My Last Hunt

Chapter 233: Fulfilling Promise (2)

Chapter 233: Fulfilling Promise (2)

Fulfilling Promise (2)

The world of Hightown

"This is true; this hunter also helped the Nest because the monsters raided it when we entered in the Angry Dales." Lowa spoke up adding words for his honor. This made the hunter think. He knew about the Nest and the team appointed there. "If he is that abiding the conventional rules then I can ignore the condition of permission letter." The hunter gestured them to walk through the chains path and enter the Hightown. Two others were speaking up for confirmation of his words. Moreover he did not want to drag the investigation. The travelers should heal themselves from the shakes of the hard journey. 

Qiao walked past the chains. The huge entrance was welcoming in its own way. It was not much crowded because it was away from the main stream. Wuza eased up when they entered the Hightown. He was here. Nobody could throw him out unless the Rank Master ordered. "You have to find out your way toward your Guild campus." Qiao turned to face Lowa and told. After walking some distance he stopped. He only wanted to accompany her here for the sake of paying back the favor. Now that they were here he no more wanted to guide her or let her tag along. 

"Indeed; I highly appreciate your favors and if possible I will payback in future. I will take my leave now." Lowa nodded her head and left. He turned the long journey into short. It was happening events after events that she was fazed by it. By now they reached the Hightown. If she told her venture of these few days; her mother would not believe it. The hunters rarely behave this ambitious. Her destination was to find the Guild campus and then search her uncle. She held the fleece around her tightly when walking away. Qiao did not move to take a look at her fading stature. He was going to get a position for the blood hunter before asking for the School of Hunting. "What happened to your face?" Qiao asked when there was no one around. "It is dried out but it differs from normal hunters." Wuza answered unhurriedly. The pathway was carved for the coming travelers from the Middletown. This was a single pathway leading to no end. They could only see the building blocks after walking some distance. These were built for the various runners in the Hightown. 

The Hightown has continuous stream of hunters and to tackle the problem of overcrowded Hightown they rebuilt it. The whole Hightown was divided in Ten Blocks. In general every block was built to host one single platform. For example Block five leads toward the three internal paths which were formed for the Three Schools of Hunting and it was in the middle of the hub spanning over hundred thousand meters. In this block East wing was given to the Alfa School of Hunting, north wing was given to the Tandem School of Hunting and the south wing was given to the Raw School of Hunting. As for which of Hunting School produce best hunters was a controversial topic. 

Three of them were best. The third block leads toward the mysterious towers of the Rank Masters. There was one more explanation. Every exit of the blocks opens up toward the different exit of the Hightown. This means the hunters can remain under their concerned blocks and when need, they could leave from the available exit for the missions as well as the quests. This said the Hightown was hundred times bigger than the Middletown. 

It happens that a hunter rarely venture all the blocks of Hightown. The travelers eventually end up in front of the grand reception because of the well thought out all seven entrances. There were few exits which were invalid for the entrance purpose. The complex structure as well as the strict limitations helps the Hightown in tackling all kinds of troubles from the seven continents. The senior hunters who has their business with the Rank Masters; they straightway reach the third block. The occasional facings with the random hunters on their way were guaranteed. This let the lower level hunters cast a glance at the stronger hunters and get inspired. 

The real confrontation could occur when the teams were sent for the missions or for Class Tests. The Hightown don't serve time bothering such petty conflicts. The grudges were obvious however inside the Hightown was peaceful unless a retarded stronger hunter wanted to create mess. But it was unseen until now. Each block was responsible for looking up the matters assigned. The fourth and ninth block hosted number of Guild Campuses. Every Campus was responsible for taking care of its hunters and providing them missions. Few of the missions were sent from the Third Block, the Rank Master's Block. 

Rank Masters were the real force behind the existence of the Hightown and the human hold on the seven continents. All the important matters and reports were directed toward the third grade Rank Masters always present in the Third Block. These Rank Masters go through the reports and if needed or urgent the report would reach to the second grade Rank Masters. Every Rank Master has his own set of responsibilities. The second and first grade Rank Masters kept strict eyes at the activities of the Hunter Kings as well as the Beasts. 

The Guild Lords were the retired hunters and experienced elders. As for the concern of Classes of the hunters and recruitment of the new travelers; the reception take their data and then accordingly send them toward Blocks. It depends on the choice of hunter and his capability criteria. There were many wishful insisting on to get slots for the Hunting Schools. But the elders on the reception decided the final word. The organized Hightown was once the ruling place of beasts and the Ten Blocks were actually the dwellings of the Ten Beasts. It was long ago before the appearance of the last Hunter Monarch. Now the humans were Ruling seven continents. 

Qiao could feel the grandeur and see the human hold working at its peak. It would not be wrong to say that the hunters were the real supermen of this world maintaining the balance of power. Wuza held his head up to see the huge structure in front of him. It was the welcoming reception. "I think I should wait for some time until the effects mend it else my appearance would bring trouble immediately." He sounded concerned. He has some portion of blood and it could help him heal early. 


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