaggerated amount of strength. For a hunter it can be troublesome. 

The second reason was worthwhile. There were lots of ways that the hunters could use these stones against the powerful monsters and beasts if not then it were utterly impossible to defeat some crooked monsters. The stones were necessary part of hunting. Even the higher level weapons cannot be considered completed without the edges carved with the stones. 

The humans learned how to live by and use the nature for benefits. It was also based on the survival instinct. There was no other way to get rid the slavery. Qiao forced sudden jerk and the opponent stone got the first backlash. 

Qiao took advantage of this backlash; he used his hand gestures for guiding his stone. Every gesture gave blunt jolt to the amount of the energy and it travelled toward opposite side. The amount of energy was exaggerated and even the smallest jolt could bring flood of collision in the air. 

It was wise act and the opponent stone could not put the second attack on time. Qiao did not stop else it would grant the opponent some time for the stability. It can turn dangerous and the stay could prove fatal. He kept the flow in his own control and the command held the tides under the sole control. 

Both master and the stone worked in utmost collaboration. If level eight hunter happened to see this level of control; he might have gone mad with the shock. This level of control can be seen when a stronger Hunter King hunt the monsters in full swing of mood. 

Qiao was learning how he could better communicate with the stone so that he could create strong bond between the master and servant. It was best idea to learn this feat in the very initial stage. If ignored then he might not be able to grasp its core even after hunter years. 

First learning should not bear flaws in his eyes. Because of this life philosophy he was able to get scholarship and got a seat in the university. Qiao held the tides and controlled the flow perfectly. It looked like he was flying kite with the mere gestures of his hands. In real sight; a stone was rising in the air and splitting various tough layers of the opponent and making the defense weak. 

"You are my wonderful companion from now on." Qiao was glad at the honest work of the stone. The stone heard that the master was happy at its job; small twinkling dots appeared in the sky and surrounded Qiao. Qiao blinked his eyes at this reaction of the stone. 

It was wonderful sight to begin with. The stone did not distract much instead increased its efforts to let the master win at any cost. Qiao was amazed. He was not expecting that the stone would immediately consider and claim his words. 

However it brought wave of happiness. He was fortunate to earn the loyalty of the stone. This means his first attempt proved worthwhile. "Yes we can defeat our enemy." He appreciated the efforts of the stone smiling. The stone brought tremors suddenly and cornered the opponent stone. 

It was such a sight to witness. Qiao could distinguish two different energies battling with each other and one of them was fighting in his place. This was the third moment when something moved his heart. He was feeling fortunate and luckiest hunter. First the sacrifice of his team member; second the sacrifice of Lu Da and now this stone. 

The opponent stone was not expecting this sudden turn of events. It was sure that the hunter would fail the control of the stone eventually because he was lower level hunter. The situation turned against instead. 

The stone took advantage and surrounded the enemy stone. Qiao understood what was going on. He immediately guided his stone. The energy locked the escape paths of the opponent stone. The chaos also came under control. It fairly reduced the overworking strength of Qiao. He took deep breath with this. 

Qiao cannot take risk of activating second stone and destroying the opponent. He was not level eight and activating two level eight stone can bring disaster for him. Qiao held the strings of the energy and guided. He was going to destroy the enemy stone. 

The violent energy waved in the surrounding because the stone was attempting some last efforts. Strong wind seemed pulling his firm feet from the ground. He could understand the present plight and what sudden changes it could bring. Qiao guided the stone increasing his efforts once again. It would be final attack to destroy the enemy.

The stone understood the attentions of the master. The both worked in collaboration and locked all escape paths. Now the stone was ready to shatter the opponent in bits. Qiao guided and the energy howled screaming in the surrounding. 

The monstrous energy wanted to roar before the complete destruction. The stone broke the core of the opponent stone and it shattered in small pieces. With this the sky filled with the single energy. The tense air cleaned up immediately leaving not sliver of remnants of the disloyal stone. "You are my companion and I will give you name." Qiao did not deactivate the stone immediately instead he voiced. "I will call you Alum." 

The stone emitted the twinkling dots in the air and surrounded Qiao. Qiao gladly nodded. Suddenly he remembered about the other hunter and looked around. He could hear the roars of the monster however they were battling at much distance. Qiao ran and the stone followed in the air. 

Both look like team. Qiao got more than ever enthusiastic for further battles. With the help of the loyal stone; he was ready to follow his plans and meet his destined mark hopefully. He set his target to tame a beast after leveling up. It would help him explore various parts of the seven continents and collect few rare stones for the day of the last battle. The rare stones were not easy to get hands on. He cannot just collect them and be happy. 

The rare stones were more difficult and they rarely submit to any master unless the master happened to be stronger and worthy of submission. Qiao was eager and learned without exception he was tough competent. In the distance the senior hunter was battling with the monster. Both were not looking in good condition. 

The monster was injured and the hunter was also injured. Both were attacking each other recklessly. The senior hunter was on his tether ends. He was bent on to kill the monster at any cost. The monster was challenging his situation again and again by mocking that he possessed disloyal stones with him like hugging bare sword on the chest. It angered the senior hunter. 

It worsened the situation. They were both ready for the last attack. Both were sure that with this they would die but none cared. Qiao reached the place and stooped. He did not take much time observing the ongoing mess. The broken appearance of the hunter was miserable. Most parts of his fleece were burned. Blood was seeping from the bare wounds. Monster was no in better condition either. 

"Can you take care the last attack?" Qiao asked Alum the loyal stone. The stone shook bright telling that it can kill the monster. Qiao nodded and voiced the senior hunter, "I will face the monster now." The senior hunter looked in his direction. Qiao was running toward the monster and his stone was going to attack. The hunter saw this sight and finally gave in. 

He was hell tired with this battle. Before this he only heard from others that the stones can be disloyal; today he witnessed. 


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