My Last Hunt

Chapter 330: Level Battles 4

Chapter 330: Level Battles 4

Level Battles 4

Qiao reached in the South Sepedra by the same night. In the hunter association; few of the elders were present; they welcomed the hunter and added his name in the visitors list. First of all they saw the roguish appearance of the hunter and there were unknown and complex expressions on their faces. Seeing the building old and rustic; Qiao was not in favor of living in this building. He preferred staying in the open forest. This association building was near the small waterfall as Qiao could hear it. He came out of the building and walked toward the waterfall. 

It was midnight. South Sepedra was as silent as dead shores. The reason of the silence was apparent. Few days ago a scalawag came wandering in the South Sepedra with his two fellow hunters. From his appearance to his ways; he seemed never crossed path with the Hightown. His tone was extremely rough and his ways were cruel. Most of the Hunters coming from the near towns of the South Sepedra were afraid of his presence. The association was silent knowing that usually wandering scalawag end up in various places but they rarely stay longer there. So the elders were waiting them to leave on their own. 

The pity was that native hunters were unable to report incidents. They were afraid of the warning of the scalawag. Still the elders were aware about the unrestricted deeds of the scalawags. Qiao wanted take advantage of the night and shower with the fresh water. This was the only way relax his exhausted body. His stay here in the South Sepedra would not be long however he did need to talk about it. His attentions were to reduce the time for level battles. For this he decided to keep his previous attitude for the hunting stronger monsters. 

The difference worth risking; hunting a level lower monster slowed down the progress hundred fold. 

Those who were familiar with this aspect of hunting never compromised. The elders noticed how the hunter did not talk anything; they were somehow inconspicuous about the identity of the hunter. Of course they were not going to neglect the permission letter of the Hunting School but who can test it? There was possibility that this hunter snatched it from someone. The elders and their wild thoughts were running when Qiao returned back. His fleece was no more tainted with the blood and dust. 

His hair was looking beautiful and his features resemble with the elite hunters. The elders looked at him and heaved a deep sigh. "Since I am here; I would wish to know which part of the South Sepedra habitat level seven monsters?" he asked pleasantly yet the manly charm in his voice mesmerized the elder. They were looking at him as if a woman fell in love with the handsome guy in the very first glance. Qiao did not notice because he was tying up wrist cloth securing the stone inside. One could tell that he was very cautious in his ways. 

He thought that any of the elder would answer his question however he did not. He looked up only to meet those anticipating eyes. There was strange wanting in the eyes which made Qiao stand up immediately. "I don't know what these elders bear thoughts about my intentions however let me be clear; I have no interest in men." Qiao tightly covered his neck part; he knew that such type of men like to feast on the neck first. The elders came back to their senses. "Ahem it is not like that. Here hunters rarely take care of their appearance." One of the elder cleared the misunderstanding. 

Qiao heard and felt at ease. He then noticed that these elders were wearing some old and worn fleeces; compared with Qiao was looking respectable hunter while they were looking peasants. They did match with the building and the overall surrounding. He finally understood the big difference between the elders of the Hightown and any other place. "Regarding your question, Sepedra third and Sepedra fifth island habitat level seven monsters." The elder answered. He was thinking the same; it was not normal for a hunter to ask about the same level monsters. 

Qiao nodded and came out of the building. After taking shower; he was refreshed, there was no more need for rest or anything. He could continue his level rush. For him day and night was similar because he could see clearly in the night as well. Before he has habit of looking at the experience token to check the gained experience points but now; Qiao observed it through his visible improvement. In his advanced world few people were granted this inborn quality to see in the night as if it was bright day. He never thought that hunting could do this wonder. 

The building of the association was at the hill; half part covering the building and half part was taken by the waterfall. This was perfect location. From here one could see far in the distance. Qiao took the small map which clearly pointed directions for the third and the fifth Sepedra. He was no more bound with the missions because elder Finfin earned him exception which was a favor for him. Qiao walked with normal pace; took the pointed route and move on. He picked small part of the meat and munched during the travel. 

He was trying to figure out how many monsters he will hunt for the level seven peak though he rarely remain stick to the calculated number always exceeding. It depended on his mood. It also depended on the monsters to not ruin his mood. In both cases the results would be horrible for monsters. He was heading toward the third Sepedra. There were many races of the level seven monsters and also rare monsters which would join the rows of the beasts soon. Some of the monsters were able develop characteristics and gained feathers. These monsters joined the beasts later. Almost all of the beasts were born with the feathers and they were meant to evolve. 


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