My Last Hunt

Chapter 237: This Is Going To Be Interesting

Chapter 237: This Is Going To Be Interesting

This is going to be interesting 

The Third Tower comes first in the Third Block. There were twelve towers in total in the Third Block. These towers were high up built and from afar one could see the ten feet height Third Block's Towers. These were much smaller compared with the Second Block's Towers. There was a reason. The Rank Masters of Third Block were all experienced yet level seven retired hunters so they don't have their pets or tamed beasts. Being on a cherished position they earned the respect from higher level hunters. It was also the strong hold of the First Block Rank Masters which forced everyone to follow what was ordered by the assigned elders. 

Few elders of the Second Block have their own tamed beasts. Leaving and coming back in the huge towers was not troublesome for them. They could easily hop on the beasts' right from the edges of the tower. Several hunters happened to see this sight and wished to reach that level someday. The present and exact counting of hunters was missing because the Second Grade Rank Master was on his leave that was responsible about it. The Second Tower has only Four Rank Masters; this said the recruitment needed to done soon. 

Actually only four towers were built in this Block on purpose. The first Tower has Twenty Rank Masters with the twenty Towers in erected in the middle of sky. These towers were huge and show the grandeur of the residents. This being said the whole Hightown and the seven continents were under the guard of twenty Rank Masters and they were all level nine hunters half of them were retired hunters respectively. All of them have their own tamed beasts and ride whenever needed. Five of the First Tower Rank Masters were going to retire soon. They were at the ripe age of lifespan. Two of them seven hundred years old and three were six hundred years old. 

They were retiring permanently because the signs started to appear that they no longer could ride and keep authority over their tamed beasts. Everything has its ending time. The tamed beasts were also near to death so they cannot think of Requiem Stage and transform. This year there were many events which would bring changes in the normal pacing of the Hightown. The fresh Recruitment was necessary and the First Rank Master would eventually be forced to think about it. 

The Guild Lords were under the Third Tower so it was fine since the responsibilities were divided with perfect balance. The criteria for every recruitment was already mentioned however it seemed the Hightown might change few of its strict rule creating exception for some of the eligible candidates. The strength was not the only demand. The problems will be waiting if all the recruitment was based on strength only. What was more in demand rather than strength? It was sincerity and loyalty toward the Human Hold in the seven continents. Without loyalty only few days needed to destroy everything in the Hightown as well slaughter half of the human population. 

"What if we could not find the right place?" Wuza asked after silence of ages. It seemed more than ages he never kept silent for this long. "Even if we get lost we would never see a monster in this place I believe." Qiao shrugged his shoulder then suddenly remembered something. He was fine with walking no limits but Wuza needed occasional meal to keep his energetic ways. Now he was critically staring the never ending walkway and some buildings. These looked ancient big structures with some banners to explain their existence. 

The evening reached to their feet crawling like insect. Because of the silent surrounding everything seemed moving slow. The travelers were slow so did the buildings; none was in hurry to defeat the other or walk past the other. With general map and direction Qiao could have reached Fifth Block where Three Schools of Hunting were waiting for the competitors. Currently he was only walking with instinct randomly deciding a walkway. "Where should we rest?" Wuza asked. There were not lit stones for them to guide the lane. No one was willing to waste stones for this purpose. 

Every Block used its own sources inside the periphery of the Block. The general lane has no importance to keep lit at night. The traveler should use their own stones if they wanted to travel in the night. "We can rest at the side on the bench and wait for the night end." Qiao gestured at the side. He was acting quite easy after reaching Hightown. Perhaps he was not willing his concerns walk over his head. They were not philosophers to read in the dead night so light was not needed. Rest was not necessary however random walk might attract the unwanted attention. 

It all calls for them to sit still and wait for the day. Today was entirely used up and cannot be called wasted. They chose a bench and sat there. This place was much near from the Third Tower. The Rank Masters were never tired unless they had had a busy day. Other than talking with the hunter; the Rank Master was free today. Three others joined in the night shift. He did not want to disturb them and also has nothing important on his hands so he went out for strolling. 

It had been many days since he last walked leisurely. "Can I also accompany this senior?" the hunter asked from behind. After a long time he someone so plain and straightforward. He liked hunters with plain personality because they never bear meanness in their hearts. "Haha sure. By the way where is that cruel head fellow of yours?" the Rank Master pleasantly voiced. The presence of this hunter half of the day did not let him get bored and in fact he was feeling lively that's why he decided for the casual walk. 

"He is a free spirit and decided his own direction for hunting." The hunter answered smiling. He was here in the Hightown and waiting for a level five hunter. 


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