My Last Hunt

Chapter 272: Silver Class 13

Chapter 272: Silver Class 13

Silver Class 13

The roaring in the surrounding was indication that most of the monsters were wandering in the open during night. Qiao decided other way he did not want his newly founded team get wipe out in the first hunt. It was night though the dim light of the strange phenomenon was present but it was not enough to distinguish the minute movements of the monsters. Level six monsters can be dangerous in head-on attacks the monsters at this level start learning tactics tackling the hunters. They also better learn the advantages of the natural armor and attack sense. Taking benefits from the weaknesses of the hunter was also blunt option for the monsters which they rarely let go. 

They remained near the cave and let the night pass hearing the roars like lullaby. Qiao was satisfied that now he has a team and hunting with it would not break any rule of the Hightown. Sometimes such types of rules cringe for those who wanted to test themselves. There were few hunters wanted to attempt solo hunt but the rules of the Hightown were strict in this regard. Letting everyone test their caliber means let most of them die intentionally. 

The Hightown decided the first grade of recruitment will be held right after a week and the following week second grade recruitment will go on. The total recruitment plan was divided among five grades starting from the bottom toward the top for example the elders running various associations in the different towns of the seven continents were added to the first grade. The numbers increase more than thousand elders so the Rank Masters decided recruiting freshly retired hunters from the bottom. This way the Rank Masters will have a clear understanding of the loyal members of the hundred over associations. 

There was another benefit; when the last phase of recruitment will take place, all the elders would be strong enough as a threat for the enemies or disloyal hunters. The retirement of the present twenty Rank Masters was big event and it might bring some repercussions. The hidden beasts were waiting for this specific time from previous two hundred years. During this retirement and the new recruitment; there will be a loose time when no one will be on the power state within human hold. It was called a dangerous and unsafe time for the balance of the power among beasts and hunters. 

According to the present formation the time will fall in the fifth week from now on. The elders were doing their best to make safe this event. However no one can tell which among them was disloyal. No one wear the slash where they could read it out loud stating who was disloyal. Anyone could be perfidious or treacherous nonetheless it was already discussed and finalized. The freshly retired Hunter Kings were gathering in the Hightown they were willing present themselves for the recruitment. Their Test Trials will be taken by the First Rank Masters. Overall the Hightown became center of activity and hustle. 

The next day they were ready for the hunt. Panping Island reverted back to the liveliness where the hunters were the ruler. The dim light of the day was as usual in the middle of the winter. Qiao shuffled some of the snowflakes accumulated on his clothes. He was ready for the adventure of today's hunt. The fragile huntress saw his unbothered ways; not a single glance he put on her. It never happened to her that she failed attracting any male. Kaili was known as splendor blossom; her tender presence makes the heart of the males throb differently. 

Yet here it altered; Kaili was mesmerized by the handsome hunter thinking since when did the hunters of this world started caring their appearance and keep it fixed. Moreover this hunter seemed more concerned about his choice of clothing as well. Qiao oblivious of all this stood and jumped on the top of the cave. For him it was better to decide a direction and then move on. In his left hand there was endless plain ground perhaps this plain ground led toward the waterfall. At his right hand was the snow covered big trees. In front of him confront the place they came from. 

As for what was at his back; he was not interested to know for now. Qiao decided to move toward the right where the trees were present thinking they might help in setting the trap. The team followed him. None among the four seemed lazy or unwilling. Normally taking two huntresses in the team was considered as making the team less strong. The general notion about the huntresses was not as good as it should be. The aspiring hunters with some ambitions rarely allow huntresses in their teams however it did not means that the huntresses take it to their hearts. They have their own ways to tackle such notions. 

With the opening of the day the wandering monsters were now going back to their hidden dens. It was a way to distance the motivated hunters from the very beginning of the day. This world and the routine of the inhabitants consummate with the flow of the paved paths chosen for everyone separately. From a normal hunter to a normal monster; adding up the determined strong hunters and the pushy stronger monsters, all of them follow this pace. Other things can simply drag with it to make it a perfect balance. 

The team spotted few monsters moving away in a group. It was a sign that they were leaving as well. Qiao voiced, "Lama Lu; it is your turn." They cannot attract the attention of all six monsters so according to the skill of the huntress she was suitable to first act here. Lama Lu nodded and walked ahead. There was grimness painted all over her face. She started running toward the side path moving through the trees. All six of monsters were from same race and they bear same height of fifteen feet. 

The snow white giant bodies were incrusted and it was a sign that these particular monsters were at a very critical stage of their present level. These monsters spend the night under the cold maintaining the warmth of armor stone. Hunting these monsters can prove dangerous because they have great amount of stored strength which they will use for level up. "Are you sure hunting one of them will be safe choice?" Kaili voiced her concern. "I am not here for safe hunting; safe hunting is only for those who have plenty of time for wandering." Qiao voiced in dry tone. 

Kaili became speechless. Lama Lu closed some distance and brought out something from her storage pouch. She placed the round peeled pipe in her mouth. Lama Lu used it and a strange tone echoed in the surrounding. For few moments she repeated and finally the monsters stopped in their tracks. Cautiously moving toward the safe distance; Laam Lu again used the pipe but this time beaming a different voice. She was not speaking anything only producing some specific sound which perhaps bears meaning for the monsters. They started scattering and separated one by one choosing entirely different paths and no more moving in a group. They seemed started distrusting the group. As soon as they separated; Lama Lu created the last sound by reaching near one of the monster. 

Qiao and the others were witnessing this scene. Kala was the one most astounded. "Don't stand idle; it is evident that she is bringing it toward us." Qiao reminded him for preparing the trap. Kala hurriedly nodded and rushed. He observed where the monster was moving and at what point it would reach near them; probably among the big trees where they were standing currently. Kala divided the trap in two parts and then used the tree as support. First part would fell on the monster from above as soon as it crossed the marked tree and the second trap was set for safety in case the first trap failed. Qiao was responsible to attack at the vital parts so that the monster don't get a chance for going on rampage. The fourth team member was supposed to follow it the same. The rush skill was at perfect state which allowed Qiao to take a leap of minimum fifteen feet in the air with just a single tap of his feet. 

It was enough to reach the maximum height of the monster. For most hunters it was the most difficult part of hunting where the monster happened to be huge and they were limited by the small weapon of five feet and ten inches. It was not a small weapon but against a strong build fifteen feet giant monster it was nothing. The huntress was aware when the effects of the sonata would lose. She started moving away from the monster. It was the time when the monster would realize that it was fooled by her. 


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