My Last Hunt

Chapter 223: Journey (24)

Chapter 223: Journey (24)

Journey (24)

Not actually peaceful

This was best season for the monsters. They freely roam around. Though they were unhappy about the harshness of the normal days however they cannot risk to cross the boundary line of the island and escape it. They somehow became habitual and also wanted to remain here. They were willing to take over the mountain and this way the harsh air won't be able to harm them. The broken ground plates were able to let them quench their thirst whenever they want. The Nest was the only problem. Once a team left another team take over the mountain.

This winter the monsters wanted to scare the hunters living in the Nest.

The team can go somewhere else for the monsters to let hide in the mountain. The direction of the hot air was never changing because it originates from the Volcanic Territory and all the monsters were aware about the placement of the third island. In fact most of the monster emigrated from the Volcanic Territory. The circumstances turned harsher than the several years so the monsters sheltered here. Slowly they got used to with the weather and now their eyes were set on the mountain. The time can only decide whether they will be able to get it or not. 

Trio moved and then got on track again. There was distance of minimum ten feet between them. Suddenly the air seemed cut down through and stormed between. It was so much fast that Wuza could not make the sense of what was it. "Alright the wind seemed playing around?" he muttered unsure. Some of the monsters living in the Angry Dales were faster than wind. They were less likely ever seen by the hunter however since it was winter they were free to roam around. 

Lowa heard and turned to see. "How come wind play around when it was coming from a single direction?" She asked confused. The meadows where the monster sped fast got ruined. Lowa saw this and became speechless. She cannot tell what it was. It seemed the place finally thought to change the face of peace; a temporary peace. "The monsters are circling the area or perhaps they sensed our presence." Qiao voiced. Lowa twitched; why all, can't they come one by one? She thought in her head. The monsters were not after them; they got the signs about the relocation of the ground plates. 

Trio was new to this place so they were oblivious. The lowest layers of the plates started the first step for relocation. The monsters sensed it and wanted to bend most paths for them to get alarmed if the ground under the feet were to move. Currently even if they spotted hunters; the monsters would not attack them. They were getting ready for the changes in the landmark. Qiao sensed this activity and voiced, "Get ready the landmark might change anytime soon." Qiao suddenly remembered that the animals bear enhanced senses compared humans so the strange movement meant that something was amiss. 

The ground underneath shook and the ground plates broke in several small water boards. The place where Wuza was standing moved away. "Wuza after it ends we will search each other." Lowa was near though not much close. She shouted believing that her voice reached blood hunter. Qiao saw the ground breaking apart from the feet of the girl. He stepped ahead and pulled her closer. The ground plate shook and separated. Lowa looked at the hunter shocked. It was so sudden that she was unable to see the broken plate. She was focused on Wuza. 

"He could save himself; you should think about yourself." Qiao spoke impassive. Suddenly all the monsters which were running around came to halt. They were sure that only some ignorant monster might have fell and drowned in the water. Those who do not bother to caution eventually went dead. Lowa felt that she was floating on the water and this piece of ground was the only life support. "Lot of water scares me" when her eyes fell at the water during the ground plates moving; Lowa closed her eyes. Qiao was greatly impressed by this phenomenon; it was more than a wonder. Such floating islands can only exist in dream. There were some insanely rich people who could afford to customize their yacht into floating island however they can never feel the same pleasure which Qiao was experiencing. 

The wonders of this world simply moved his heart. He was from advanced world and tired of the two faced people. After killing the wicked hunter and saving his sibling; he might miss this world. Living here was impossible. And he cannot possibly leave alone his sibling in the advanced world. He wished he had a camera and some unlimited battery source to capture some of the mind shocking events. However it was impossible; when in the advanced world he was much poor to afford a better phone much less to buy expensive camera. 

He was standing straight with broad chest. His expressions were painted now because he wanted to keep his composure; it was due to the huntress closing her eyes and standing in front of him. She was near however he cannot let her feel safe by putting her head on his chest. Lowa felt the staggering ground and immediately wrapped her arms around his broad chest. "It is scaring. I am sorry for this." She spoke in muffled tone. Lowa knew that she was taking favors again and again and she was now in debt from head to heels. 

Qiao did not move; the ground board was moving on the water and reaching somewhere else. The phenomenon remained for brief time and then the ground plates again fixated with the other random plates. The team on the mountain was also alarmed. Whenever this happened; they got worried that perhaps the mountain may turn into several boards. Anything was possible and now they were clear why this island was facing this strange happening. The sole reason was the Volcanic Territory. Every time the ground plates moved; there on the other side of the Volcanic Territory and underneath of any active volcano, a big event caused the Angry Dales lost its complex ground structure. 

So when the big volcano goes angry then the Angry Dales faces the consequences. It was the price of living near the frantic neighbor. As for the concern whether the island would collapse or not depended on the circumstances. It was not entirely impossible though however the island was strangely related to the Volcanic Territory so it highly likely that Volcanic Territory would bear to loss the neighbor ever. The force of the basic ground plates would not let this happen in near future. 

But the monster might not let the Nest stay here for longer. They want the whole island without any other ruling it. There was difference of certain amount of time between the next phenomenon to appear and the monsters were aware of it so they planned to throw all the team members of the Nest in the water once for all. The depth of the water and the furious waves would wash away the hunters instantly as soon as they fell. It was not just daydream of the monsters. They would make it sure to not let them swim back on ground. 

The foolproof plan needed one last thorough check until the next phenomenon happens. They would use the interval time in injuring them after mutual attack. A level six hunter could swim under the water for minimum one hour but a wounded hunter cannot maintain it with the fact that the waste of blood cannot be stopped during struggle of life. Qiao felt the silence in the surrounding as soon as the ground plates shook and joined habitually. The monster of the Angry Dales rarely disturb or stop the travelers for the reason that they knew the travelers would be dead in the next island from where the monsters migrated. 

It was not easy to go through the hellish heat of the volcanoes. So they usually let go the travelers. "Now we need to search Wuza." Qiao voiced awkward. The huntress was still grabbing his chest. Lowa held her head up and then looked around. "It is gone?" she asked to confirm. "It is indeed and stop behaving like a spoiled brat." He directly looked in her eyes and warned in his grim tone. 

"I was" Lowa turned aside and Qiao moved to observe the surrounding. They were not at the previous place and have no clue as to how they could find Wuza. The direction of the wind was the same perhaps their own position changed with the phenomenon. Qiao spotted a small rock and walked on it to assess the surrounding. He could see a big mountain at his left side. "I think we should travel toward this mountain." Qiao spoke. Even if they could not find the Nest; they probably could find clue of their direction and where to move. 


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